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How to Grow American Beautyberry Shrub Indoors: A Complete Guide

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A fast-growing, attractive, and wildlife-friendly shrub? You may have never heard of the American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), but it checks all the boxes. It can grow 4 to 7 feet (and sometimes 10 feet!) in just one season!

This U.S. native shrub of the mint family, Lamiaceae, is fast-growing, drought tolerant, and produces beautiful purple to violet berries each fall. Let’s dive into the world of the beautyberry to learn more!

American beautyberry is a moderately sized woody perennial shrub native to the central and southeastern United States, Bermuda, and Cuba. It has also been known to grow in northern Mexico.

Other names include American mulberry, French mulberry, sour-bush, bunchberry, and purple beauty-berry. It sports an opposite leaf arrangement with leaves of saw-toothed margins. The flowers form in clusters that distinctly encircle the stem. Lilac flowers are present from May to June. Purple, blue, or white berries develop from August to October.

The genus name, Callicarpa, is derived from the Greek “callos,” which means “beauty,” and “carpos,” which means “fruit.” There are about seven species in the genus, but only the American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) is native to the U.S.

When crushed, the leaves of beautyberry are said to repel mosquitoes and other insects due to the presence of callicarpenol and intermedeol. Early 20th century farmers were recorded to crush beautyberry leaves and rub them under the harness and on the bodies of work horses and mules to prevent attacks from biting bugs. People also used the leaves on their bodies for the same purpose.

The American beautyberry shrub is a gorgeous addition to any outdoor garden with its vibrant purple berries and bright foliage, But did you know you can also grow this native plant indoors?

With the right care and conditions, the American beautyberry can thrive as a houseplant in pots and containers. Here is a complete guide on how to grow beautyberry shrub indoors.

Overview of American Beautyberry

The American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) is a deciduous shrub native to the southeastern United States. It produces small pink or white flowers in summer, which develop into vibrant purple berry clusters in fall.

The berries last well into winter, providing great visual interest along with food for birds and wildlife. The leaves also turn bright yellow in autumn before dropping.

This easygoing shrub thrives in zones 6-10, preferring part sun to dappled shade It can grow 5-9 feet tall and wide in ideal garden conditions

Reasons to Grow Indoors

Here are some of the top reasons to grow American beautyberry indoors:

  • Add unique visual interest with the eye-catching purple berries.
  • Attract birds and butterflies to indoor areas near windows.
  • Provide greenery and air purification benefits of houseplants.
  • Enjoy the foliage and fruit if you live outside the shrub’s growing zones.
  • Propagate new shrubs for transplanting into your outdoor garden later.

Getting Started with Seeds

Growing American beautyberry starts with planting berries or seeds indoors. Here are some step-by-step tips:

Gathering and Storing Seeds

  • Collect ripe purple berry clusters after the first frost.
  • Remove the seeds from the berries and discard the fruit.
  • Spread the seeds on paper towels and allow them to dry for 1-2 weeks.
  • Place the dried seeds in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator over winter.

Planting the Seeds

  • Fill 4-inch pots or seedling trays with a seed-starting mix. Water it slowly until the soil is evenly moist.
  • Place around six seeds in each pot, and cover the seeds only lightly with soil.
  • Place the pots indoors near a bright window.

Caring for Seedlings

  • Maintain even moisture in the soil while seeds germinate, which takes 1-2 months.
  • Keep seedlings in a warm spot (65-75°F) with lots of indirect sunlight.
  • Transplant into larger containers once they reach 2 inches tall.
  • Gradually expose them to more direct light to avoid burning the leaves.
  • Transplant into the garden after the last frost, once they are at least 8 inches tall.

Growing from Cuttings

For faster results you can also grow beautyberry shrubs from stem cuttings

  • Take 4-6 inch stem cuttings from a healthy shrub in spring after new growth appears.
  • Remove lower leaves and plant the cuttings in small pots filled with potting mix.
  • Place the potted cuttings in a plastic bag or under a cloche to create humidity.
  • Rooting hormone can help speed up the process.
  • Keep the soil moist and cuttings out of direct sun until roots form in 6-8 weeks.
  • Gradually expose to more sun over 2 weeks. Then transplant into larger containers or the garden.

