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Digging Deep: Exploring the Roots and Stems of the Acacia Plant

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2Forest Ecology, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna, AustriaFind articles by

The drivers underlying the development of deep root systems, whether genetic or environmental, are poorly understood but evidence has accumulated that deep rooting could be a more widespread and important trait among plants than commonly anticipated from their share of root biomass. Even though a distinct classification of “deep roots” is missing to date, deep roots provide important functions for individual plants such as nutrient and water uptake but can also shape plant communities by hydraulic lift (HL). Subterranean fauna and microbial communities are highly influenced by resources provided in the deep rhizosphere and deep roots can influence soil pedogenesis and carbon storage.Despite recent technological advances, the study of deep roots and their rhizosphere remains inherently time-consuming, technically demanding and costly, which explains why deep roots have yet to be given the attention they deserve. While state-of-the-art technologies are promising for laboratory studies involving relatively small soil volumes, they remain of limited use for the in situ observation of deep roots. Thus, basic techniques such as destructive sampling or observations at transparent interfaces with the soil (e.g., root windows) which have been known and used for decades to observe roots near the soil surface, must be adapted to the specific requirements of deep root observation. In this review, we successively address major physical, biogeochemical and ecological functions of deep roots to emphasize the significance of deep roots and to illustrate the yet limited knowledge. In the second part we describe the main methodological options to observe and measure deep roots, providing researchers interested in the field of deep root/rhizosphere studies with a comprehensive overview. Addressed methodologies are: excavations, trenches and soil coring approaches, minirhizotrons (MR), access shafts, caves and mines, and indirect approaches such as tracer-based techniques.

Studies on below-ground ecosystem processes are relatively rare compared to those dealing with above-ground traits of plants; roots and the rhizosphere being “hidden” in the soil (Smit et al., 2000), their observation and study relies on deploying special methodologies that are generally time-consuming and often costly. Even though methodologies to study belowground processes have significantly improved and the number of studies addressing roots has increased in recent decades, studies on roots remain mostly confined to the uppermost soil horizons. While Canadell and colleagues (1996) highlighted the potential influence of “deep roots” on many ecosystem processes nearly two decades ago, information about the actual importance of deep roots in terms of plant and ecosystem functioning, (global) water cycles and biogeochemistry remains scarce. This situation appears to be related to two major factors: (i) technological and economical limitations, i.e., the absence of tools to measure roots with sufficient throughput and standardization at affordable costs (Böhm, 1979; Vogt et al., 1996; Smit et al., 2000), and (ii) the widespread assumption that deep roots are a rather marginal component of plants. Even though deep roots may, in most cases, represent a relatively small fraction of the overall root system biomass, they likely fulfill much more essential functions than commonly accepted; an increasing number of studies clearly indicate that “looking deeper” is essential to increase our understanding of plant ecophysiology, but also of community ecology and geochemical cycles (Harper and Tibbett, 2013; see below). This review highlights the increasing importance and impact of deep roots in environmental research and provide some guidance to future research.

In this context, this review elaborates on the physiological and ecological significance of deep roots before providing a detailed overview on methods to study deep roots. Addressed methodologies are (i) excavations, trenches and soil coring approaches, (ii) minirhizotrons (MRs), (iii) access shafts, (iv) caves and mines, and (v) indirect approaches such as tracer-based techniques.

As an avid gardener and nature lover, I’m always fascinated by the incredible diversity and adaptability of plants. The acacia plant offers a particularly intriguing example with specialized roots and stems that allow it to thrive in challenging environments. In this article, we’ll take a close look at the unique anatomy and functions of the acacia’s below-ground and above-ground structures.

Acacia Roots – Built for Survival

The acacia root system consists of a deep taproot with smaller lateral roots branching off. This configuration helps anchor the plant in loose or shifting soils, while allowing it to penetrate deep into the ground searching for scarce water and nutrients.

Acacia taproots can reach impressive depths of up to 30 feet! This gives acacia access to groundwater not available to other plants with shallower root structures. In extremely arid conditions, the taproot continues growing down at a rate of 2.5 cm per day until it finds moisture.

In addition to water foraging, acacia roots form symbiotic relationships with rhizobial bacteria that fix nitrogen from the air into compounds the plant can use. This process enriches nutrient-poor soils, benefiting the acacia and surrounding plants.

The Magic of Acacia Stems

Above ground. acacia stems and branches display several unique adaptations

  • Spinescent Growth – Sharp prickles or thorns along young stems and leaves protect against browsing animals.

  • Modified Stems – Some acacias have flattened, leaf-like stems called phyllodes that carry out photosynthesis.

  • Swollen Stems – Bulges at nodes called beltian bodies attract ants that defend the plant from pests.

  • Flexible Stems – Wiry, elastic branches bend and sway in high winds instead of breaking.

This mix of anatomical features allows acacias to survive challenging conditions from herbivores, drought, and extreme weather.

Internal Workings

Beneath the surface, acacia stems have some intriguing cellular mechanisms:

  • Water Storage – Parenchyma tissue in the pith and bark serves as reservoirs to store water.

