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Alocasia Polly Plant Care Guide: Tips and Tricks for Healthy Growth

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Discover the secrets to caring for your Alocasia Polly plant! This comprehensive plant care guide will help you grow a thriving Alocasia Polly. Learn simple techniques to keep your houseplant happy and healthy. Begin your journey to becoming a confident plant parent today!

The Alocasia Polly, also known as the Alocasia x Amazonica and African Mask Plant, is a very recognizable plant that you may have seen before on social media or in gardening stores. Its large and odd-shaped leaves with bright nerves will jump out at you from a distance.

Like other Alocasias, the Alocasia Polly is a tropical plant that has very particular needs and might not be the best plant for beginners. However, when you learn to take care of an Alocasia Polly, youll be able to take care of other, more advanced plants as well.

In this guide, well go over all the things that are easy to get wrong when taking care of an Alocasia Polly. While doing so, well look at some simple tips and tricks you can use to successfully take care of this plant.

If youve already looked at “How to care for an Alocasia Zebrina”, youll see that these two plants are similar in plant care, but there are a few minor differences that this plant has compared to the Alocasia Zebrina.

The alocasia polly also known as the African mask plant is a beautiful and striking houseplant gaining popularity among plant parents. This tropical plant is loved for its uniquely shaped, vibrant green leaves. However, caring for an alocasia polly requires a bit more effort than your average houseplant. By following some key tips and tricks, you can help your alocasia polly thrive indoors.

Light Requirements

When it comes to lighting, the alocasia polly prefers bright, indirect sunlight. Place it near an east or west facing window where it will get a few hours of gentle morning or evening sun. Avoid prolonged direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves. Rotate the plant regularly so it grows evenly on all sides.

If you don’t have a good natural light source, consider supplementing with a grow light. LED full spectrum grow lights work well for 12-14 hours per day. Keep the light 12-18 inches above the plant. Insufficient light will cause leggy, weak growth.

Ideal Temperature

This tropical plant thrives in warm temperatures between 65-80°F. Avoid drafty areas where temperatures dip below 60°F, especially at night. Cooler temperatures can shock the plant and cause leaf drop. The alocasia also enjoys high humidity. Consider using a humidifier to maintain 40-50% humidity around the plant.

Soil Needs

Use a rich, well-draining potting mix with peat moss or coconut coir. You can make your own mix with:

  • 2 parts potting soil
  • 1 part perlite or bark chips for drainage
  • 1 part peat moss or coconut coir to retain moisture

Add some worm castings or organic fertilizer to provide nutrition Only repot when roots fill the container or the plant becomes unstable Go up just 1-2 inches in pot size to avoid stressing the plant,

Watering Habits

Check the soil moisture before watering. Allow the top few inches to dry out between waterings. Water less in winter when growth slows. The alocasia dislikes sitting in soggy soil, which causes root rot. Pour off excess water that collects in the saucer. Consider using distilled or filtered water if your tap water is hard. Wiping dust off the leaves periodically will maximize light absorption.

Fertilizer Needs

Feed every 2-4 weeks during spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half. Look for a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 formula. Reduce feeding in fall and winter. If using a slow release pellet fertilizer apply as directed on the package in spring.

Humidity Preferences

The alocasia thrives in average home humidity but appreciates extra moisture. Run a humidifier nearby or place the pot on a pebble tray with water. Misting the leaves also increases local humidity. Just be sure the leaves dry quickly to prevent fungal diseases.


Remove any yellow, dying leaves or spent flower stalks to the base of the plant. Sterilize pruners between cuts with isopropyl alcohol to avoid spreading disease. Limit pruning to maintain the plant’s natural shape. New leaves will emerge from the central rhizome.

Propagating Your Plant

Propagate in spring or summer for the best results. Carefully divide the rhizome using a sharp, sterile knife. Each section should have 3-5 leaves and healthy roots. Allow cuts to dry for 24 hours before planting. Plant in a pot with well-draining soil. Keep evenly moist. New plants may take a few weeks to establish.

