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How to Get Rid of Thrips in Alii Ficus Trees – A Complete Guide

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Ficus Alii is a beautiful perennial ornamental fig and can be a terrific addition to your houseplant collection. This plant is known for its deep green and bushy foliage. The long, narrow, and willowy leaves give it a classy look. The glossy gaze on the greenery makes it more eye-catching. With its growth, the Ficus Alii may divulge a very thick trunk with pronounced beautiful variegation, giving it a palm-like appearance.

This striking plant is called Banana Leaf Fig due to its lean verdures. Other names of the plant are Ficus Maclellandii and Ficus Binnendiijkii. The plant makes a bold statement in any bright room. The Ficus Alii is originally from Malaysia and India.

The Alii ficus tree, also known as Ficus binnendiijkii ‘Alii’, is a popular indoor plant known for its graceful, cascading branches and lush green foliage However, these beautiful trees can fall victim to thrips – tiny winged insects that feed on plant sap and cause stunted growth, discolored leaves, and other issues. If you suspect your Alii ficus has a thrips infestation, don’t worry – there are several effective methods to get rid of these pesky bugs and restore your plant’s health

Identifying a Thrips Infestation

The first step is confirming that thrips are indeed attacking your Alii ficus. Here are some signs to look for:

  • Small black or brown insects on the undersides of leaves
  • Silvery scars on leaves and buds from thrips feeding
  • Curled, distorted, or wrinkled leaves
  • Stunted new growth

Gently shake a branch over a sheet of white paper. If tiny, slender insects are knocked loose, you likely have thrips. You may need a magnifying glass to see them properly, as they are less than 1/25″ long.

Remove Heavily Infested Areas

If certain parts of the Alii ficus, such as a few branches, are very heavily infested, prune those portions off This can eliminate a large portion of the thrips population. Discard the cuttings immediately so the thrips don’t spread.

Apply Neem Oil

Neem oil is an organic pesticide that can smother and kill thrips while being safe for most plants. Purchase pure neem oil and dilute it according to label instructions. Thoroughly spray the Alii ficus, including the undersides of leaves and crevices in the bark where thrips hide. Reapply every 1-2 weeks until the infestation clears. The oil’s residual effects will also deter future thrips.

Use Insecticidal Soap

Insecticidal soaps designed for houseplants are another effective natural thrips treatment. The soap disrupts the structure of the thrips’ exoskeleton and kills them on contact. Spray the soap liberally over your entire Alii ficus every 5-7 days until thrips are gone. Make sure to hit the undersides of leaves.

Apply Systemic Insecticide

Systemic insecticides are absorbed by the plant and make its tissues and sap toxic to feeding thrips. Imidacloprid is one commonly used for houseplants. Apply it to the Alii ficus’s soil according to label directions. The insecticide will be taken up by the roots and protect the plant from the inside out. Protection can last for several weeks. Systemics do not harm beneficial insects like ladybugs.

Use Sticky Traps

Hang yellow or blue sticky traps around your Alii ficus to capture adult thrips. The traps lure them in with color and get them stuck on the adhesive surface. While traps alone won’t resolve an infestation, they help monitor thrips activity and remove some adults from the population.

Apply Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a naturally occurring powder made of fossilized algae that damages small insects’ exoskeletons and kills them through dehydration. Dust a thin layer of food-grade DE onto the top layer of your Alii ficus’s soil and all over the plant’s leaves and branches. Reapply after rain or watering. DE is non-toxic for humans and pets.

Use Beneficial Insects

Natural predators like minute pirate bugs, lacewings, and predatory mites will feed on thrips and help control their numbers. You can order these beneficials from garden supply companies and release them onto your infested Alii ficus. They will take care of the thrips without any sprays or chemicals.

Adjust Watering Habits

Excess moisture on plants creates optimal breeding conditions for thrips. Allow the Alii ficus to dry out more between waterings. Water only when the top inch or two of soil is dry. Improving soil drainage will also help decrease moisture.

Isolate the Plant

Quarantine the infested Alii ficus from other houseplants to prevent thrips from spreading. Keep it in a separate room or placed far away from other plants. Disinfect any gardening tools used on the affected ficus before using on other plants. Monitor nearby plants carefully for signs of thrips.

Use Reflective Mulch

Spreading reflective mulch like aluminum foil around the base of the Alii ficus can deter thrips from reaching the plant to feed and breed. The reflected light disturbs them. Replace the foil monthly as it degrades.

Practice Good Sanitation

Remove any fallen leaves, flowers, and debris from around the Alii ficus. Thrips like to hide in plant litter. Regularly prune the ficus to promote optimal growth and make it less hospitable for thrips. Disinfect gardening tools and gloves between uses.

Monitor for Reinfestation

Keep a close eye on your Alii ficus for any recurrence of thrips, especially along the veins on the undersides of leaves. Their populations can rebuild quickly. At the first sign of reinfestation, act fast to treat the plant before thrips get established again. Consistent monitoring and follow-up treatments will help avoid repeated infestations.