  • Carlact Resins – Produced in resin canals, these compounds seal injuries and prevent pathogen entry.

  • Xylem and Phloem – Vascular tissues transport water, sugars, and minerals up and down the stem.

  • Cambium – The newest layer of dividing cells generates xylem and phloem, increasing the stem diameter.

Putting it All Together: Structure Matches Function

When we look at the parts in relation to the whole, it becomes clear how the acacia’s anatomy supports its growth strategy:

  • Deep roots supply water to…

  • Spongy water-storage stems and leaves which…

  • Fuel fast growth for quick light capture using…

  • Abundant vascular tissue to distribute water and sugars while…

  • Spines protect the plant’s fleshy water-rich tissues from consumption.

Every part works together to help acacias thrive where other plants cannot!

Acacia Growth Habits

Beyond its structures, the acacia exhibits some unique growth patterns:

  • Rapid Early Growth – Long shoots extend quickly when conditions allow to establish a large canopy.

  • Continuous Branching – Axillary buds keep producing new lateral shoots, leading to a broad, spreading form.

  • Indeterminate Growth – The stem tips maintain active cell division and don’t terminate in flowers, continuing vegetative growth.

  • Epicormic Sprouting – Dormant buds beneath the bark produce new shoots, allowing regrowth after damage.

Caring for Your Acacia

Understanding the acacia’s specialized stems and roots helps us better care for these remarkable plants:

  • Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth.

  • Use fast-draining soils to prevent root rot.

  • Allow flexible stems room to sway and bend.

  • Prune for shape, avoiding cutting main branches flush with the stem.

  • Provide full sun to fuel rapid growth.

The Beauty of Botany

Exploring the unique biology and growth habits of plants like the acacia reminds me of nature’s ingenuity. Over eons of evolution, the acacia developed specialized structures and functions exquisitely adapted to its environment. As gardeners and nature lovers, noticing and appreciating these botanical wonders deepens our awe and connection with the natural world.

exploring the roots and stems of acacia plant anatomy and function

Deep roots and nutrient uptake

RSA, i.e., the spatial distribution and morphology of roots, root physiology and symbiotic interactions affect the ability of plants to access nutrients. The occurrence of deep-rooted plants, especially in (semi-) arid ecosystems, is classically explained in regard to water uptake (see above). However, McCulley et al. (2004) collected evidence suggesting that water uptake at depth can be limited, even under arid conditions. Furthermore, they found that some nutrients had comparable if not larger plant available pools in deeper soil layers; for example, P weathering (see below) is usually greater in deep soil layers than in the topsoil (Sverdrup et al., 2002). These results, in addition to data on strontium (Sr) uptake from deep soil horizons, suggest that deep soils in (semi-) arid regions may be more significant nutrient sources than commonly believed (He et al., 2012). In addition, HR could mobilize nutrients within the soil and supply those to roots through mass flow or diffusion (McCulley et al., 2004; Lambers et al., 2006; Da Silva et al., 2011). While data on the contribution of deep roots on nutrient uptake in other ecosystems such as highly weathered tropical soils is still scarce (Hinsinger et al., 2011), it is generally believed that deep(er) root systems are important for the uptake of mobile nutrients such as potassium (K) but also nitrogen (N). While an increase in roots length in the topsoil will not increase uptake due to overlapping depletion zones (Andrews and Newman, 1970), deep roots can significantly expand the soil volume accessible for uptake and thus, e.g., increase the N-uptake fraction (McMurtrie et al., 2012). Differences in N depletion due to differences in rooting depth are of special interest for environmental protection; N in deep soil layers is more prone to leaching than N in shallow soil horizons (Thorup-Kristensen and Nielsen, 1998; Thorup-Kristensen, 2001). While, due to the high mobility of nitrate, high root densities may not be needed to enable plants to deplete specific soil areas (Robinson, 1991; Robinson et al., 1996), a linear relationship was found between root density and 15N uptake from different depths (Kristensen and Thorup-Kristensen, 2004). In addition, early root growth to deeper soil horizons has been found to be important because N depletion of deep soil can be slower than N uptake in shallow soil horizons (Strebel et al., 1989), cited after (Thorup-Kristensen, 2001). For trees, Laclau et al. (2010) demonstrated that 6 m-deep roots of Eucalyptus spp. limited nutrient losses through deep drainage, following clear-cutting of previous tropical vegetation. While Kristensen and Thorup-Kristensen (2004, 2007) indicate that different N use efficiencies of crops depend more on species-specific differences in root development over time and space than on differences in N uptake physiology of roots, Göransson et al. (2006, 2007, 2008) found differences in the nutrient uptake capacities, i.e. root physiology, between shallow- (5 cm) and deeper-growing (50 cm) oak roots. While such differences were not found for beech and spruce, and P uptake of oak, estimates of fine root distribution alone may thus not reflect the uptake capacity of all nutrients and all tree species with sufficient accuracy (Göransson et al., 2008). Similar differences in root uptake potentials between shallow and deep roots under tropical conditions have been found for Eucalyptus spp. (Da Silva et al., 2011; Laclau et al., 2013). Interestingly, Pregitzer et al. (1998) found declining root respiration rates with increasing soil depth in Sugar maple. In summary, the previous studies indicate that deep rooting species such as oak, Sugar maple and Eucalyptus may have evolved different physiological uptake strategies in deep and shallow soil horizons, possibly optimizing uptake efficiency in terms of carbon costs by functional specialization [see also discussion in Da Silva et al. (2011)] under reduced competition. Future studies on the physiological properties of deep roots are imperative for a better understanding of the functional specialization of nutrient uptake by fine roots in general and the development of improved nutrient uptake models in specific.

