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Where to Purchase an African Mallow Shrub

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The vibrant African mallow shrub (Anisodontea capensis) is quickly becoming a popular plant for home gardens and landscapes. With its colorful flowers and attractive foliage, it’s easy to see why more people want to add this exotic beauty to their outdoor spaces. But where can you purchase an African mallow shrub for your own garden? Here are some of the best places to buy this unique plant:

Check Local Nurseries and Garden Centers

One of the most convenient options for purchasing an African mallow shrub is right in your hometown at local nurseries and garden centers. These retailers often carry a diverse selection of plants including unique varieties like the African mallow. Visit a few different nurseries in your area to compare their selections and prices.

When shopping at a local nursery, be sure to inspect the plants carefully before purchasing. Look for specimens with healthy foliage and stems free of pests or other issues. The staff should be able to provide tips on the proper care and ideal growing conditions for African mallow in your climate. Purchasing locally allows you to see the plants in person rather than relying on photos from an online retailer.

Order from Online Plant Websites

In today’s digital world, buying plants online has become very popular thanks to the convenience and wide selection available Many plant retailers now have robust e-commerce websites that ship living plants right to your door When shopping online for an African mallow shrub, be sure to check customer reviews and shop with reputable sellers known for good quality plants and service.

Before ordering, factor in shipping costs and transit time so you can be home when your plant arrives. Carefully unpack the plant and let it acclimate in a sheltered spot before transplanting. Ordering online may provide access to more rare varieties you won’t find locally. Just be diligent about proper post-purchase plant care.

Check for Plant Sales and Swaps

An inexpensive way to acquire an African mallow is through plant sales, swaps, or exchanges hosted by local gardening clubs and societies. These events allow gardeners to trade their surplus plants with others in the community. You can often find rare or unusual plant varieties at sales hosted by specialty plant groups focused on exotic species.

Plant sales and swaps are also great for getting advice directly from experienced gardeners who can provide tips on caring for and growing your new African mallow successfully. Check garden club newsletters and event listings in your area to find upcoming plant sales open to the public.

Visit Botanical Gardens and Arboretums

Many botanical gardens and arboretums cultivate and display unique plant collections from around the world. This includes exotic species like the African mallow shrub. Check gift shops or plant sales hosted by your local botanical institutions to see if African mallow is available for purchase.

The benefit of buying from botanical gardens is you can see how the plants look in cultivated garden displays. Ask horticulture staff for advice on incorporating the shrubs into your own garden. And use the botanical garden’s displays for inspiration when designing an exotic plant bed or border in your yard.

Check if Your County Extension Office Has an Exchange

Some university extension offices operate plant exchanges or sales where gardeners can acquire new plants inexpensively, often in exchange for sharing plants from their own gardens. Contact your local county extension office to ask if they host any public plant sales or swaps. Master gardeners who volunteer with extension offices may be able to provide cuttings or divisions of less common plants like African mallow.

An extension office plant exchange is a great way to experiment with new exotic plant varieties without spending much money. At the same time, you’ll be able to share plants you’ve propagated yourself with other eager gardeners in the community.

Join a Specialty Plant Society

If you want to connect with a network of enthusiasts focused on exotic plants, consider joining a specialty plant society. These organizations for hobbyists often facilitate exchanges of plant materials between members through online forums, in-person swaps, and member plant sales.

By networking with other exotic plant lovers through a specialty society, you may discover small specialty nurseries selling African mallow or members willing to share plant divisions. Just be sure to give back to the community by contributing your own interesting plants as well.

Check Flower Shows and Farmers Markets

Flower shows and farmers markets are great places to find vendors selling more unusual plant varieties like African mallow. See if any rare plant growers or specialty nurseries set up booths at the flower shows or markets in your region. These events bring together many different plant sellers in one place, increasing your chances of finding that coveted African mallow specimen.

