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Where to Place American Mountain Ash Tree for Perfect Feng Shui

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European mountain ash, also commonly known as the rowan tree, is a deciduous tree with white flowers but it is grown mostly for its distinctive clusters of red berries that mature in the late summer and persist to add vivid color to a winter landscape. European mountain ash grows best in cool mountainous conditions, and requires full to partial sun, acidic, moist soil, and thrives in unpolluted, salt-free areas.

Feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing individuals with their environment, places great importance on the strategic placement of plants and trees. One tree that is highly valued in feng shui for its auspicious properties is the American mountain ash. With its vibrant red berries and beautiful foliage, the American mountain ash is believed to invite prosperity, abundance, and positive energy when properly positioned.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the significance of the American mountain ash tree in feng shui and provide tips on optimal placement to fully harness its lucky benefits.

The American mountain ash (scientific name Sorbus americana) is a deciduous tree native to North America. It is known by several common names including American rowan, roundwood and dogberry.

This lovely tree grows to a height of 15-20 feet tall and features pinnate, odd-numbered leaves with 9-15 leaflets. The leaves put on a striking display of bright orange and red hues in fall. Clusters of small white flowers bloom in spring, later developing into vibrant red-orange berry-like fruits.

In feng shui and Asian symbolism, the mountain ash represents resilience, longevity, and divine protection Its red berries are thought to symbolize luck and prosperity The vibrancy and hardiness of this tree make it a favorite for feng shui enhancements.

Ideal Placement of American Mountain Ash Tree in Feng Shui

To fully activate the auspicious energies of the American mountain ash, proper placement is key. Here are some feng shui-based tips on where to position this plant on your property

Near the Front Door

Placing an American mountain ash tree near the front door of your home is an excellent way to usher in positive chi and blessings. The vibrant energy from the foliage and berries acts as a welcoming beacon when guests arrive. It also provides protective energy to shield your home.

In the Wealth Area

Each area of your home or garden corresponds with a different aspiration like health, relationships, career, etc. The wealth area specifically relates to prosperity and abundance. Planting an American mountain ash in this zone amplifies its lucky energies for finances.

Near the Center of Your Home

The central area of your home symbolizes stability and balance. An American mountain ash planted here harmonizes energies and promotes peace. Its five-leafed foliage represents the five elements, bringing their essence into your space.

In the East, Southeast or South

The eastern, southeastern, and southern sections of your home correspond with new beginnings, growth, and illumination. The American mountain ash enhances this bright, thriving energy and heralds exciting ventures when planted in these areas.

Avoid Sharp Corners or Corners

Sharp corners and structures jutting out create pockets of stagnant, compressive energy called sha qi or poison arrows. Avoid planting your American mountain ash in the paths of sha qi as it will disrupt its harmonizing effect.

Near Water Features

The presence of open water represents flow, circulation and prosperity in feng shui. Situating an American mountain ash near water features like fountains, ponds or pools strengthens its abundance-boosting benefits.

Factors to Consider When Positioning American Mountain Ash

Aside from directional placement, several other factors impact how well the American mountain ash tree activates positive feng shui:

Sunlight – The American mountain ash thrives in full sun to partial shade. Select a spot that receives at least 4-6 hours of sunlight. Inadequate light will cause sparse flowering and poor growth.

Soil – This species does best in loamy, acidic, well-draining soil kept consistently moist. Heavy clay soils may lead to root rot. Improve drainage before planting.

Spacing – Allow enough room for your American mountain ash to reach its mature size. Give it at least 15-20 feet space from buildings, walls, walkways and other trees.

Maintenance – Regular care like watering, mulching, and pruning is key to keeping your American mountain ash healthy. Trim crossing or diseased branches annually.

Pruning – Prune suckers, waterspouts, and crossed branches in late winter. Avoid heavy pruning that removes more than 15% foliage.

Pest Control – Inspect regularly for pests like borers, aphids, scale, and mites. Use organic methods like neem oil or horticultural soap sprays to control infestations before they escalate.