Thrips are persistent pests, but don’t let them get the upper hand against your Alii ficus. With the right combination of organic and chemical treatments, along with diligent plant care and monitoring, you can successfully eliminate thrips and maintain a gorgeous, healthy ficus tree. Which control methods have you found most effective against thrips? Let us know in the comments!

how to get rid of thrips in alii ficus tree

Light Requirements for Banana Leaf Fig

This Ficus plant prefers bright and indirect sunlight. Although it can do well in medium to low light, but the growth slows down, which you won’t like as a plant parent. Though the plant loves bright light, keep it away from direct sun, or it will burn its foliage. The best location for this fig is the east-facing window, where it can receive appropriate light for its growth. As the plant grows in the direction of the light, the weekly rotation will maintain its shape.

This hardy plant can thrive well in normal household conditions. However, it prefers above-average humidity levels between 60% to 80%. If an environment is too dry, try increasing the humidity by misting the plant regularly, or installing a humidifier will also work. If the plant isn’t provided with the required humidity, it can result in slow growth, brown leaf tips, and leaf loss.

Coming to the temperature, the plant is relatively tolerant to temperature fluctuations. The ideal temperature range for its growth is 60⁰ F to 80⁰ F, but the temperature shouldn’t drop below 45F. Never place the plant near a heater or AC; sudden and frequent variations in temperature can also affect the plant’s growth.

Periodic pruning and maintenance are required for the Ficus Alii plant as it can grow tall. Additionally, prune dead, damaged, and discolored leaves regularly to maintain the plant’s appearance and shape. The ideal time for trimming is the early spring season. Always use sharp and sterilized shears and scissors for the plant’s clipping.

Regular cleaning of leaves using a shine and cleaner spray prevents pest attacks and maintains the foliage radiant.

How do you care for Ficus Alii?

This plant has gained popularity because it adapts well to the indoor environment. This Ficus variety is very forgiving and tolerant, unlike its cousins. Although it can tolerate low light and adjust to any environment, it also needs care and attention like all other houseplants.

Ficus Alii appreciates moist soil, but it doesn’t like overwatering. This plant needs bright but indirect light to flourish; therefore, always put it in a location where it can receive plenty of light. Though it can adjust to low temperatures, the ideal healthy growth temperature ranges from 60°F-80°F.

Ficus Alii is easy to care for and a perfect beginner phenomenal houseplant. Keep reading this care guide for the Banana Leaf plant, especially if you are a newbie.

While Ficus Alii is a low-maintenance plant and isn’t fussy about watering, it doesn’t like sitting in water. So be careful about the watering frequency of the plant; allow the water to get soaked in the soil and dry out, then water again. After watering, make sure to drain excess water. This Ficus plant likes a reduced watering frequency in winter compared to the warm season.

Overwatering may cause the leaves to turn yellow, which makes them unattractive. Whereas brown leaf tips are a sign of underwatering; therefore, it’s better to water it in intervals. First, wait until the soil is completely dry, then water it again. Soil moisture can be accurately measured using a moisture meter, helping to establish a perfect watering scheme for your plant.

Get Rid Of Thrips FAST! How To Treat + Prevent Thrips On Plants ❌


How to get rid of thrips on Ficus?

Put your plant in the shower or sink and spray it down with lukewarm water. Gently lather it with Dawn dish soap (it’s gentle) or an insecticidal soap. Be sure to get the undersides of leaves and the stems. Leave the soap on for 30 minutes or so and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

What instantly kills thrips?

Greenhouse thrips is readily controlled with thorough application of contact sprays such as horticultural oil, natural pyrethrins (plus piperonyl butoxide), or insecticidal soaps to the underside of infested leaves.

What is the best spray for thrips?

Neem Oil is an effective knockdown spray and one of the best sprays for garden thrips control. It can be used prior to releasing beneficial insects and suppresses foliar diseases like powdery mildew.

What are the pests of the ficus alii?

Pests. Like all other houseplants, Ficus Alii can also be attacked by pests. Common pests that can damage this plant are mealy bugs, scales, and white flies.

How do thrips affect Ficus leaves?

Thrips are sucking insects, and their feeding habits damage mature leaves. Your ficus’s leaf surfaces will develop bleached areas and young leaves may be deformed. Extensive thrip damage will cause leaves to wilt, dehydrate and drop. The varnish-like excrement inhibits transpiration, further stressing your plant.

Are Ficus alii easy to care for?

The Ficus Alii is very easy to care for, and they require much less care than their cousins. Although it is not a finicky plant, if the Ficus Alii doesn’t get enough water, it will start to shed its leaves. Being that this is not a plant you will find in nature if you are interested in adding one to your collection you will need to plan ahead.

Do Ficus alii plants droop?

Under watered Ficus Alii plants will cause brittle leaves while one that is getting too much water will start to droop. It is easy to care for in every other regard. It is a good idea to repot your larger plants every other year. This is also a great time to consider propagating your ficus.

How do you get rid of black thrips on a fig tree?

Follow the package directions. Spray the plants twice, three days apart, and the thrips should disappear. For fruit trees: Spray dormant oil on the trees. As a last resort, dust the undersides of leaves with diatomaceous earth. Black thrips and thrip damage on a fig tree.

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