When shopping flower shows and markets, seek out vendors with immaculately cared for plants since you likely won’t be able to return plants that fail to thrive. Talk to sellers about proper growing conditions and post-purchase care before investing in an African mallow or other exotic plant.

Search Classified Listings

Don’t overlook classified ads as a way to find African mallow plants locally. Gardeners sometimes advertise plant divisions or cuttings from their home gardens in the newspaper or online classifieds. Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and community bulletin boards are all places to check for African mallow listings.

When purchasing plants via classifieds, inspect carefully for signs of disease or pests before buying. Be sure to clarify with the seller what is included – some ads may be for plant cuttings you’ll need to root rather than an established potted plant. But classifieds can be a source of free or cheap plants.

Consider an Online Specialty Nursery

For the widest selection of African mallow cultivars, specialty plant nurseries online are worth checking out. These small niche growers focus on rare and exotic plants that big box stores don’t offer. So you can find unique African mallow varieties sold by the specialty e-nurseries.

Ordering from specialty nurseries does come at a higher price point usually. Expect to pay more for the convenience of buying uncommon plants online and having them shipped to your door. Read up on the nursery’s shipping and guarantees before ordering an expensive exotic plant by mail.

The vibrant pinks and reds of the African mallow can bring a touch of the tropics to any garden. Following these tips will lead you to great places to purchase this eye-catching plant for your outdoor space. Check nurseries, plant sales, classified ads, and specialty growers to locate your perfect African mallow specimen. With proper care, this exotic shrub will flourish, adding striking color to your garden for years to come.

where to purchase a african mallow shrub

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where to purchase a african mallow shrub

Height (incl. pot) ± 25 cm
Pot size 9 cm

Anisodontea – Cape Mallow care – Abundant flowers for every season!


Where is the best place to plant mallow?

Mallow is easy to grow and start from seed if you choose a location that provides moist, well-drained, organically rich soil and full sun. The latter promotes vigorous growth and reduces the need for staking. Plant the seeds directly in the garden and keep the area moist until plants emerge.

Do mallow plants come back every year?

Though short-lived (three to four years) hollyhock mallow does self-sow readily in the right conditions, so new volunteer plants crop up year after year. Hollyhock mallow grows quickly, producing flowers in the first summer season after seeds are planted in the early spring or previous fall.

Do mallow plants spread?

Common mallow is native to Eurasia. It is a low growing, spreading broadleaf weed with a straight taproot that may grow deep into the soil. Young plants grow as a basal rosette and as the plant develops, its stems branch and lengthen along the soil.

Does mallow like sun or shade?

Caring for Common Mallow in Gardens It grows in sun to part shade. However, it will reseed itself throughout the growing season, and can become a little invasive. For common mallow control, deadhead spent blooms before they can go to seed.

Can African Mallow be grown outdoors?

African mallow can be grown outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 8a-11b. Find your local hardiness zone here . The seeds of African mallow can be used to grow new plants! After your plant flowers, any seeds that formed can be collected and germinated in potting soil.

Is tree mallow a good plant?

This lovely South African native has been a regional favorite for over a century. It is gaining popularity worldwide for its easy care, and continuous display of blooms through the growing season. The flowers look like miniature versions of Tree Mallow. A very charming plant and an excellent choice for growing in a container.

Is African Mallow a hibiscus?

Striking when in bloom, award-winning Anisodontea capensis (African Mallow) is an upright evergreen sub-shrub boasting showy pink flowers with raspberry red centers and veins. Resembling small hibiscus, they bloom profusely from spring until frost or all year round in warm climates. The blossoms attract bees and butterflies.

Is Cape Mallow a good garden plant?

Cape mallow thrives in garden soil but it being a subshrub or dwarf shrub, it is also highly suitable for a container garden. Add it to a pollinator garden with native plants or a border to attract bees and butterflies. Because the plant is drought-tolerant, it makes a great landscape plant for dry climates.

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