You can also try propagating in water. Remove an offset with a few leaves and place in a jar of room temperature water. Change the water every 4-5 days. Roots may take a few weeks to form before potting.

Common Problems

Overwatering is the most common cause of an unhealthy alocasia. Symptoms include yellow, droopy leaves and mushy stems. Allow the soil to dry between waterings and always dump out excess. If fungal disease is present, remove affected parts immediately.

Underwatering will cause dry, crispy leaves and a stunted plant. Check soil regularly and water when partly dry. Ensure the plant gets enough indirect sunlight as well.

Pests like spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids may appear on the leaves and stems. Wipe away with a damp cloth or use insecticidal soap. Isolate any heavily infested plants to prevent spreading.


Like many aroids, the alocasia polly is mildly toxic if ingested. It contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals that can cause mouth irritation, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. Keep pets and children away from the plant. Seek medical care if poisoning occurs.

Enjoying the Natural Beauty

With the right care, the alocasia makes a stunning addition to any indoor plant collection. Its lush green leaves and tropical vibe will brighten up any room. Consistent care and quick treatment for any issues will keep your plant healthy for years to come. Follow these tips and enjoy the natural artistry of this iconic houseplant.

alocasia polly plant care guide tips and tricks for healthy growth

Yellow or dropping leaves

An Alocasia Polly can only sustain a certain amount of leaves before getting rid of old leaves. When your plant is getting rid of old leaves, they will start to turn yellow before they die. When you see your leaves turn yellow it simply means that your plant is killing them off to preserve energy to stay alive or to grow new leaves. This is its natural growth cycle and nothing to worry about.

However, you could also be dealing with pests such as spider mites or thrips. Look for tiny webs or tiny insects on the plants leaves. You can remove these pests by cleaning the plants leaves with a solution made of water and mild detergent.

Another possible reason for yellowing and dropping leaves is exposure to too much direct sunlight. Consider moving your plant to a more shaded area, or use a sheer curtain to filter the light.

The Alocasia Polly is very similar in care to other Alocasias, but it does have a few different tricks to help it thrive. Your houseplant absorbs a lot of moisture and stores it in its stems, so you shouldnt water too much. This plant doesnt rely too much on the soil to provide it with moisture. As its a fast-growing plant, provide it with fertilizer once per month in the growing period (spring and summer) and slow down in the dormancy period (autumn/fall and winter). Your Alocasia Polly loves a bright spot but doesnt like direct sunlight.

Thank you for reading this post! I hope it helps you to keep your plants healthy and beautiful! If youre looking for more guides on specific plants, you can always request a plant guide to get a guide for the plant you have trouble with.

Wait for the right time

When you choose to prune your Alocasia, its best to wait for spring or summer to prune, as your plant will quickly recover and put out new growth. However, if you have dead or dying stems and leaves, you should prune those no matter the time of year.

Before you start trimming, make sure to use clean and sterile tools such as pruning shears or scissors. This helps to prevent the spread of disease and guarantees a clean cut. You can easily clean your tools using rubbing alcohol.

Alocasia Polly Plant Care Tips | Alocasia Amazonica Full Care Guide


How do you encourage Alocasia to grow?

Fertilise alocasia with an indoor plant fertiliser like Scotts Osmocote Pour+Feed for Indoor Plants once a month during spring and summer, to encourage strong healthy growth. Alocasias prefer a consistently warm environment away from drying drafts from heaters or air conditioners.

How do I get my Alocasia Polly to grow more leaves?

Humidity. High humidity supports lush, rapid leaf growth. Mist Alocasia leaves daily or set their pots on a pebble tray filled with water to increase moisture in the air. Consider investing in a humidifier if your home’s air is very dry.

What is the best fertilizer for Alocasia Polly?

Nitrogen promotes lush, green foliage, while phosphorus is all about root and bloom development. Potassium, the unsung hero, keeps the plant’s overall functions ticking. For ‘Polly’, a balanced NPK ratio, like a 10-10-10, is a solid bet.

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