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How to Get Rid of Annoying Gnats in Your Alpine Storks Bill Flowers

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Oh. My. Goodness. I HATE fungus gnats. And thats from someone who dislikes using the word hate. And Ive put it in capitals. Yep. That much.

When I first started collecting plants I was quickly over-run by Fungus Gnats. And because they love carbon dioxide, the only thing more appealing to them than the moist soil of my plants, was the CO2 in my breath, so you always know when you have Fungus Gnats.

Even one or two adults and theyll quite literally be all up in your face. Plus I couldnt leave a cup of tea uncovered without finding little unwanted floaters, and I really love my tea. They had to go…

Amazon links in this post may be affiliate links which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through links. Learn more I tried almost every remedy out there, starting with what was in the pantry (cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, potatoes…), you name it, I tried it. Everything helped a little, some more than others (and the cinnamon smelt lovely when I watered), but nothing totally eliminated them, they only reduced the population a little. Simply watering less helped also, although I did take it a bit far and ended up almost losing some plants, so had to find a solution that didnt compromise my plants health.

What DID get rid of Fungus Gnats entirely for me in the end, was this simple two step method below. Thats not to say this is the one-and-only method. Just the one that finally worked for me once and for all.

As a proud gardener of beautiful Alpine Storks Bill flowers, few things are more irritating than tiny gnats constantly buzzing around the plants. While mostly harmless these small flies can become a real nuisance distracting from the joy of caring for your flowers. The good news is there are effective methods to get rid of gnats and allow you to enjoy your Alpine Storks Bills pest-free. Let’s explore some simple solutions.

What Attracts Gnats to Alpine Storks Bills?

Before tackling how to eliminate gnats, it helps to understand what draws them to Alpine Storks Bills in the first place.

  • Moist soil – Gnats lay their eggs in damp soil and thrive in moist conditions Alpine Storks Bills prefer well-drained soil but can attract gnats if overwatered,

  • Decaysing organic matter – Gnats feed on decaying leaves, compost, and other organic debris. Removing this matter around your Storks Bills discourages gnats.

  • Sugary secretions – Some gnats specifically target plants with sugary sap secretions, like those produced by Alpine Storks Bills. They use these secretions as an energy source.

  • Lack of air circulation – Stagnant, humid air provides an ideal environment for gnats to breed and hover around plants.

Now that we know what brings gnats around, let’s get into specific remedies.

Water Management

Since moist soil attracts gnats, adjusting your watering practices can make a big difference in reducing their population:

  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.

  • Improve drainage by mixing in materials like perlite or sand.

  • Avoid overwatering and fix any leaks.

  • Use drip irrigation instead of sprinklers.

  • Remove any standing water around plants.

Remove Decaying Matter

Eliminate breeding sites by clearing away decomposing plant debris:

  • Remove fallen leaves, stems and spent flowers around Storks Bills.

  • Discard overripe, rotten fruit/vegetables from garden area.

  • Turn over compost pile regularly and keep covered.

  • Replace mulch if it becomes soggy and decaying.

Increase Air Circulation

Better airflow deprives gnats of their ideal humid habitat:

  • Space Storks Bill plants properly to allow air movement between them.

  • Gently fan leaves and flowers occasionally to disturb stagnant air.

  • Install small fans in enclosed outdoor growing areas.

  • Remove any covers or barriers restricting airflow around plants.

Use Yellow Sticky Traps

Inexpensive yellow sticky traps attract and catch adult gnats:

  • Stick traps upright in potting soil or suspend around plants.

  • Replace traps weekly as they fill up with gnats.

  • Use both indoors and outdoors to monitor gnat population.

Apply Natural Repellents

Certain natural oils deter gnats from lingering on plants:

  • Mix a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil with water in a spray bottle. Apply lightly to foliage.

  • Top dress potting mix with sand containing a few drops of citronella oil.

  • Place small dishes of vinegar around plants to trap and drown gnats.

  • Introduce gnat predators like ladybugs, lacewings or dragonflies.

Be Patient

Depending on the severity of infestation, it may take time to fully get rid of gnats. Just stay diligent with these remedies and your Alpine Storks Bill flowers will soon be pest-free. The satisfaction of winning the battle against annoying gnats is well worth the effort. Just remember that prevention going forward is the best medicine. Maintain good garden hygiene and promptly address any conditions that could invite another gnat problem.

how to get rid of gnats in alpine storks bill flower

Which sticky traps to get

I personally use uBloomd green sticky traps now for my indoor plants as having tested them side-by-side with the yellow ones, I found the uBloomd ones trapped more gnats, but the old yellow sticky traps do a great job too. The uBloomd green ones are made for indoor plants and are easier to use, no prep required, but if you get the yellow ones I have a couple of tricks to make them work better when used indoors (prep tips shared below).

In New Zealand, the yellow ones you can easily get from hardware stores, garden centres and from me online are called Mini-Stickies by Easy Trap (or for my international plant buddies theyre also available here on Amazon).

Can you water with ‘mozzie tea’ and with fertiliser?

Yes, you can use mozzie bits and fertiliser together. I make my mozzie tea first, and once its cooled, I add my fertiliser, and water with both at the same time. I use liquid fertiliser but if youre using a granulated or powder fertiliser you may need to give everything an extra good-mix so both the BTI and fertiliser are evenly throughout the water.

Best Gnat Killer How to get rid of gnats & fruit flies


How do you get rid of flower gnats?

Use a small saucer to mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of dishwashing soap and a little sugar. Put the saucer near the gnats. Use more than one saucer, if needed. The gnats will be drawn to the sweet solution, fall in and get trapped.

How do I keep gnats out of my flower pots?

Use a fine layer of sand or diatomaceous earth on top of plant soil to deter gnats from laying eggs. Use well-draining pots and soils. Inspect new plants for gnats before buying them. Seal cracks and holes around doorways, windows, and drains to prevent gnats from entering.

What kills fungus gnats instantly?

A peroxide solution apparently kills larvae and eggs on contact, effectively killing off all infant gnats and disrupting the lifecycle. You should be able to buy hydrogen peroxide from any high street pharmacy or online. Mix 1 part 9% hydrogen peroxide with 6 parts water.

Why are my flowers attracting gnats?

Fungus gnats love water, so it’s important to monitor your watering. “Often times overwatering provides a perfect environment for pests and diseases,” says Royer. “Many houseplants prefer to have a break between watering.” If you notice fungus gnats buzzing around your plants, consider adjusting your watering schedule.

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