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Where to Place Alice du Pont Mandevilla Vine for Perfect Feng Shui

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Exotic vines bringing vibrant colour to your home, tropical Mandevilla are climbing evergreen perennials which can, when cared for correctly, be grown as houseplants in the right spot.

Mandevilla, also known as Rocktrumpet, are evergreen, perennial vines which come from the tropics of Central and South America. As tropical plants, they cannot thrive outside in cooler temperate areas. However, they can be grown as houseplants in the UK by those who are able to provide the right conditions and put in the requisite care.

This genus is in the Apocynaceae plant family. It was named after the British gardener and diplomat Henry Mandeville who lived between 1773 and 1861.

The reason Mandevilla may be the right option is that when provided with the right conditions, they can be large and dramatic conservatory plants, with vigorous vines metres long – bearing large, beautiful and numerous trumpet-shaped flowers.

According to Thomas O’Rourke from Horticulture Magazine: “Flowers are sometimes strongly scented and will bloom some time between May and October – often for a period of several months. The flowers can be in a range of different colours – usually pink, red, yellow or white.”

Incorporating plants into your home is a great way to enhance the flow of positive energy and invite harmony into your living space. When it comes to Feng Shui strategic placement of plants like the Alice du Pont mandevilla vine can help balance energy and promote health, prosperity and happiness. As a climbing vine prized for its vibrant pink blooms and lush foliage the Alice du Pont mandevilla is an excellent Feng Shui plant. Read on as we explore the best places to position this vine in your home or garden for optimal Feng Shui benefits.

Native to tropical regions of Central and South America, the Alice du Pont mandevilla is a flowering evergreen vine belonging to the Apocynaceae family. It is known for its large, trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom from spring through fall in captivating shades of pink, red and white. The glossy green leaves provide a perfect backdrop for the abundant flowers. With its twining growth habit, this vine does well in containers, hanging baskets and climbing up trellises or arbors. The vibrant blooms and cascading foliage make it a stunning focal point.

Overview of Feng Shui Principles for Plants

In Feng Shui, placement of plants and other elements is based on Bagua maps aligned with the eight cardinal and intermediate directions Each direction is associated with different aspects of life North promotes personal journeys and career. Northeast governs wisdom and spirituality. Southeast influences family, health and abundance. South represents fame and reputation. Southwest affects relationships and marriage. Northwest enhances helpful mentors and friends. West boosts creativity and children. Northeast brings knowledge and self-cultivation.

Optimal Feng Shui Locations for Alice du Pont Mandevilla Vine

Here are some recommended spots to place your Alice du Pont mandevilla vine for enhancing specific areas of your life:

Southeast Corner

The Southeast corner of your home or garden energizes the wood element associated with health, prosperity and nurturing energy. The vibrant pink blooms of the mandevilla vine in this area promote passion and vitality.

Living Room

Position your mandevilla vine in the living room to invite harmony and connection among family members. The lush foliage and colorful flowers foster togetherness


Welcoming guests with this showy vine by your entryway creates an uplifting impression. The bright blooms beckon positive energy into your home.

South/Southwest Zone

Areas connected to the south and southwest energize fire and fame. The abundance of flowers amplifies passion and recognition when placed here.

Office Space

The positive energy from the mandevilla vine enhances focus, creativity and motivation when positioned in home offices or study areas.


In the bedroom, this plant brings relaxation and tranquility. Place it where you can view the calming beauty while preparing for restful sleep.


Humid bathrooms are ideal for providing the moisture mandevilla vines need to thrive. Bring vibrant energy into this space.


Outdoors, position your vine in containers on balconies, patios or in gardens to create an uplifting oasis surrounded by natural beauty.

Tips for Caring for Your Mandevilla Vine

To ensure your Alice du Pont mandevilla vine thrives in optimal Feng Shui placements, provide proper care:

  • Place in bright indirect sunlight, avoiding direct hot sun

  • Water thoroughly when top inch of soil is dry. Avoid overwatering.

  • Maintain temperatures of 65-80°F. Protect from drafts.

  • Feed with balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during growing season.

  • Prune back overgrown vines to encourage fullness.

  • Mist frequently to increase humidity around the vine.

  • Check for pests like aphids, scale, mealybugs and treat organically.

Strategically placing the gorgeous and versatile Alice du Pont mandevilla vine according to Feng Shui principles can enhance energy flow and introduce vibrant harmony to your living spaces. Assess the locations in your home connected to aspects of life you want to enrich, then thoughtfully position this stunning plant. With its lush tropical foliage and bountiful pink blooms, the Alice du Pont mandevilla vine infuses spaces with joyful energy when incorporated mindfully based on Feng Shui wisdom.

where to place alice du pont mandevilla vine for perfect feng shui

Alice Dupont Mandevilla


Where is the best place to plant a mandevilla?

Where should I plant mandevilla? Plant mandevilla in full sun in the ground in zones 9 to 11 but in pots as an annual in cooler regions.

Is mandevilla a good indoor plant?

In the Garden Unfortunately, mandevillas are tropical plants and can’t withstand temperatures much below 50 degrees. If you want to keep your mandevilla alive over the winter, bring it inside as a houseplant during the cold season.

What do mandevilla attract?

They Attract Pollinators Hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees appreciate the nectar-filled, tube-shaped flowers of both vining and mounding mandevilla varieties. Plant some and you can feel good about helping pollinators and decorating your yard.

Can you bring a mandevilla in the house?

If you wish to bring it in to grow as a houseplant in winter, start by cutting the plant back a bit. This will decrease the leaf loss you see inside and help prime some new growth that’s better adapted to indoor conditions. Many people give their plant a preventative treatment to help keep pests from coming inside.

What is a Mandevilla X amabilis ‘Alice du Pont’?

The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. Very popular, Mandevilla x amabilis ‘Alice du Pont’ is a semi-evergreen, woody, twining climber with sprays of up to 20 large, bright icy pink, funnel-shaped flowers, up to 4 in. across (10 cm), with a deep red throat.

What is a Mandevilla vine?

Mandevilla vine, with its vibrant flowers and glossy leaves, is a stunning tropical climber that can add a splash of color to any garden. This plant is known for its ease of care and fast growth. It prefers warm climates and can reach heights of up to 10 feet.

What is a showy Mandevilla vine?

Showy mandevilla vine is a classic South Florida favorite that says Home Sweet Home. Available in many colors and varieties, it blossoms most during warm months. No matter where it’s planted, this vine takes center stage with large trumpet-shaped flowers and deep green foliage.

Can a Mandevilla vine cover a trellis?

It’s probably too small a vine to cover a large trellis or arbor but will do well on a smaller trellis, post or fence railing. It even works in a hanging basket or as a small viney shrub. One of the biggest attributes of this beautiful vine is that it will flower in more shaded areas than the rest of the mandevillas.

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