Companion Planting with American Mountain Ash

Certain plants have complementary energies that can amplify the feng shui benefits of the American mountain ash. Consider companion planting with:

Japanese Maple – This graceful tree represents balance and longevity. Paired with the mountain ash, it promotes spiritual centeredness.

Magnolia – Magnolias denote dignity, perseverance, and nature’s resilience. They enhance the mountain ash’s protective energies.

Lady’s Mantle – Known for prosperity and comfort, lady’s mantle accentuates the American mountain ash’s abundance-drawing power.

Hostas – With leaf meanings linked to prosperity and seizing opportunities, hostas boost the financial luck energies of the mountain ash.

Ferns – Possessing protective qualities in feng shui, ferns planted near the American mountain ash strengthen its spiritual shielding capacities.

Lilies – Their essence of rebirth and femininity balances the strong protective yang energy of the American mountain ash.

Caring for Your American Mountain Ash

To keep your American mountain ash tree thriving and radiating positive energy, some care and maintenance is required:

  • Water deeply once a week during dry periods to prevent drought stress.

  • Apply 2-4 inches of organic mulch around the tree to conserve moisture and feed roots.

  • Prune away any dead, damaged or crossing branches in late winter. Avoid heavy pruning.

  • Check regularly for pests like borers, mites, scale, leaf miners. Treat infestations early.

  • Fertilize every 2-3 years in early spring using a balanced, slow-release organic formula.

  • Monitor for diseases like fire blight, rust, leaf spot, and powdery mildew. Treat or remove diseased trees.

The American mountain ash is a dynamic choice for feng shui tree placements owing to its protective, prosperous, and energizing attributes. By situating it thoughtfully, accounting for spatial directions and environmental factors, you can invite its full spectrum of positive influences into your living environment. Maintain your American mountain ash with attentive care and it will continue rewarding you as a beautiful beacon of blessings for many years to come.

where to place american mountain ash tree for perfect feng shui


The tree needs a medium amount of water to keep the soil moist. However, it may not need any supplemental water if there is normal rain. If there is not an average rainfall, it can be given 1 inch of water every week.

Common Problems With European Mountain Ash

This tree can be very tough and enduring in spite of all the pests and diseases that may be problematic if its not planted in the cool conditions it prefers. Youll also find deer grazing on the trees leaves. But its best to be on the lookout for some signs that can indicate the tree may need some help.

The Rowan Tree – Wild Food, Health Benefits & Mythology (Mountain Ash)


Where should I plant a mountain ash?

The majority of mountain ash species and varieties aren’t too fussy about their position – they will grow in open, sunny sites or partial shade. They prefer a fertile, well-drained soil enriched with lots of organic matter, which holds plenty of moisture in spring and summer, doesn’t dry out or become waterlogged.

Where is the best place to plant ash trees?

Choose a site that gets full sun for your ash tree. Some average 40′ to 60′ in height, so don’t plant too close to your home or other structures where their branches or roots might cause problems.

Where should a tree be placed in feng shui?

In a feng shui landscape, a single tree to the left of your front door is located in the dragon landform. A lone tree placed here generates auspicious chi energy since it reinforces the landform as being higher than the right side (white tiger).

What are mountain ash trees good for?

Mountain ash is a tree. People use the berries and flowers to make medicine. The berries may be used fresh, dried, or cooked and then dried. People take mountain ash for diabetes, diarrhea, gout, heart disease, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific research to support any of these uses.

What is mountain ash?

Mountain ash is a compact native North American tree beloved by birds and bees. The white blossoms, bright red berries, and golden-orange fall foliage make it a delight for landscaping. Garden expert Logan Hailey digs into everything you need to know about this native ornamental.

What is a good feng shui tree?

Money tree: This small tree is commonly used in feng shui to attract and enhance wealth and abundance. Bonsai tree: These low-maintenance trees are also thought to be a symbol of good luck and fortune. Orange tree: Gordon says that an orange tree can help welcome abundance into your home, too.

Are mountain ash trees good luck?

When colonizers came to America and discovered this tree covering the northern landscape, they believed they were heavily protected. The five-pointed star on the berry stalks represented good luck. Old folklore aside, modern plantings of mountain ash are mostly good luck for native bees and birds.

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