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How to Get Rid of Destructive Borers on Your Beloved Alii Ficus Tree

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If you’re a proud owner of an elegant Alii Ficus tree, you know how this popular houseplant can add grace and beauty to any indoor or outdoor space. However, your prized Alii Ficus can fall victim to a common pest – the dreaded borer. Borers are insects that bore into tree trunks and branches, causing extensive damage. If left unchecked, a borer infestation can even kill your beloved Alii Ficus!

Not to worry – in this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how to identify, treat, and prevent destructive borer attacks on your Alii Ficus tree. We’ll share both effective natural remedies and stronger chemical treatments. With the right techniques, you can get rid of borers and maintain the good health of your stunning Alii Ficus.

Recognizing a Borer Infestation

The first step is learning to spot the signs of borers on your Alii Ficus tree Here are the top symptoms to look out for

  • Small holes in the trunk or branches, possibly with sap or sawdust oozing out. These are borer entry points.

  • Wilting yellowing leaves especially on certain sections of the tree. This can indicate borer damage.

  • Dead or dying branches with no leaves. Severe borer infestations cause branch dieback.

  • Presence of adult borers around the tree, either flying or resting on the bark.

  • Sections of bark detaching from the trunk or branches. Underneath, you may find burrows or tunnels.

Thoroughly inspect your Alii Ficus from time to time to catch borers early. The sooner treatment begins, the less damage they’ll inflict. Don’t ignore the warning signs!

Eliminating Borers Naturally

For mild to moderate infestations, natural and DIY remedies can effectively get rid of borers without using harsh chemicals. Here are smart natural solutions:

Prune Out Infested Areas

Pruning away affected parts of the plant is an age-old treatment for borers. Using clean, sterilized pruners, cut off any borer-infested branches all the way down to healthy wood. Properly dispose of the cuttings so borers don’t spread.

Apply Neem Oil

Pure neem oil is a botanical insecticide that smothers and kills borer larvae. Dilute according to package directions and spray on affected trunk/branch areas. The oil coats the plant and makes it undesirable to borers. Reapply weekly.

Use Insecticidal Soap

Like neem oil, insecticidal soap kills larvae through contact. Mix a solution per product instructions and directly spray entry holes, tunnels, and affected branches. The soap also removes the waxy coating on insects. Reapply every 5-7 days until borers are gone.

Try Beneficial Nematodes

These microscopic worms are natural borer predators. Apply nematodes near borer-damaged roots or trunks. The worms tunnel into wood seeking larvae to feast on. They’re safe for plants and repeat the process until borers are fully eradicated.

Make DIY Sprays

Homemade sprays using ingredients like garlic, onion, chili pepper, and dish soap can deter, repel, or kill borers. Blend equal parts vegetable oil and dish soap with lots of crushed garlic and onions. Strain and spray onto infested trunks or branches. The strong scent drives borers away!

Stronger Chemical Controls for Severe Cases

For major borer infestations, natural treatments alone may not be sufficient. In these cases, certain chemical products can eliminate heavy borer populations. Always carefully read and follow all label instructions when using pesticides! Here are some options:

  • Insecticidal tree implants – These provide 1-2 years of borer control. Small capsules are inserted into new drill holes in the trunk, where they slowly release insecticide internally to kill larvae. Have a professional arborist handle this treatment.

  • Systemic insecticides – Applied as drenches, injections, or tablets buried at the base of the tree. These are taken up by the roots and circulated throughout, allowing the insecticide to reach borers inside wood. Products include Imidacloprid and Dinotefuran.

  • Trunk injection – Insecticides are injected directly into the vascular system of the tree using specialized equipment. This internal treatment effectively reaches hidden borers. Common injected insecticides are Abamectin and Emamectin Benzoate. Professionals can provide trunk injections.

  • Trunk sprays – Heavy-duty spray-on pesticides for full trunk/branch coverage. Carbaryl and Permethrin are examples – do not apply these sprays on edible plants! Follow instructions vigilantly. Improper use can damage the Alii Ficus.

For any chemical treatments, hiring a certified arborist is recommended. They have the expertise and tools to minimize risks to you, your Alii Ficus, and the environment.

Stopping Borers Before They Start

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to borer pests. Here are pro tips to help keep borers away from your Alii Ficus:

  • Maintain proper care -Ensure your Alii Ficus gets adequate sunlight, water, drainage, nutrients, and general TLC. Healthy trees resist pests better.

  • Inspect regularly – Monitor your tree, especially the trunk and branches, for early signs of borers. Catch infestations before they proliferate.

  • Control climate – Avoid excess heat or cold around your Alii Ficus. Monitor humidity as well. Extremes weaken the tree, making it borer-prone.

  • Practice cleanliness – Keep the area around your Alii Ficus free of weeds, fallen leaves/debris. Eliminate places where borers can hide and breed.

  • Quarantine new plants – Check any new plant introductions thoroughly for pests before placing them near your Alii Ficus. This prevents spread.

  • Use preventative treatments – On valuable trees, apply protective trunk sprays like Permethrin in early spring before borers are active. This repels the adults from laying eggs.

With vigilance and early intervention, you can protect your precious Alii Ficus tree from destruction by invasive borer pests. Don’t allow these insects to damage the investment you’ve put into nurturing your Alii Ficus. Implement control and prevention methods as soon as you notice those telltale signs of borers.

Your beloved Alii Ficus provides tranquility, privacy, property value, and oxygen – don’t lose it to boring borers! With the right knowledge and techniques, you can successfully rid your Alii Ficus of these troubling insects. Here’s to once again enjoying the grace and beauty of your healthy, borer-free Alii Ficus tree.

how to get rid of borers on alii ficus tree

How To Treat Tree Borers.


Can a tree with borers be saved?

By the time fine wood shavings accumulate on branches and at the base of a tree, the tree can no longer be rescued. Insect borers have already eaten most of the living tissue beneath the bark that moves water and nutrients throughout the tree.

What is the best remedy against borers?

Systemic insecticides applied via trunk injection, basal bark sprays, or as a soil drench are effective against flatheaded borers and they may be the only practical method for treating tall trees.

How to get rid of fig borers?

Your best bet is to prevent fig tree borers by keeping your plant healthy and enclosing the base of the tree with a ring of fine mesh netting about 2 inches (5 cm.) away from the bark. This will prevent adults from depositing their eggs and can break the insect’s life cycle if you are vigilant.

Are Ficus alii easy to care for?

The Ficus Alii is very easy to care for, and they require much less care than their cousins. Although it is not a finicky plant, if the Ficus Alii doesn’t get enough water, it will start to shed its leaves. Being that this is not a plant you will find in nature if you are interested in adding one to your collection you will need to plan ahead.

How to propagate Ficus alii?

The propagation of Ficus Alii is possible at home, but it can be a bit difficult for beginners. However, the plant can be propagated through stem cuttings and air layering. Both methods are equally successful. Select a healthy plant branch with a couple of leaves. Cut that branch using a sharp knife or scissors.

Do Ficus alii plants droop?

Under watered Ficus Alii plants will cause brittle leaves while one that is getting too much water will start to droop. It is easy to care for in every other regard. It is a good idea to repot your larger plants every other year. This is also a great time to consider propagating your ficus.

What is a Ficus binnendijkii ‘alii’?

Ficus Binnendijkii ‘Alii’ (Long Leafed Weeping Fig) boasts glossy long leaves with a canopy reminiscent of a willow tree. A newer culitvar, the Ficus Alii can be a bit finicky like its cousin Ficus Benjamina, you may need to adjust their care from time to time.

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