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Growing Amaryllis Outdoors: Tips for a Beautiful Garden Display

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Amaryllis is a stunning bulb plant that produces large, trumpet-shaped blooms on tall flower stalks. While commonly grown as houseplants, amaryllis can also thrive planted directly in the garden for a spectacular summer display. With the right placement and care, you can have gorgeous amaryllis blooms brightening your outdoor space.

Best Conditions for Growing Amaryllis Outdoors

To succeed with amaryllis outdoors start by choosing an optimal site

  • Sun Amaryllis needs full sun – at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Morning sun is especially important. Insufficient sunlight results in sparse, weak flowering.

  • Soil: Well-draining soil is essential to prevent bulb rot. Sandy loam or soil amended with compost is ideal. Avoid wet, heavy clay soils.

  • Drainage: Excellent drainage is key. Select a raised planting bed or slope to promote drainage. Stagnant moisture is lethal to bulbs.

  • Hardiness Zone: In areas with freezing winters, choose zone 7 or higher. Treat as an annual in cooler climates.

When to Plant Amaryllis Bulbs Outdoors

Timing is crucial when transitioning amaryllis from indoors to outdoors:

  • Frost-free zones: Plant bulbs in early spring once all danger of frost has passed.

  • Colder zones: Wait until late spring after the last freeze to plant bulbs outside.

  • Plant bulbs at the same depth as they were growing indoors, with neck just above soil.

  • Water thoroughly after planting and provide 1 inch of water weekly in absence of rain.

Caring for Amaryllis in the Garden

Follow these tips throughout the growing season for thriving outdoor amaryllis:

  • Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during active growth and flowering.

  • Watch for snails and slugs, especially when plants are young. Remove these pests promptly to avoid bulb damage.

  • Stake taller varieties to prevent toppling in rain or wind storms. Use short stakes and loose ties.

  • Remove spent flower stalks after blooming concludes by cutting back near the bulb.

  • Stop fertilizing and reduce watering in early fall to encourage dormancy.

  • In zones 7-10, bulbs may remain in the ground over winter if drainage is excellent. Mulch to protect from frost.

  • In zones 6 and colder, dig bulbs in fall and store indoors until spring replanting.

Outdoor Growing Tips by USDA Zone

Tailor amaryllis care to fit your zone for best results:

Zone 7-10

  • Plant in early spring when soil has warmed.

  • Water 1 inch weekly; fertilize every 3-4 weeks.

  • Allow foliage to yellow naturally in late summer.

  • Leave bulbs in ground over winter if drainage allows.

Zone 6

  • Plant in late spring after danger of frost.

  • Water and fertilize regularly for vigorous growth.

  • Dig bulbs in early fall before first frost; store indoors.

  • Replant the following late spring.

Zone 5 and Colder

  • Grow in containers outdoors for the summer.

  • Move pots to a sunny, protected spot in fall.

  • Before frost, bring containers indoors for winter storage.

  • Repot bulbs in early spring and grow indoors until outdoor planting time.

Spectacular Varieties for the Garden

Many amaryllis hybrids and species perform well outdoors. Try these stunning varieties:

  • Nymph: Pristine white 4-5” blooms on 18-24” stems.

  • Minerva: Vibrant red blossoms with lime-green throats on 30” scapes.

  • Apple Blossom: Huge pink blooms striped with white and lime.

  • Red Lion: Brilliant solid red flowers on stems up to 28” tall.

  • Samba: Rosy-pink petals with deeper pink veining and throats.

  • Black Pearl: A rare black amaryllis – dark maroon blooms with lime-green accents.

With proper placement, timing, and care, you can enjoy amaryllis in the garden for years to come. The extra efforts are rewarded with breathtaking bloom displays and treasured summer color.

amaryllis plant outdoor growing tips for a beautiful garden

Gardening With Amaryllis in Warm Climates

Do you live in an area where winter temperatures never dip below 20°F (hardiness zones 9-11)? If so, you can grow amaryllis outdoors as a perennial plant. These tropical bulbs may be planted in the ground or in pots, and be left outdoors year-round. You can look forward to an impressive display of flowers in your garden each spring. And, if you wish, you may cut the stems and bring the flowers indoors to create a dramatic bouquet that lasts for weeks.

The following instructions apply only to gardeners in growing zones 9-11. If you live in a colder climate, please follow our usual planting and care instructions which you can find HERE.

Get the Basics About Growing Amaryllis Outdoors

The bulbs that we know as amaryllis, are actually members of the genus Hippeastrum. This family of bulbs can be found growing wild in tropical and sub-tropical regions of Brazil as well as in some parts of Peru, Argentina, Mexico and the Caribbean. Plant breeders have been hybridizing amaryllis for more than a century and we can thank them for introducing scores of beautiful cultivars.

Today, amaryllis bulbs are grown commercially in Holland, Israel, South Africa, Peru and several other countries. The bulbs are typically available for purchase in the fall, from September through December. Remember that inside each bulb is a living plant, so its important to care for the bulbs properly and plant them as soon as possible.

Amaryllis waxed bulbs, plant in garden, how to plant amaryllis bulbs outside


How do you care for an amaryllis plant outside?

Amaryllis Garden Care Amaryllis also needs to be kept moist throughout the growing season, though established plants are fairly tolerant of drought. Once planted outside, forced amaryllis bulbs will eventually revert back to their natural spring blooming cycle. Once flowers have faded, remove the stalks.

Where should I plant amaryllis in my garden?

Be sure to plant your amaryllis in a well-drained area where water will not collect. This is especially important during the winter months when the bulbs are dormant. If you don’t have a suitable place to plant the bulbs, grow them in pots.

Is Miracle Grow good for amaryllis?

Tips for Growing Amaryllis Indoors To speed up the blooming process, add a fertilizer made for indoor plants, such as Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Fertilizer. Once the stem appears, turn the pot every few days to prevent it from leaning in one direction. If it leans anyway, add a stake next to the stem.

Are coffee grounds good for amaryllis?

Diluted coffee is an effective—and organic—fertilizer for healthier-looking houseplants. African violets, azaleas, amaryllis, aloe and ferns, to name a few, are all indoor plants that love coffee.

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