Caring for Potted Beautyberry Plants

Caring for American beautyberry houseplants involves providing the right growing conditions indoors:

Choosing Containers

  • Select containers at least 10-12 inches wide with drainage holes.
  • Use plastic, ceramic, or wood planters. Metal pots conduct heat and dry out the soil.
  • Pick lightweight pots for large plants that need moving indoors and outdoors.

Providing the Right Soil

  • Use a general houseplant potting mix.
  • You can also amend outdoor garden soil with compost and perlite.
  • Ensure the soil drains well but also holds some moisture.

Light Requirements

  • Beautyberries thrive in bright, indirect light indoors.
  • Place in an east or west-facing window to avoid intense southern sun.
  • Provide supplemental lighting if natural light is low. Full spectrum grow lights work well.
  • Slowly acclimate plants to increased light levels to avoid leaf burn.


  • Ideal indoor temperatures are 65-75°F during the day and above 60°F at night.
  • Keep away from hot and cold drafts from heating/cooling vents.
  • Move plants outside in summer when temperatures are warm, and back inside in fall before frost.

Watering and Humidity

  • Water whenever the top inch of soil dries out, about 1-2 times a week.
  • Increase frequency with more sunlight exposure. Reduce watering in winter.
  • Add pebble trays or use a humidifier to maintain 50-60% humidity.
  • Misting the leaves also raises humidity temporarily.


  • Fertilize monthly in spring and summer with a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer diluted by half.
  • No fertilization is needed in fall and winter when plants are dormant.
  • Excess fertilizer can cause leaf burn.

Encouraging Flowers and Berries

Getting potted beautyberry shrubs to bloom and produce the prized purple berries involves providing optimal conditions:

  • Ensure the plant gets at least 4 hours of direct sunlight per day. Low light reduces flowering.
  • Keep the soil consistently moist during spring and summer flowering periods.
  • Prune the shrubs in late winter to remove old wood and encourage new growth.
  • Plants grown from cuttings begin flowering faster than those from seeds.
  • Fertilize regularly in spring and summer for better flowering and fruiting.
  • Plants grown alone produce few berries. Cross-pollination is needed for good yields. Grow a few together.

Troubleshooting Common Indoor Growing Problems

Here are some potential issues and solutions for beautyberry houseplants:

  • Wilting, drooping leaves: Increase watering frequency. Move to a shadier spot if sun is too intense.

  • Leaf scorch (brown crispy edges): Relocate to a less sunny spot. Slowly transition to increased light levels.

  • Few flowers and berries: Increase sunlight, water more regularly in summer, and prune old branches in late winter. Having multiple plants can improve pollination.

  • Leggy growth: Prune regularly and ensure the plant gets ample sunlight. Fertilize to encourage full, compact growth.

  • Leaf spots or blight: Apply neem oil or appropriate fungicide and remove affected leaves. Provide good air circulation.

Enjoying Beautyberries in the Home

The gorgeous foliage and abundant purple berries make American beautyberry shrubs excellent houseplants. With the right indoor conditions, you can successfully grow this native plant for its visual interest and the enjoyment of homegrown berries.

Summary Points:

  • American beautyberry is an attractive deciduous shrub with purple berries and yellow fall foliage.
  • It can be grown indoors from seeds, cuttings, or potted plants.
  • Provide bright indirect light, moderate temperatures, even moisture, and good drainage.
  • Fertilize regularly and prune in late winter to encourage flowers and berries.
  • Adjust conditions as needed to prevent wilting, leaf scorch, and other issues.
  • Cross-pollination from multiple plants yields more abundant fruit.

