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Common Alii Ficus Tree Diseases: How to Identify and Treat Them

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Ficus Alii is a beautiful perennial ornamental fig and can be a terrific addition to your houseplant collection. This plant is known for its deep green and bushy foliage. The long, narrow, and willowy leaves give it a classy look. The glossy gaze on the greenery makes it more eye-catching. With its growth, the Ficus Alii may divulge a very thick trunk with pronounced beautiful variegation, giving it a palm-like appearance.

This striking plant is called Banana Leaf Fig due to its lean verdures. Other names of the plant are Ficus Maclellandii and Ficus Binnendiijkii. The plant makes a bold statement in any bright room. The Ficus Alii is originally from Malaysia and India.

The alii ficus, also known as Ficus maclellandii, is a popular indoor plant admired for its glossy, elegant foliage and low maintenance needs However, like any plant, alii ficus trees can fall victim to diseases if not cared for properly. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common alii ficus tree diseases, how to identify them, and effective treatment methods.

Overwatering Issues

Overwatering is one of the most common causes of diseases in alii ficus trees. Excess moisture in the soil leads to root rot, which manifests as yellowing, wilting, and eventual leaf drop. To check for root rot, gently remove the ficus from its pot and inspect the roots – healthy roots should be firm and white, while rotten ones appear dark brown or black and mushy.

To treat root rot, trim off any affected roots with sterilized pruners. Repot the ficus in fresh, well-draining soil and allow the plant to dry out between waterings. Improve drainage by using containers with holes and avoiding saucers under pots.

Fungal Diseases

Alii ficus trees are prone to several fungal diseases, especially when humidity is high:

  • Powdery mildew – Identified by a white powdery coating on leaves, stunted growth, and leaf drop. Improve air circulation and avoid overhead watering. Wipe leaves with a damp cloth and use antifungal sprays.

  • Anthracnose – Circular necrotic leaf spots that turn dark brown. Minimize overhead irrigation and use fungicides like mancozeb or iprodione.

  • Leaf spot – Dark circular leaf lesions that expand and cause leaf yellowing and drop Improve air flow, remove affected leaves, and use fungicides

  • Botrytis blight – Young leaves covered in fuzzy brown spots that spread rapidly. Raise temperatures, remove infected leaves, and use fungicides like iprodione.

  • Southern blight – White fungal mat on soil surface and plants. Discard diseased plants and use fungicides like PCNB or flutolanil.

Bacterial Infections

Bacterial diseases like pseudomonas, xanthomonas, and crown gall also affect alii ficus trees. Symptoms include angular leaf spots, galls on stems and roots, and leaf wilting. Use copper-based bactericides on a preventative basis. Sterilize tools between cuts and provide good air circulation.

Pest Problems

Insect pests like scales, mealybugs, and aphids can also weaken alii ficus trees and make them prone to diseases. Check regularly for bugs on the leaves and stems. Remove them manually and use insecticidal soaps or neem oil treatments.

Care Tips to Prevent Diseases

  • Water appropriately, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

  • Ensure the pot has drainage holes and use well-draining soil mixes.

  • Avoid overhead watering which spreads fungal spores.

  • Prune away dead or dying branches to prevent disease spread.

  • Sterilize pruning tools before each cut with rubbing alcohol.

  • Improve air circulation with proper spacing and fans.

  • Keep humidity levels below 60%.

  • Inspect new plants thoroughly for pests and diseases.

  • Use preventative fungicide and bactericide treatments.

  • Remove and destroy severely infected plants.

How to Identify Common Alii Ficus Tree Diseases

Identifying diseases accurately is crucial for effective treatment. Here’s what to look for with common alii ficus tree problems:

Root Rot

  • Wilting, yellowing, and leaf drop
  • Mushy, dark roots

Powdery Mildew

  • White powdery coating on leaves
  • Stunted growth


  • Circular brown leaf spots
  • Dark lesions with concentric rings

Leaf Spot

  • Angular dark spots on leaves
  • Leaf yellowing and drop

Botrytis Blight

  • Fuzzy brown spots on young leaves
  • Rapid spreading

Bacterial Infections

  • Water-soaked angular leaf spots
  • Leaf wilting
  • Stem/root galls


  • Presence of insects like scales, aphids, or mealybugs
  • Honeydew residue
  • Distorted growth

When to Seek Expert Help

While many alii ficus tree diseases can be treated at home with proper care, some require professional diagnosis and treatment. Seek help from plant health experts if you notice:

  • Rapid spreading of disease symptoms
  • Multiple trees affected
  • Presence of unfamiliar pests
  • No improvement despite treatment
  • Large galls or cankers on stems/roots
  • Significant leaf loss and plant decline

Experts can identify less common diseases through lab testing. They also have access to more potent fungicides and bactericides for severe outbreaks. Don’t delay in consulting professionals if home treatments fail to cure your alii ficus tree diseases.

