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The Benefits of Growing Ambius Plants in Your Garden: A Natural Solution

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If you’re looking for an easy natural way to improve your outdoor space consider adding Ambius plants to your garden. These hardy, low-maintenance plants offer numerous benefits. In this article, I’ll discuss the top reasons to grow Ambius plants and provide tips to help them thrive.

Why Grow Ambius Plants?

Ambius is a company that provides plants and landscaping services for indoor and outdoor commercial spaces. But their products can also beautify residential gardens. Here are some key benefits of Ambius plants:

Air Purification

One major benefit is their ability to remove toxins and purify the air. Ambius plants absorb volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other pollutants This makes outdoor spaces safer and healthier for you and your family.

Low Maintenance

Ambius plants are quite resilient and easy to care for. Once established, they require little watering, pruning or other care. These tough plants can handle weather fluctuations and resist pests and diseases.

Aesthetic Appeal

With their lush green foliage and tropical vibe, Ambius plants add beauty and vibrance to gardens. Their varying textures and colors provide visual interest.

Privacy Screen

Some larger Ambius varieties like bamboo and ficus can provide privacy when planted densely in rows or clusters. Their thick growth masks views and muffles noise.

Erosion Control

Plants prevent soil erosion, especially on slopes and embankments. Ambius’ dense root systems stabilize soil in place. This protects landscapes from washing or blowing away.

Tips for Growing Ambius Plants

Follow these tips to successfully grow Ambius plants in your garden:

  • Choose an area with partial sun to light shade. Most varieties grow best with 4-6 hours of sun.

  • Prepare the planting area with rich, well-draining soil. Amend clay or sandy soils if needed.

  • Water 1-2 times per week until established. Then water when soil is partly dry.

  • Apply a balanced fertilizer every 3 months during the growing season.

  • Prune annually to remove dead branches and shape plants.

  • Monitor for pests like spider mites and treat promptly if found.

Best Ambius Plants for Gardens

Here are some top Ambius varieties to try in your outdoor space:

Lucky Bamboo

This resilient plant purifies air. Its slender green stems create unique shapes like spirals. Place in partial sun.

Dragon Tree

With spear-shaped foliage, this low maintenance plant lends a tropical vibe. Use as a privacy screen or accent.


The colorful, patterned leaves of croton provide year-round visual interest. Grow in a sheltered spot protected from wind.

Weeping Fig

Lush, cascading branches give weeping fig its elegant look. Prune as needed to keep its desired size and shape.

Chinese Evergreen

Subtle white stripes on dark green leaves make this plant a timeless beauty. Tolerates low light and infrequent watering.

Bring Nature In

Ambius plants allow you to reap the aesthetic and practical benefits of nature right in your own outdoor space. Their air-purifying abilities create healthier gardens. And their low maintenance makes planting stress-free. Beautify your landscape with Ambius, and enjoy a flourishing, vibrant yard!

the benefits of growing ambius plant in your garden a natural solution

Greener Buildings Have a Measurable ROI

The link between healthy buildings and higher employee productivity and reduced absenteeism is clear. This means facilities managers can actually measure health and introduce related solutions into their budget proposals.

“Underpinned by the growing body of scientific research, the healthy building movement is increasingly being embraced by real estate professionals and the marketplace,” Clark Howard writes. “Relatively small upfront costs to facilitate changes are routinely recouped through higher rental rates.”

FMs might even argue to include a flower and plant fund in their annual expenditures. Healthline cites one study which finds that the presence flowers can improve memory.

Additionally, TreeHugger managing editor Melissa Breyer writes that certain plants perform specific tasks, such as removing toxins like formaldehyde from the air, while still remaining healthy themselves.

Plants Help Improve Productivity

Take a look at the infographic by Ambius, a company that’s been enhancing interior landscapes since 1963. It shows that presenteeism — when employees are physically at work, but mentally checked out — is reduced merely by the presence of greenery in the office.

This is good news: Presenteeism costs US employers as much as $250 billion each year.

Plants make indoor spaces healthier for the occupants, both in terms of physical and mental health. Having indoor plants in the office reduces:

  • indoor air pollutants 87 percent in 24 hours,
  • overall stress by 60 percent,
  • anxiety by 37 percent,
  • fatigue by 38 percent,
  • headaches by 20 percent,
  • and noise by up to 50 percent.

5 Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide on Plants and Garden


What are the benefits of growing plants in soil?

In addition to anchoring roots, soil provides life-sustaining water and nutrients. Plants in poor soils will struggle to grow, even if optimal water and light are available. In contrast, plants in good soils will grow to their fullest potential and experience fewer problems with insects and disease.

Are indoor plants good for health?

Plants also replace carbon dioxide with fresh oxygen. According to a 1989 NASA study, houseplants can help improve air quality by removing cancer-causing chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene from the air. Another study found that the soil in potted plants can also help clean indoor air.

Can plants reduce stress?

The bottom line. Having plants in your home or office can be a source of pleasure. Indoor gardening relieves stress, boosts creativity, productivity, and focus, and promotes recovery. There’s some evidence that houseplants may positively influence the air quality in your home as well.

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