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How Tall Can Your Bacopa Plant Grow: Factors that Affect Height

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I grew up on a small, organic family farm and after a gap year spent working on an American ranch, I started studying agricultural science. Soil, organic farming practices, and plant science are what I am most drawn to. At home, when Im not in our garden, you can find me in the kitchen, cooking and baking with our harvested fruits and vegetables. Favorite fruit: Even if a bit boring – apples Favorite vegetables: Bell peppers, red beets, zucchini, white cabbage

Brahmi, also known as herb of grace or water hyssop, is a plant with many beneficial uses. Find out more about this South Asian ayurvedic herb below.

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is a tiny but powerful plant. Known by many names, brahmi is also often referred to as water hyssop or herb of grace. Because of its creeping growth habit, it grows well in hanging baskets but is also excellent for aquariums. This article will teach you everything you need to know about growing and caring for Bacopa monnieri, beginning with the right location, cultivation, and care.

Bacopa, commonly known as water hyssop, is a popular aquatic plant that is prized for its attractive foliage and delicate white or blue flowers This plant is native to wetlands and marshes but can be grown in aquariums, ponds or in garden beds Bacopa is a relatively easy plant to grow and care for, but one question that many people have is how tall their Bacopa plant can grow. In this article, we will discuss the factors that affect the height of Bacopa plants.


One of the most important factors that affect the growth and height of Bacopa plants is light. Bacopa plants require moderate to high light levels to grow and thrive. If they do not receive enough light, they may become stunted, and their growth will be limited. On the other hand, if they receive too much light, their growth may be too rapid, and their stems may become leggy.

When growing Bacopa, it’s ideal to provide them with morning sun and afternoon shade. This balanced light exposure will encourage steady, healthy growth. If you plant Bacopa in full sun, be sure to water it frequently. In low light conditions, the plants may stretch toward any available light, becoming lanky and sparse.


Bacopa plants are aquatic plants and require constant access to water to grow. Water quality and temperature can also affect their growth. If the water is too cold or too hot, it may slow down their growth. Also, if the water quality is poor, it may stunt their growth or cause damage to the leaves.

When growing Bacopa in an aquarium or pond, aim to maintain water temperatures between 70-80°F. Fluctuations above or below this range can shock the plants. In garden beds, keep the soil consistently moist with weekly watering. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings, but don’t let it become bone dry.


Bacopa plants require nutrients to grow and thrive. They need a balanced diet of essential minerals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. If they do not receive enough nutrients in their growing environment, their growth will be stunted.

Use a liquid fertilizer with macro and micronutrients to feed Bacopa every 2-3 weeks during the growing season. Slow-release pelleted fertilizers are another option that provide a steady feed over time. Without proper nutrition, Bacopa growth will be severely hindered.


Like most aquatic plants, Bacopa plants require carbon dioxide (CO2) to grow. CO2 is an essential component of photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. If there is not enough CO2 in the water, their growth will be limited.

In aquariums and ponds, CO2 levels can be increased through supplementation systems. Diffusers and injectors add CO2 directly into the water. In garden beds, Bacopa receives adequate CO2 from the atmosphere. Proper air circulation around the plants is important for gas exchange.

How Tall Can Bacopa Plants Grow?

The height of Bacopa plants varies depending on their growing conditions. In general, Bacopa plants can grow up to 12 inches tall in aquariums or ponds. However, in garden beds or larger aquariums with more space and nutrients available, they can grow up to 24 inches tall or more.

With the right environment, including ample light, water, nutrients and CO2, Bacopa can thrive and reach its maximum height potential. Maintenance like pruning and trimming can also control height as the plant grows.

Tips for Growing Taller Bacopa Plants

  • Provide moderate to high light levels
  • Maintain good water quality
  • Add liquid fertilizer regularly
  • Use CO2 supplementation if needed
  • Allow plenty of room for growth
  • Prune strategically to encourage vertical growth

By optimizing the key factors that influence Bacopa plant height, you can achieve taller, healthier specimens. Pay close attention to the plant’s needs and make adjustments as necessary. With a little time and effort, you can unlock the full growth potential of this aquatic beauty.

how tall can your bacopa plant grow factors that affect height

How to grow brahmi

Brahmi plants are accustomed to subtropical to tropical conditions, which should always be kept in mind when choosing a location and caring for them. Bacopa monnieri needs a sunny, warm location up to 30 °C, high humidity and constantly moist soil to thrive. Brahmi like humus and nutrient-rich soil. Under the right conditions, herb of grace can even live in aquariums, where it also grows leaves underwater. Between June and August, the plant can also thrive outdoors in a sunny spot. However, care must be taken to ensure an adequate water supply.

