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How to Get Rid of Ants on African Corn Lily Flower

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The vibrant colors and delicate blooms of the African corn lily (Ixia) add beauty to any garden. However, these flowers also attract unwelcome guests – ants! Ants crawling on the petals and stems can be annoying and may lead to pest problems. If ants on your African corn lilies are an issue, there are several effective control methods available.

Understanding Why Ants Are Attracted

To get rid of ants on African corn lily successfully you first need to understand what draws them to the plant. Here are some reasons ants may congregate

  • Feeding on the sweet nectar from the flowers This is the main attractant

  • Farming honeydew produced by other insects like aphids or scales. Check for signs of these pests.

  • Seeking shelter in the foliage Overgrown plants provide hiding spots.

  • Looking for moisture and nutrients in the soil. This is more likely in dry conditions.

  • Traveling along branches touching the flowers. Trim back any contacting stems.

Safely Eliminating Ants from African Corn Lily

Once you know why ants are present, you can take steps to banish them safely without harming your flowers:

Remove Food Sources

  • Prune spent blooms to eliminate nectar.

  • Control aphids, scales, and other honeydew-producing pests. Spray insecticidal soap or neem oil.

  • Clean up fallen petals, pollen, and debris that provide food.

Altering Habitat

  • Keep foliage trimmed to remove hiding and traveling spots.

  • Ensure the soil is moist. Dry conditions will attract ants looking for water.

  • Fill in cracks and mulch well to reduce nesting areas.

Physical Barriers

  • Apply sticky bands around stems to trap traveling ants.

  • Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the base to deter crossing.

  • Place pots on stands surrounded by water to exclude ants.

Natural Repellents

  • Sprinkle cinnamon, chili powder, or dried peppermint around plants.

  • Spray white vinegar or lemon juice solution onto ant trails.

  • Place citrus peels or crushed eggshells as barriers.

Targeted Treatments

  • Apply ant bait near plants to eliminate entire colonies.

  • Use insecticidal soap, neem oil, or essential oils directly on ants.

  • Dust ant powder onto trails and entry points as a last resort.

Preventive Care is Key

Preventing future ant invasions is just as crucial as eliminating current ones. Here are some tips:

  • Check plants frequently for new colonies before they get established.

  • Avoid excessive fertilization which can attract pests that produce honeydew.

  • Remove weeds, leaf litter, and debris that provide cover.

  • Allow soil to dry slightly between waterings to deter moisture-seeking ants.

  • Trim branches of nearby plants that may allow access to flowers.

  • Place ant-repelling plants like pennyroyal, peppermint, or garlic nearby.

When to Seek Professional Help

In severe cases, professional ant extermination may be needed:

  • If you are unable to locate or eliminate the colony.

  • If ants reappear soon after removing them.

  • If ants have formed large mounds in lawn areas.

  • If stinging or biting ants pose safety risks.

Discuss integrated pest management with a licensed exterminator to find the least toxic solutions for permanent control.

Maintaining Beautiful, Ant-Free African Corn Lilies

With a little diligence, you can enjoy gorgeous African corn lily flowers all season long without the nuisance of ants. Combining removal tactics, preventive care, and prompt attention at the first sign of invaders will keep your garden pest-free. Pay attention to the conditions that attract ants, and use natural remedies whenever possible for safe, effective control without harming your prized flowers.

how to get rid of ants on african corn lily flower

Thrifty Decor Chick | Thrifty DIY, Decor and Organizing

How to cut and enjoy these beautiful flowers inside, and why you shouldnt get rid of those tiny ants while the plant is blooming!

It’s one of my favorite times of the year — peony season. 🙂 It’s a downright shame they only bloom for a week or so once a year!

I recently shared how to arrange grocery store flowers to make beautiful arrangements, but sometimes I want a bouquet made up of just one type of flower. Bonus points if its as fluffy and pretty as the peony!

I picked up our state flower and planted my first bush years back at our first home. I saw them blooming at the nursery and thought they were lovely, but I didn’t fall head over heals until they really started producing:

Now? I’m obsessed. If they bloomed all summer I’d have them everywhere, but for now I stick with hydrangeas for season-long flowers. 🙂

Im pretty sure the variety above is the Hermione. The scent is heavy and absolutely intoxicating. I’ve never smelled a flower like it!

There are a TON of peony varieties, in pink, hot pink, white, red and coral colors.

I wrote a post sharing everything you need to know about growing peonies years back that is very helpful. They are actually quite easy to grow.

The trick is to plant them correctly from the start!

Once open, the full blooms sometimes fall to the ground because they are so big and heavy. I love them!

Why are there so many ants on peonies?

These little critters can be a nuisance if you want to bring your beautiful blooms inside, (more on that in a bit), but you WANT them while the plant is blooming!

Ants eat away at the nectar on the peony bud, and many say that this nibbling helps the unopened buds to bloom. Ive always been told not to use any kind of insecticide near them for that reason.

Some say that this is an old wives tale, but I choose to believe that the little critters are helping. 😉 At the very least, they keep other insects from destroying the buds as they open up. (Ants are very territorial!)

After the peony blooms, you shouldnt see nearly as many ants, but you will still have some small insects like on any garden flower.

Ants on your plants? It may indicate a bigger problem.


How do I get rid of ants on my corn plants?

Ants are attracted by ‘honeydew’ which the aphids secrete. They can be controlled by hosing them off, or with an insecticidal soap spray. Once the aphids are gone, the ants should leave also.

How to get ants off lilies?

One is to mix equal amounts of borax and sugar and place this around the base of the plant. The mixture will kill any ant that eats it. Cornmeal and sugar are also a good mixture to try. The cornmeal will expand after it is eaten and will also kill the ants.

How do I get rid of ants on my flowering plants?

Some smells that ants detest include mint, camphor, tansy, and clove oil. One way to try and repel ants is to soak cotton balls in one of this ant-repelling essential oils. You can also grow your own ant repellent in your veggie garden – hot peppers!

What can I spray on flowers to kill ants?

Lemon Juice – dilute lemon juice with water (50/50) and spray liberally. The lemon destroys the scent trail ants depend on for survival. Vinegar – similar to lemon juice, a 50/50 vinegar to water concentration will destroy the ants scent trail as well as often killing ants on contact.

How to get rid of ants on corn plants?

You can also sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth near your plants. This natural substance kills the ants on contact and doesn’t cause any collateral damage. If you manage to locate the ant nests, you can also pour boiling water on it a few times. Ants are fascinating insects that can be both beneficial and harmful to corn plants.

How do you keep ants away from plants?

To protect plants, simply sprinkle cinnamon around the base of the plant. For large flowerbed or garden spaces, sprinkle it all throughout the garden area. You can also sprinkle it around the entire perimeter of bed spaces to keep ants from crossing into the space. For extremely bad infestations, mix the cinnamon directly into the soil.

Why are ants crawling all over my corn plants?

Ants crawling all over your corn plants are a sure sign of adult aphid population, or the infestation of scale insects, whiteflies, or mealybugs. Ants have learned to farm these insects to harvest their sweet excretions, and in exchange, they protect them from predators and help them to spread all over your corn plants.

Why do corn plants need ants?

Ants have learned to farm these insects to harvest their sweet excretions, and in exchange, they protect them from predators and help them to spread all over your corn plants. Ants themselves are actually beneficial for the garden as they carry out many essential functions for the balance of the ecosystem.

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