Growing the beautyberry shrub indoors provides a low-maintenance houseplant with four-season visual appeal and the ability to produce flavorful berries. Follow this complete guide to successfully raise Callicarpa americana as a houseplant.

how to grow american beautyberry shrub indoors

Why You Should Plant American Beautyberry

American beautyberries are easy to care for and produce abundant bright purple berries on tall arching branches.

American beautyberries are easy to care for. They bloom and set fruit on new growth each year, so pruning is a breeze in the spring. Just prune the old branches down to 12 inches tall or less, and you’ll have beautiful bright purple berries by Fall on long arching branches that can reach 4 to 7 feet tall in one season.

Take healthy 4-6 inch softwood cuttings in spring, strip lower leaves, dip in rooting hormone, and plant in a moist mix.

American beautyberries can be propagated via seeds or softwood cuttings.

Each berry contains at least 2 to 3 seeds that are 1/16 inch long. To propagate by seed, plant the whole berry after crushing it between your fingers to expose the seeds, or process the berries to separate the seeds from the fruit.

Berries can be placed in a blender with water. After mixing, allow the liquid to sit. Viable seeds will sink to the bottom, and everything else can be skimmed off the top and blended again. Do this until the seeds are adequately separated. Drain the seeds and allow them to dry before storing.

Plant the seeds directly into the soil in late fall or sow them in pots filled with moist peat and vermiculite-based mix. Once the seed germinates and the seedling has an adequately-sized, healthy root system, you can transplant it after frost.

Softwood cuttings can be taken either in the spring or fall. Choose a healthy branch of newer growth at least 4 to 6 inches long.

Strip the lower leaves and dip the bottom of the stem in a rooting hormone to help speed up the rooting of the cutting. Place the cutting in a prepared pot filled with a moist peat-and-perlite-based mixture. Poke a hole in the potting mix, place the cutting in the hole, and then gently firm the potting mix around the cutting.

Keep the cuttings moist by placing them under a humidity dome until new growth appears. It will usually take cuttings about 3 to 4 weeks to root.

Purchase it as a small shrub from nurseries and space at least 5 to 6 feet apart.

You can typically purchase this plant at nurseries as a small shrub. Plant beautyberries at least 5 to 6 feet apart to ensure adequate spacing between plants.

Plant the shrubs so the top of the pot is even with the soil line. Beautyberries can thrive in almost any type of soil as long as it is well-draining, so there is no need to amend the soil unless you are planting in a typically waterlogged site.

Seeds can be sown in the fall or early spring. Most of the time, stratification (a cold period) is not needed.

Once established, this shrub is easy to grow and care for, with limited disease and pest problems and new growth every year.

American beautyberry thrives in full to part sun, requiring 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

This gorgeous shrub requires full sun to part sun locations. It will need at least 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. In warmer climates, this shrub may benefit from a little bit of shade to prevent scorching by the sun.

Do not plant it in full shade because it will not thrive. Beautyberries may sometimes grow in the shade but will not flower and fruit as they should.

This native shrub has moderate water needs and can tolerate drought.

This is a fairly drought-tolerant native shrub with moderate rainfall needs. It will also naturalize along streams and ponds if the area is well-draining.

It adapts well to various well-draining soil types.

This native beautyberry tolerates almost any soil as long as it is well-draining. It can also tolerate a wide range of soil pH levels (pH range of 4.8 to 7.0).

Beautyberries prefer warmer zones (USDA zones 7 to 11) but can tolerate colder climates in USDA zone.

This genus prefers warmer growing zones. The shrubs are winter hardy in USDA zones 7 to 11. In some cases, they can survive in USDA zone 6.

The Japanese and Chinese species of beautyberry (C. japonica, C. dichotoma, C. bodinieri) are said to be more cold tolerant, with a hardiness up to zone 5.

Regardless, the foliage does not tolerate frosts well, so this shrub is usually later to leaf out in the spring. Some old branches and canes may survive over the winter but do not expect all to recover. That is why beautyberries are typically hard-pruned in the late winter and early spring.

Avoid over-fertilization to prevent flowering and fruiting issues.