Brahmi plants and seeds are available in most nurseries. Growing the plant from seed is fairly complicated though.

how tall can your bacopa plant grow factors that affect height

Growing brahmi from seed:

  • Best time to sow: end of March.
  • Fill the seed tray with loose, nutrient-poor soil – such as our Plantura Organic Herb & Seedling Compost
  • Brahmi needs light to germinate; only lightly press seeds into the planting soil and do not cover with soil, like our peat-free Plantura Organic All Purpose Compost
  • The optimal germination temperature is 25-28 °C. Heat coming from below is perfect, for example on a sunny windowsill above a radiator. Mini-greenhouses are useful for maintaining high temperatures and humidity
  • Keep the soil constantly moist but not dripping wet over the next few weeks. If conditions are right, seeds should germinate within 14 days
  • Prick out the young plants into 8-9 cm pots filled with a high-quality, nutrient-rich potting soil.
  • Continue to keep young plants warm and moist

how tall can your bacopa plant grow factors that affect height

  • Perfect for all your house, garden & balcony plants
  • For strong & healthy plants as well as an active soil life
  • Peat-free & organic soil: CO2-saving composition

Bacopa monnieri: origin and characteristics

Brahmi is native to Southeast Asia, where it thrives in wetlands and along the edges of other bodies of water. This small plant belongs to the plantain family (Plantaginaceae) and is also related to the European ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata). Brahmi is a perennial herbaceous plant that needs considerably warm temperatures to survive. For this reason, the plant cannot be overwintered outdoors in the UK. The plants grow to a height of about 15 cm and remain rather small throughout their lives. They are easily identified by their small, thick, almost fleshy leaves. Under ideal conditions, Bacopa monnieri will bloom white, almost blue flowers all year, emitting a delicate and pleasant fragrance. In cooler climates, however, water hyssop usually blooms only from late spring to late summer.

how tall can your bacopa plant grow factors that affect height

Tip: There are several plants on the market that are marketed as brahmi. Be careful to not confuse Bacopa monnieri, for example, with Asiatic pennywort (Centella asiatica), also called gotu kola.

10 Reasons You NEED Bacopa For Your Planted Aquarium!


What is the maximum height of bacopa?

Bacopa can grow 3 to 12 inches tall, 10 to 36 inches wide, and cascade up to 4 feet long. Gardeners love to use Bacopa for groundcover, as a container spiller, and to attract butterflies.

How can I make my bacopa grow faster?

Fertilize bacopa plants regularly to fuel their rapid growth. Yellowing foliage and less flowering are signs that your bacopa plant needs nutrients. Use a liquid fertilizer to encourage blooms during the growing season. Choose a 10-10-10 fertilizer that’s water-soluble.

Does bacopa like full sun or shade?

Bacopa can survive in full sunlight or partial shade, but it will produce the most flowers in sunlight. If your plant is in full sun, make sure to regularly check that the soil is not drying out because bacopas need a lot of moisture. 2. Water your plant liberally.

How do you keep bacopa blooming all summer?

Fertilizing regularly will help keep your bacopa blooming. Use a water-soluble 10-10-10 fertilizer and apply it during a watering session. Fertilize landscape plants every month and container plants every 2 weeks.

How big does a Bacopa plant get?

Bacopa thrives in hanging baskets and containers. The plant can reach 3-12 inches tall and 10-36 inches wide, making it a beautiful eye-catching choice for patios, doorways and even windowsills. The plant does best in full sun but can also tolerate partial and full shade.

Why is my Bacopa growing vertically?

If your Bacopa is showing more horizontal than vertical growth, it could be due to inadequate lighting. Ensure that the plant receives sufficient light intensity. If it’s placed in the background, make sure taller plants or decorations aren’t blocking the light. Adjusting the lighting conditions should encourage more vertical growth.

Can Bacopa grow from stem cuttings?

Yes, Bacopa propagates easily from stem cuttings. Simply snip a healthy stem, ensuring it has a few leaves, and plant it in the substrate. With the right conditions, it’ll root and grow in no time, allowing you to expand your Bacopa forest!

What does a Bacopa aquarium plant look like?

Let’s dive into the Bacopa aquarium plant. Appearance: Bright colors, can be reddish-brown under bright lights or classic green under lower lights. Leaves are oval in shape, about an inch long, and grow in pairs on the stem. The plant can produce blue flowers with about five petals, more often above the water.

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