Impact of deep roots on soil fauna and microbial communities

Fauna diversity was described as declining from the shallow toward the deep subterranean habitats (Culver and Pipan, 2009), however it is still widely unknown how deep roots influence the vertical distribution of soil fauna. While it is well known that fauna in the uppermost soil horizons and litter layers utilize roots for feed, it was also shown that deep plant roots are the major energy source, and provide shelter and cocoon-building material for troglobionts, i.e., invertebrates restricted to subterranean environments (Howarth et al., 2007; Silva et al., 2011; Novak and Perc, 2012). Both living and dead roots are used, providing resources for a wide diversity of cave organisms, including root-feeders, scavengers, and predators (Howarth, 1983). Freckman and Virginia (1989) showed that in some ecosystems the majority of nematodes, and thus herbivory, may occur at soil depths rarely studied. Because deep roots can directly or indirectly support the fauna, the loss of deep-rooted plants in general or of specific species will affect subterranean animals–as far as eliminating host root-specific animal (Reboleira et al., 2011). Knowledge on deep root-fauna interactions is thus decisive for development of conservation strategies in ecosystems and to understand root herbivory. While Silva et al. (1989) claimed that deep-rhizosphere micro-arthropod fauna is a reduced subset of the fauna of shallow soil horizons, Novak and Perc (2012) stated that the division of soil fauna into shallow and deep communities is a global pattern, at least in karst ecosystems with deep-rooted vegetation. While caves might represent very special ecosystems, the concentrations of organic matter and bioavailable nutrients usually decrease with soil depth; thus, in deep soil horizons the rhizosphere is “an oasis of resources compared with the [bulk soil]” (Richter and Walthert, 2007). For example, the fungal biomass in forest bulk soil decreased steadily by three orders of magnitude from the soil surface to 2.5 m depth whereas the fungal biomass in the rhizosphere remained relatively constant between depths of 0.4–2.5 m and was higher than in bulk soil (Richter and Walthert, 2007), illustrating the impact of roots on the depth distribution of fungal biomass. Furthermore, fungal species community compositions can change with depth too, i.e., different species or fungal functional groups form mycorrhizal symbioses with deep roots than with shallow roots (e.g., Rosling et al., 2003; Clemmensen et al., 2013). While it is known that the diversity of microorganisms is typically decreasing with depth and the community composition is changing (Eilers et al., 2012), high levels of bacterial biomass were found to remain down to 8 m depth in prairie soils (Dodds et al., 1996); it is thus currently unknown which roles deep roots play for soil microbial communities in detail. However, because deeper occurring microbes may have a greater influence on soil formation processes than their counterparts in shallow soil horizons, due to their proximity to soil parent material (Buss et al., 2005) and a critical influence on longer-term soil carbon sequestration (Rumpel and Kögel-Knabner, 2011), further studies including the rhizosphere of deep roots are imperative. A first indication of the importance of deep roots on bacterial communities is given by Snider et al. (2009), who observed complex interaction between deep roots and bacterial communities, some bacteria from the soil overlaying the cave being introduced by the roots while deep roots could acquire bacteria from the cave walls.

In general, the distributions of root-associated biota through the soil profile remains poorly understood, as most studies focus on communities in shallow soil horizons. This emphasizes the importance of future research into faunal, fungal and microbial communities adapted to the deep root zone, enhancing understanding of subterranean ecology and ecosystem functioning (Cardon and Whitbeck, 2007).

Plant Anatomy and Structure


Why are acacia roots important?

As a medicine, acacia is taken by mouth to reduce cholesterol levels and to help increase weight loss. In manufacturing, acacia is used as a pharmaceutical ingredient in medications for throat or stomach inflammation and as a film-forming agent in peel-off skin masks.

How deep do acacia tree roots go?

In the Arava, there are a number of aquifers (underground water reservoirs), and the acacia trees have long roots, which can reach tens of meters of depth so that they may have access to one of these aquifers.

What is the structure of the acacia plant?

Acacias have a range of foliage types. Some species have true leaves that are divided into leaflets called pinnae. Others have leaf-like structures called phyllodes, which are flattened leaf stalks. The colour of the foliage varies from light or dark green to silver-grey.

What is special about the acacia tree?

The bark of most acacias is rich in tannin, which is used in tanning and in dyes, inks, pharmaceuticals, and other products. Several Australian acacias are valuable sources of tannin, among them the golden wattle (A. pycnantha), the green wattle (A. decurrens), and the silver wattle (A.

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