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An Overview of the Different Varieties of Alii Ficus Trees

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The Alii ficus is one of the most popular indoor tree varieties for use as a houseplant With its elegant slender leaves and forgiving nature, it’s easy to see why the Alii ficus has become a mainstay in many homes. But did you know there are actually several different varieties of Alii ficus to choose from? Each has its own distinctive features Here’s an overview of some of the most common types of Alii ficus trees.

Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii’

This is the classic Alii ficus tree and the one most commonly found in stores and referred to by the popular name. It has long, narrow leaves that can reach up to 10 inches in length The leaves emerge in a bright lime green and darken as they mature This variety can grow quite large, up to 10 feet tall indoors. It’s a slender tree with a upright, columnar shape.

Ficus ‘Amstel King’

Amstel King is a patented cultivar developed from the classic Alii ficus It produces slightly larger leaves and an overall bushier growth habit The leaves are a darker green compared to regular Alii. It was bred to be more cold tolerant. Amstel King shares all the same care requirements as a regular Alii ficus.

Ficus ‘Amstel Gold’

If you like the look of variegated leaves, Amstel Gold offers a beautiful variegated form of Alii ficus. The leaves are bordered with yellow and white accents. The variegation gives the tree a very bright, eye-catching look. Growers need to be aware that variegated plants like more light in order to maintain their patterning.

Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii Silver’

Silver Alii is characterized by its lighter, silver-green leaves, as opposed to the deeper emerald green of the regular Alii. It also tends to have more delicately textured foliage. Silver Alii tends to form a plant with more width, so it takes up a bit more horizontal space than the traditional columnar Alii ficus shape.

Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii Petite’

A relatively new introduction, Alii Petite offers a more compact version of this favorite houseplant tree. It has all the same handsome leaves but only grows to about 5 feet tall at maturity. This makes it perfect for smaller spaces where the full-size Alii would overwhelm the room.

Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii Gold’

This beautiful variety emerges with golden yellow juvenile foliage that transforms to chartreuse and then to the typical dark Alii green as the leaves mature. The coloration is brightest on new growth. Alii Gold shares all the same attributes as the original Alii ficus.

Braided Alii Ficus

Braiding is a technique used to force ficus trees to grow in a braided pattern by twisting multiple trunks together. It is most commonly done with the Alii variety because of its tall, slender growth habit. Braiding also helps keep the overall height lower but retain the elegant style these trees are known for.

Weeping Alii Ficus

Weeping refers to the tree’s growth habit. While Alii ficus naturally wants to grow upright, it can be trained into a weeping or cascading form with staking. This gives the tree a very dramatic, flowing appearance. Weeping Alii ficus make beautiful hanging plants or focal points in a large room.

Variegated Alii Ficus

As mentioned already with Amstel Gold, variegated Alii ficus varieties add visual interest with their patterned leaves marked with yellow, white, or cream. They come in many different patterns from thin borders to heavy striping and color concentrations. Provide enough light to maintain the variegation.

Alii Ficus Bonsai

The Alii ficus lends itself well to being trained as a bonsai specimen. Bonsai is the art of aesthetically training and pruning a tree to maintain its small size and desired shape. Alii ficuses are often used because their naturally slender growth habit mimics the look of a full-size tree, even at bonsai scale.


As you can see, there are many different forms of the beloved Alii ficus tree to explore beyond just the classic original. Colors, shapes, sizes, and growth habits all provide options to find the perfect Alii ficus plant for your unique space and decor. Whether you want something tall and columnar, short and compact, brightly variegated or muted silver-green, there’s an Alii ficus to suit your personal taste.

Frequency of Entities:
Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii’: 11
Ficus ‘Amstel King’: 3
Ficus ‘Amstel Gold’: 2
Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii Silver’: 2
Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii Petite’: 2
Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii Gold’: 2
Braided Alii Ficus: 2
Weeping Alii Ficus: 2
Variegated Alii Ficus: 2
Alii Ficus Bonsai: 2

what are the different types of alii ficus tree

What are the light requirements of Ficus Alii Trees?

Ficus Alii Trees trees require bright, direct light for several hours a day. A western or southern window will provide enough light to keep these trees happy. Outdoors, the trees can handle full sun to part shade. Any change in light conditions will cause weeping figs to drop their leaves and regrow new leaves.

What type of fertilizer should I use for my Ficus Alii Trees?

We recommend that you use any all-purpose foliage fertilizer for your Ficus Alii Trees. Any type of fertilizer that offers nutrients that help your tree transition to a new environment would be helpful. Remember that these trees can drop their leaves when they first enter a new environment. However, they will quickly produce new and healthy foliage as they adjust. Keep in mind that weeping figs like a regular fertilizing schedule to encourage new growth and branching. Be sure to avoid fertilizing your tree during its growth dormancy period in the winter. Fertilizing during this time could cause more harm than good.

Ficus Alii plant care tips


What is an Alii standard Ficus?

Alii Standard Ficus is commonly known as the banana leaf fig. The long, slender leaves set up a professional and classy look for your space. The Ficus plant is a much-loved and famed ornamental plant.

What are Ficus Alii called?

The Ficus Alii (Ficus maclellandii), commonly called the Banana leaf fig for the long and slender shape of its leaves, is a species native to southeastern Asia, India, and China.

Are there different types of ficus trees?

A ficus tree, belonging to the genus Ficus, is a diverse family of over 800 species, ranging from woody trees to shrubs and vines. Many are popular as indoor plants due to their attractive foliage and ability to thrive indoors.

How big do Ficus Alii grow?

Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii’ is a cultivar of Ficus maclellandii which is native to India, Southeast Asia and China, where it can grow to huge sizes. In your home Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii’ can grow to upwards of ten feet tall, making it a real center piece!

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