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How Much Watering Does Your Angel Wings Plant Need? A Comprehensive Guide

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The name Angel Wing Begonia can be VERY confusing. Luckily their care is much simpler than trying to work out which Angel Wing begonia you have. This guide will help with both. In fact this family of begonia are the hardiest, easiest-care of them all (and there are a LOT of different types of begonias). However, what you may have been told is an Angel Wing (sometimes called a Dragon Wing), is actually the common name used for the leaf shape rather than the exact variety, cultivar or hybrid you have.

Angel wings, also known as Senecio candicans ‘Angel Wings’, is a unique and visually striking plant known for its velvety, silvery-grey leaves that resemble angel wings. Getting the watering needs of this plant right is essential for keeping it healthy and thriving In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about watering your angel wings plant.

Overview of Angel Wings Water Requirements

Angel wings is a drought-tolerant plant that doesn’t require frequent watering. However, it still needs a moderate amount of moisture to look its best. The watering needs vary slightly depending on whether it’s grown indoors or outdoors.

For indoor angel wings plants, aim to water whenever the top inch of soil becomes dry. This is typically every 7-10 days. Outdoor angel wings can go slightly longer between waterings, around every 10-14 days. Regardless of where it’s grown, water thoroughly until it drains from the bottom, then allow the soil to partially dry out before watering again.

The watering frequency may need adjusting based on your climate, the plant’s location, and the size of container it’s in. Observe the plant and soil to determine when it needs water.

Watering Tips

Follow these tips to keep your angel wings properly hydrated:

  • Water with room temperature water, as cold water can shock the roots.

  • Always check the soil moisture before watering. Only water when the top 1-2 inches become dry.

  • Water until it drains freely from the drainage holes at the bottom. Never allow it to sit in water.

  • Outdoor angel wings may need more frequent watering in extreme heat. Add water if leaves start to droop.

  • Reduce watering frequency in winter when growth slows.

  • Mist angel wings occasionally to increase humidity around the foliage.

  • If the lower leaves start turning yellow and dropping, usually a sign of overwatering.

Signs of Underwatering

It’s important to recognize the signs of underwatering, which include:

  • Leaves becoming droopy, wrinkled or curled.

  • Leaves turning yellow or brown around the edges.

  • Soil pulling away from sides of the pot.

  • Soil feels dry 1-2 inches below the surface.

  • New growth slows down.

  • Plant looks stunted overall.

Signs of Overwatering

You can also look for these signs of overwatering angel wings:

  • Lower leaves turn yellow and drop.

  • Mushy or blackened stems.

  • Soft, rotting roots if inspected.

  • Mold or fungus growing on the soil surface.

  • Wet soil that takes a long time to dry out.

  • Drooping, wilting leaves that don’t perk up when watered.

Potting Medium

Angel wings thrives in a very fast-draining potting mix. Use a cactus or succulent soil, or make your own mix containing 2 parts potting soil, 1 part perlite or pumice, and 1 part sand. This creates the gravelly, sandy soil this plant is adapted to in its native habitat.

If you notice your angel wings staying too wet, add more perlite or sand to improve drainage. Replant it in this revised soil mix.

Outdoor Watering Tips

When growing angel wings in garden beds or borders, choose a site with sandy, fast-draining soil. Amend clay-heavy garden soil with compost, sand and gravel to achieve the desired texture.

Use soaker hoses or drip irrigation to deliver water slowly and deeply. Sprinklers often lead to excess moisture on the foliage.

Add 2-3 inches of mulch around the plants to help retain soil moisture and reduce weeds. Organic options like bark, leaves or straw work well.

Indoor Watering Methods

For potted angel wings plants, water thoroughly until it drains from the bottom drainage holes, then dump out any excess from the saucer. This ensures the entire root zone is hydrated.

Self-watering pots are useful for maintaining consistent soil moisture. Fill the water reservoir only when the top inch becomes dry.

Consider using a moisture meter to check soil dryness a few inches down and determine when watering is needed.

Remove any decorative outer planters when watering, so the inner nursery pot drains properly.

Environmental Factors

The plant’s light exposure, humidity, airflow, and other environmental factors also play a role in its water needs:

  • Angel wings in low humidity needs more frequent watering.

  • Allow soil to dry more between waterings in cool, low light locations.

  • Small pots or containers dry out faster than larger ones. Adjust watering accordingly.

  • Outdoor plants need more watering during hot, dry weather.

  • Reduce watering over winter when plant is not actively growing.

By learning your specific angel wings plant’s water preferences and modifying your watering schedule accordingly, you can maintain the right amount of moisture for healthy growth. Pay close attention in the beginning to determine its needs. With a little time and observation, you’ll have the watering routine mastered.

how much watering does your angel wings plant need a comprehensive guide

Why are my Angel Wing begonia’s leaves turning yellow?

Theres only one reason for yellowing leaves. This is why >

What watering requirements do Angel Wing begonia have?

Angel Wing can be fast growers in the right conditions, and will happily drink everything you give them (within reason), so are more forgiving of over-watering than the average houseplant. If the other conditions are what they love (such as light and warmth), then aim to keep the soil lightly moist all the time.

Of course thats not always realistic to maintain, so a big help is picking the right soil to help you by retaining a decent amount of moisture. Dont go overboard of course and leave them sitting in water or keep the soil wet and waterlogged, but do avoid letting them fully dry out as they tend to go crispy very fast as the plant draws water out of the foliage to try and survive when the soils too dry. When watering, thoroughly saturate all the soil. Their roots are quite thin and fibrous, and you dont want to miss all the roots getting a good drink. Although they are somewhat tolerant of dry conditions, you wont get the leeway you would with a Pothos or Philodendron for example. Being left dry too long can stunt growth and lead to dry, brown tips and leaf margins. Leave it way too long and the whole plant can turn crispy and leaves start dropping.

In my plant parent journey Ive changed from being an over-waterer to an under-waterer. Along the way Ive found if you go too long between watering, Angel Wing can put themselves into a type of dormancy and just refuse to grow. If youve fixed all the usual things – water, light, fertiliser etc – and your Angel Wing is stubbornly refusing to grow, you may need to take a cutting and start again, but before you give up, you can also try a decent prune back to see if that kickstarts growth again.

begonia-leaves Above left: Sold here in stores as Begonia Maculata (although more correctly a Maculata hybrid), compared to the more common Begonia albo-picta var. Rosea on the right.

Senecio Angel Wings


How much water for Angel Wings plant?

Angel Wings needs 0.8 cups of water every 9 days when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5.0″ pot. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.

How often do you water Angels wings?

Its succulent pads can retain moisture for extended periods, requiring a watering schedule of once every three weeks. Indoors, angel’s-wings thrives in well-draining soil and benefits from the occasional misting to replicate its native humidity levels.

How often should I water an angel plant?

These plants prefer consistently moist soil but can be prone to root rot if overwatered. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels slightly dry to the touch.

Do Angel Wings like to be misted?

Watering: Pot-bound angel wing begonias require frequent watering and misting to ensure the soil stays consistently moist. Browning leaves indicate that your angel wing begonia plant needs to be watered.

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