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What’s Causing My African Corn Lily Flower To Die?

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Ixia flowers, also known as African Corn Lilies, trace their roots back to the Cape region of South Africa. These vibrant and delicate flowers have become increasingly popular across the world, and with good reason.

Beloved for their unique charm, stunning colors, and enchanting patterns – Ixia flowers make for beautiful additions to any garden. In their native habitat, Ixias thrive in well-drained soil, showcasing their adaptability and proving that they are rather hardy flowers.

Historically, Ixia flowers have been admired for their association with elegance and grace, making them a symbol of beauty and renewal.

The vibrant colors and elegant blooms of the African corn lily (Ixia) make it a prized addition to many gardens. However, these plants can sometimes take an unexpected turn for the worse. If you’ve noticed your African corn lilies declining or dying off, it’s important to understand the potential causes so you can take action to revive them.

Signs Your African Corn Lily is Dying

How can you tell if your African corn lily is in distress? Be on the lookout for these common signs

  • Wilting or drooping leaves and stems
  • Leaves turning yellow or brown
  • Lack of new growth
  • Flowers drying up or dying
  • Evidence of pests like aphids or spider mites
  • Presence of fungal diseases causing spots on leaves
  • Rotting at the base or roots of the plant

If you notice any of these issues, it means your African corn lily needs help to recover.

Reasons for African Corn Lily Death or Decline

There are a number of factors that could be causing your African corn lily flowers to die off. Here are some of the most common culprits:


African corn lilies need consistently moist soil, especially during warmer months. If the soil dries out completely for extended periods, it puts significant stress on the plants. Check the soil frequently and water thoroughly whenever the top inch becomes dry.


While African corn lilies like moisture, soggy soil can be just as detrimental. Too much water prevents the roots from getting sufficient oxygen Well-draining soil and avoiding waterlogged conditions are key

Poor Drainage

Similarly, heavy clay soil or a pot without drainage holes can lead to root rot and other problems due to lack of drainage Improve drainage by amending soil with compost or using containers with holes

Nutrient Deficiency

Lack of important nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium will cause African corn lilies to underperform. Fertilize plants monthly with a balanced flower fertilizer during the active growing season for best results.

Insufficient Sunlight

African corn lilies thrive in full sun to partial shade. Too much shade deprives the plants of the light they need for vigorous growth and flowering. Ensure they get at least 6 hours of direct sun daily.

Cold Temperatures

Chilly weather can damage and kill African corn lily flowers. If temps drop below 50°F (10°C), bring potted plants indoors or provide protective covering to maintain warmth.


Spider mites, aphids, thrips and other sucking insects can infest and weaken African corn lily plants. Apply insecticidal soap, neem oil or other organic sprays to control.


Fungal diseases like botrytis blight, powdery mildew and root rot can occur if conditions are too cool and damp. Improve air circulation and quickly remove any diseased foliage.

Old Age

African corn lilies are perennials but they do deteriorate as they age. After 3-5 years, flowering and growth will decline as the plants become overcrowded and exhausted. Divide mature plants to rejuvenate.

Reviving Your African Corn Lily

If your African corn lily is struggling, take action right away to nurse it back to health:

  • Evaluate growing conditions and make adjustments as needed.
  • Improve drainage and amend soil if too heavy or nutrient deficient.
  • Water thoroughly when top inch of soil is dry.
  • Fertilize monthly to provide nutrients.
  • Prune away dead or damaged growth.
  • Move plant to a sunnier location if insufficient light.
  • Watch for pests and treat promptly if found.
  • Discard diseased plants to prevent spreading.
  • Propagate new plants from healthy bulbs to start fresh.

With attention to its ideal care needs, your African corn lily can rebound from near death. Proper watering, sunlight, nutrients and pruning will have it flowering joyfully again in no time. Be vigilant about making adjustments as issues arise to maintain the health and beauty of this rewarding garden plant.

whats causing my african corn lily flower to die

• Benefits of Ixia Flowers: Stunning Garden Plants and Flowers

Ixia flowers add a touch of sophistication to gardens and floral arrangements with their unique, star-shaped blooms.

They stunning colors and patterns also add a charm to outdoor gardens. But knowing how hardy these flowers can be, you might not be shocked to know that they can also be used as indoor flowering plants!

Ixia are flowering succulents beloved for their commendable adaptability, thriving in a variety of climates and soil conditions. This versatility makes them suitable for diverse geographical regions and different types of gardens, from formal landscapes to more natural, informal settings.

This also allows gardeners to experiment with their garden designs and figure out how they want to display these flowers. Plant care also becomes fairly simple because of their adaptability.

Watering your Ixia Bulbs:

After planting, water the bulbs thoroughly to settle the soil around them. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged during the growing season. Adequate water is essential for the establishment of roots but waterlogging will lead to bulb rot.

Apply a layer of mulch around the planted Ixia bulbs. Mulching helps conserve soil moisture, suppresses weed growth, and also regulates soil temperature. Use organic mulch, such as straw or bark, for effective insulation.

How do you fix black leaves on a peace lily ?


Can I cut the flowers off my corn plant without?

Should you cut the flower off a corn plant? You can let the flowers bloom and cut the flower stalk off when they are done, or you can cut it off at any stage.

How do I get my corn plant to bloom?

To encourage your Dracaena fragrans to bloom, ensure it receives appropriate light, water, fertilizer, and humidity. Generally, only Dracaena that are five years or older will bloom, though it is also common for a mature plant to only produce blooms every few years.

How often does a corn plant flower?

When the Cornstalk Dracaena (Dracaena fragrans) decides to show off, it’s a spectacle. Mature plants, typically over the five-year mark, may grace you with blooms—one to three times a year if they’re feeling generous. Indoor specimens often snub the idea of blooming, but when they do, it’s a sight to behold.

When to plant African corn lily bulbs?

Plant corms 2-3” deep in spring after last frost date in organically rich, well-drained soils in full sun. Reduce watering after bloom. In cold climates, when foliage turns yellow (summer), dig corms and store in a cool location in a dry medium until the following spring.

Are African corn lilies pest-free?

African corn lilies are generally pest-free, but they can be susceptible to aphids, spider mites, and thrips. If you notice any signs of infestation, treat the plant with an appropriate insecticide or miticide. Fungal diseases, such as botrytis and powdery mildew, can also affect the plant.

What is an African corn lily?

The African corn lily, scientifically known as Ixia, is a captivating plant that adds vibrancy and charm to any garden or indoor space. With its striking flowers and easy-care nature, it’s a popular choice among gardening enthusiasts.

How to propagate African corn lily?

The propagation of this plant is also done through seeds; however, it might take three years or more for them to bloom. The Ixia flower seeds should be covered with soil once the last spring frost has passed. The African corn lily also propagates naturally through insects and bees.

How do you care for African corn lilies?

African corn lilies require regular watering, especially during the growing season. Water the plant deeply but infrequently, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. Fertilize the plant every two weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted to half strength. Stop fertilizing in the fall when the plant goes dormant. 5.

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