Like any houseplant, alii ficus trees can succumb to diseases like root rot, fungal leaf spots, pest damage, and more. Carefully inspect new plants and take proactive care measures like proper watering, sterilizing tools, and improving air flow. Identify diseases accurately based on visual symptoms. Remove affected plant parts, treat with appropriate fungicides/bactericides, and improve cultural practices. Seek expert help for aggressive or unidentified diseases. With quick identification and treatment, most alii ficus tree problems can be successfully managed.

common alii ficus tree diseases how to identify and treat

Repotting Amstel King plant

The Ficus Alii likes to be root bound and needs repotting every after 2 to 3 years. When the roots start to bulge out from the pot, it’s the ideal time to repot your Ficus Alii and the perfect season is spring.

  • Before repotting, take a next-sized container having drainage holes in it.
  • Hydrate the plant 24 hours before transplant to reduce relocation shock.
  • Take the plant out of the pot and inspect the soil and roots for diseases and pests.
  • In case of pests and root rot, remove the affected areas before moving the plant to a new container.

After transplanting the plant into a new planter, water it thoroughly and place it in a bright, ventilated space.

The propagation of Ficus Alii is possible at home, but it can be a bit difficult for beginners. However, the plant can be propagated through stem cuttings and air layering. Both methods are equally successful.

  • Select a healthy plant branch with a couple of leaves.
  • Cut that branch using a sharp knife or scissors. The branch should be 4 to 6 inches long.
  • Dip the cutting end in a rooting hormone and plant it in a container with fresh soil.
  • Keep it in a bright location with indirect sunlight and water it thoroughly. The new roots will emerge in a few weeks, and the plant’s growth will start.

Alternatively, the branch can be kept in water for root development. Keep the water jar in a humid place, such as the kitchen, and wait for the roots to come out. In 2 to 4 weeks, the cutting will grow roots and plant the cutting in a pot with preferred potting soil. Water the plant regularly and put it in a bright space for fast growth.

Soil requirements for Ficus Alii

The Ficus Alii isn’t too picky about the potting mix; however, ensuring a well-draining, nutrient-rich, aerated soil will do wonders. The soil shall not get waterlogged, and the container shall have adequate drainage holes. This plant is happy in the potting soil that maintains a PH between 6.0 to 6.5.

Our optimally formulated soil mix is ideal for Ficus plants and will provide all the necessary soil features to boost your Ficus Alii health.

The Banana Fig needs regular feeding for its healthy growth; therefore, it is recommended to fertilize the plant once a month. Use our balanced all-purpose liquid fertilizer in the growing season, summer and spring. This plant doesn’t like being fertilized in the colder winter and fall months. Ficus Alii is sensitive to boron; consequently, avoid a fertilizer with chemical boron.

Ficus Alii care : Pests and diseases / Ficus Alii or Maclellandii


How do you treat a ficus tree with a disease?

If bacterial leaf spot is the problem, remove and discard all infected foliage and refrain from watering the leaves. Treat both anthracnose and branch dieback with a copper-based fungicide; prune away the affected foliage and water only when the top 2 inches of soil are dry to the touch.

What is the disease in the Ficus Alii?

What diseases or pests affect Ficus Alii ? Root rot – root rot is caused when the soil is too wet for a long period of time. The first sign of root rot in your Ficus is that it drops its leaves without any warning.

How do I get rid of fungus on my ficus tree?

To prevent Anthracnose fungus on a Ficus, make sure you water directly into the soil and don’t mist the leaves if they are already damp. Once the fungus develops, apply a fungicide to the plant until it clears us and remove any infected leaves.

What are the pests of the Ficus Alii?

Pests. Like all other houseplants, Ficus Alii can also be attacked by pests. Common pests that can damage this plant are mealy bugs, scales, and white flies.

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