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How Much Oxygen Does the Alii Ficus Tree Produce? A Closer Look at This Houseplant’s Air Purifying Abilities

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With its gracefully cascading branches and lush green foliage, it’s no wonder the Alii Ficus tree has become a popular houseplant choice. But beyond its ornamental appeal, this ficus variety is also valued for its ability to purify indoor air. A key question many plant parents have is just how much oxygen their Alii Ficus produces. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the air cleaning capabilities of the Alii Ficus tree.

The Alii Ficus, also referred to as the Banana Leaf Fig, is a variety of ficus tree native to tropical regions of Asia and Australia. It features long, slender green leaves that emerge in pairs along arching stems. Given proper care, this fast-growing plant can reach heights of 10-15 feet indoors.

One of the reasons the Alii Ficus makes such a good houseplant is its ability to adapt well to indoor environments. It thrives in medium to bright, indirect light and does fine in average household temperatures and humidity levels. It also tolerates dry air better than other ficus varieties.

The Alii Ficus as an Air Purifier

All plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis This makes houseplants natural air purifiers. The Alii Ficus filters indoor air through

  • Absorbing toxins and impurities through its leaves.

  • Releasing oxygen into the surrounding environment.

  • Increasing humidity levels.

This makes it a great choice for improving air quality indoors. But exactly how much oxygen does this popular houseplant produce?

Estimating Oxygen Production of the Alii Ficus

It’s difficult to provide an exact amount of oxygen produced by a houseplant, as many factors impact production levels including

  • Size and maturity of the plant
  • Number of leaves
  • Amount of light received
  • Overall health

However, we can make reasonable estimates based on available research:

  • A young Alii Ficus with just a few leaves likely produces less than 1-3 ml of oxygen per hour.

  • A larger, more mature Alii Ficus may produce around 3-5 ml of oxygen per hour, similar to other medium-sized houseplants.

  • Very large and dense Alii Ficus specimens can produce up to 10 ml of oxygen per hour.

To put this in perspective, a typical adult human breathes around 550 ml of oxygen per minute during rest. So while the Alii Ficus does generate some oxygen, it cannot substitute for normal breathing.

Comparing Oxygen Production to Other Houseplants

How does the Alii Ficus compare to other houseplants in terms of oxygen production? Here are some estimates:

  • Small plants like ferns or philodendrons: 1-3 ml/hour
  • Medium plants like ficus trees, dracaenas: 3-5 ml/hour
  • Large leafy plants like palms, banana plants: 5-10 ml/hour
  • Very dense large plants like Devil’s Ivy: 10+ ml/hour

So the Alii Ficus falls into the medium range of oxygen generation for indoor plants. It cannot match the high production levels of more dense tropical plants, but exceeds smaller ferns and succulents.

Factors That Increase Oxygen Production

While we’ve provided average estimates, there are some key factors that can boost the Alii Ficus’ oxygen output:

  • Plant size – A larger plant with more leaves produces more oxygen.

  • Optimal growing conditions – Good lighting, water, and fertilization enhance photosynthesis.

  • Higher temperatures – Photosynthesis increases up to about 85°F.

  • Pruning and shaping – Promoting bushy, dense foliage increases leaf surface area.

So providing optimal care is key to maximizing your Alii Ficus’ oxygen generation.

Using Multiple Plants to Increase Oxygen Levels

A single Alii Ficus won’t significantly increase oxygen levels in an entire room. To meaningfully improve air quality, use multiple houseplants together. Some good companion plants include:

  • Other ficus varieties like the Rubber Plant or Weeping Fig.

  • Palm varieties like Parlour Palm, Bamboo Palm, or Kentia Palm.

  • Ferns like Boston Ferns or Kimberly Queens.

  • Peace Lilies, Snake Plants, and Philodendrons.

Placing groups of different houseplants together maximizes air purification for healthier indoor breathing.

Caring for Your Oxygen-Producing Alii Ficus

To ensure your Alii Ficus thrives and produces the most oxygen possible, provide:

  • Bright, indirect sunlight.

  • Average room temperatures around 65-80°F.

  • Moderate watering, allowing soil to partly dry out between waterings.

  • Humidity around 50-60% if possible.

  • A pot just larger than the root ball.

  • Balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks in spring and summer.

Giving your Alii Ficus proper care optimizes growth and oxygen generation.

While the Alii Ficus cannot act as a substitute for normal oxygen intake, it does benefit indoor air quality through its natural purification abilities. A mature, well-cared for Alii Ficus can generate around 3-10 ml of oxygen per hour. Combining groups of houseplants together has a greater impact. By understanding how this popular houseplant contributes oxygen and providing optimal care, you can help your Alii Ficus thrive while enhancing the air you breathe.

how much oxygen does alii ficus tree produce

Key Features of Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’

Ficus Alii stands out for several striking features, making it a sought-after choice for indoor greenery:

  • Height: This ficus variety can reach impressive heights of up to 10 feet or more when grown as a tree, adding a touch of grandeur to your indoor space.
  • Foliage: Alii boasts long, narrow, lance-shaped leaves that gracefully arch downward. The leaves are a rich, glossy green, providing a lush and tropical appearance.
  • Low Maintenance: Compared to some other ficus varieties, Alii is relatively low-maintenance, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts.
  • Air Purifying: Like many other ficus species, Alii is known for its air-purifying qualities, helping to improve indoor air quality by removing toxins and providing oxygen.
  • Adaptable: This ficus tolerates low to moderate light conditions, making it adaptable to a variety of indoor environments. However, it thrives in bright, indirect light.
  • Drought Tolerance: Alii is somewhat drought-tolerant, but it prefers consistent moisture, so its important not to let the soil dry out completely between waterings.

Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’ – The Graceful Indoor Tree

Ficus binnendijkii Alii, often referred to as the Alii fig or Amstel King, is a stunning indoor tree that adds an elegant touch to any interior space. With its slender, arching branches and glossy green foliage, this ficus cultivar is a popular choice among plant enthusiasts and interior decorators. In this description, we will explore the key characteristics and care requirements of Ficus binnendijkii Alii.

Ficus Alii care / All you need to know about Ficus Alii care ( ficus maclellandii )


Do ficus trees produce oxygen?

Ficus trees are well-known air purifiers. Like any indoor plant, they remove carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, but certain types of ficus plants, such as the rubber tree, are particularly effective at filtering toxins.

Which ficus tree gives oxygen 24 hours?

Peepal Tree Sacred fig or Ficus religious, peepal tree gives oxygen at night too. Native to India, the peepal tree is considered one of the holy trees that treat asthma and constipation. It acts as a remedy for tooth decay as well as a diabetes controller. Peepal tree gives oxygen 24 hours.

Do ficus trees purify air?

Also known as Weeping Fig or Ficus tree, Ficus Benjamina is very effective at purifying the air in your home. According to NASA’s Clean Air Study, this plant can depurate the air from formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

What tree produces the most oxygen?

In fact, a mature oak tree can produce, on average, 100,000 liters of oxygen a year. That’s about 274 liters of oxygen a day –– nearly half of what the average human needs in a day. Douglas fir, beech, spruce, and maple trees are among the trees that produce the most oxygen.

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