Avoid fertilizing because too many nutrients will sometimes prevent flowering and fruit set. This native plant is tolerant of poor soils, which makes this shrub relatively low maintenance.

Pruning is vital for rejuvenating and shaping the shrub.

Pruning is important to rejuvenate the plant and to promote a shapely look.

The beautyberry shrub blooms on new wood (basically, new growth), so pruning nearly to the ground in the spring will not prevent flowering and fruit set. In fact, hard-pruning this shrub down to 6 to 12 inches in late winter is recommended!

Some old canes will push out leaves if they are not pruned, but this often leaves the bush with a scraggly, unkempt appearance.

It can be susceptible to certain pests and diseases, including leaf spots and black mold.

There are a few pests and diseases that will affect this shrub. In some cases, leaf spots or black mold may be a problem.

Promoting good air circulation by planting with adequate spacing between shrubs will help prevent disease issues. Also, watering at the base of the plant or in the mornings will reduce foliage wetness, thus mitigating disease.

Uses or Common Planting Locations

These are versatile plants for hedgerows, native gardens, and pollinator gardens.

American beautyberries are best used in hedgerow plantings, native plantings, and pollinator or butterfly gardens. The berries will often stay on the plant for a while, making it a great plant for a winter garden.

Beautyberries may also be used in cut flower arrangements when the berries form to provide color and interest.

If you’re interested in a shrub that provides food for wildlife, then American beautyberry may be for you. The berries are eaten by over 40 different songbirds, including the American Robin, Brown Thrasher, Purple Finch, and Eastern Towhee. Armadillos, foxes, opossums, raccoons, and squirrels will also eat the berries. Deer will browse the berries after the leaves drop. Cattle have been known to eat the twigs.

Not only are beautyberries edible for wildlife, but the ripened berries are also used by humans to make jellies, juices, and teas.

Growing American Beautyberry – Native Edible


Can American beautyberry be grown in pots?

Note: For our customers who live and garden north of USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 6a, where this Beautyberry is not reliably winter hardy, you’ll be happy to know it can be grown in containers that can be brought indoors during winter and placed back outside when temperatures warm up in spring.

Where is the best place to plant a beautyberry bush?

Choose a sunny to partially shaded site to plant your beautyberry. In warmer climates (Zones 7-8), some shade or filtered sun during the hottest part of summer afternoons is appreciated.

How much light does American beautyberry need?

The ideal soil is fertile, loose and well drained, although beautyberry will tolerate most soil conditions. Plants grow naturally in light to moderate shade, but can be planted in full sun for maximum flowering and berry production when adequate moisture is available.

Does beautyberry like sun or shade?

Light. Even though this plant typically grows in woodland areas, it produces the best fruit set in full sun. Beautyberry grows in part shade, but it displays a looser habit and bears less fruit.

How do you grow American beautyberry?

Our last way to grow American beautyberry is to purchase a plant. Once you’re at home, transplant the purchased shrub in a growing location with all the necessary requirements. Ensure you dig a hole deep enough to support the root ball of the plant. Backfill the hole and water the shrub to help the roots become established.

How do you grow a beautyberry Bush?

Take the berries and collect their seeds. Plant your beautyberry bush seeds in the container. Beautyberry bushes will need plenty of sunlight to grow properly — keep your cutting indoors and close to a bright window during its first year. Continue to water your plant weekly, making sure it is moist but not to overwater it.

When should I plant American beautyberry?

This is when the plant is dormant and can be transplanted with ease. You may also plant American beautyberry by directly sowing the seeds into the growing location. If you use this method, be sure to plant the seeds either in the fall prior to the first frost or in spring after the last frost.

Can beautyberry be planted indoors?

Beautyberry can be planted or cut indoors and nurtured to prepare for planting. But because the shrub loves to spread out and needs space for its wide root system, it is best grown outdoors in a garden setting. Beautyberry shrubs (Callicarpa americana) bear striking purple berry clusters.

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