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How Much Water Does the African Marigold Flower Need?

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Marigolds are notoriously known for providing color to your backyard, these hardy plants flower all the way through summer and into late autumn. If you are an avid kitchen gardener and love to grow marigolds, then youll be pleased to know that they also make the perfect companion plant for any type of vegetable you choose to grow.

When you plant marigolds outdoors it is important to understand when and how to water them to ensure they have a long flowering season. These flowers tend to thrive in full sun conditions and fertile soil.

When it comes to watering these plants there are many things to consider such as the weather, the type of soil, and the specific marigold variety, all of which determine how often they need to drink.

The vibrant African marigold (Tagetes erecta) is a beloved annual flower known for its bold colors and ability to bloom nonstop throughout the growing season. With its dense mounded form and heat tolerance it’s a great choice for flower beds, containers, and borders. However, proper watering is key to helping these plants thrive. In this article, we’ll explore exactly how much water the African marigold needs to look its best.

An Overview of African Marigolds

Before determining watering needs. it’s helpful to understand a few things about African marigolds

  • Native to Mexico and Central America.
  • Come in colors like yellow, orange, red, and multi.
  • Grow 12-18 inches tall and wide.
  • Bloom continuously from transplant through first fall frost.
  • Prefer full sun and average, well-drained soil.
  • Extremely drought tolerant once established.
  • Require regular deadheading to encourage new blooms.

Factors That Influence Water Needs

When figuring out the right amount of water for African marigolds, there are several variables to consider:

Climate and Weather

  • Hot, dry climates require more frequent watering. Cool, humid climates need less.
  • Pay attention to rainfall and reduce watering if nature provides it.
  • Water more during periods of drought and extreme summer heat.

Sun Exposure

  • Plants in full sun usually need more water than those in partial shade.
  • Morning sun is ideal to reduce afternoon water needs.

Soil Type

  • Sandy and gravely soils drain faster and dry out more quickly.
  • Clay soils and potting mixes retain more moisture.

Plant Size and Maturity

  • Younger plants need more frequent water until their root systems develop.
  • Larger, mature plants can tolerate longer periods between waterings.

Container vs. In-ground

  • Potted plants often require more frequent watering than in-ground plants.
  • Monitor soil moisture carefully as containers dry out faster.

Best Practices for Watering African Marigolds

Follow these tips to make sure your African marigolds get the right amount of water for healthy growth and continuous blooms:

  • Water early in the morning to reduce evaporation loss.
  • Check soil moisture before watering. Stick your finger in the soil to gauge dryness.
  • Thoroughly saturate the soil when watering until it drips from the drainage holes.
  • Allow the soil to partially dry out between waterings. Do not keep it constantly soggy.
  • Use drip irrigation or soaker hoses to water at soil level and reduce disease.
  • Add mulch around plants to maintain consistent soil moisture longer.
  • Adjust watering amounts and frequency based on weather, plant size, and other factors.
  • Reduce watering in rainy weather and as plants mature.
  • Container plants may need daily watering depending on conditions.

Recommended Watering Schedule

As a general guideline, established African marigolds typically need:

  • In-ground plants: 1-2 inches of water per week, ideally 1 inch every 5-7 days.

  • Container plants: Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil become dry. This can mean daily watering in hot weather.

  • New transplants Frequent, light watering daily or every other day while roots establish Then reduce frequency

The exact watering schedule will depend on your specific set-up and environment. Observe plants and soil and adjust as needed. Overwatering can cause root rot, so err on the side of less when uncertain.

Signs of Under or Overwatering

It’s important to recognize the visible symptoms of too much or too little water:

Underwatering: Wilting, drooping leaves, stunted growth, early bloom drop.

Overwatering: Yellowing leaves, leaf drop, root rot, reduced flowering, fungal issues.

Pay attention to these signs and modify watering accordingly to keep plants happy and flowering.

Should You Use Mulch?

Mulch is highly recommended for African marigolds for these benefits:

  • Conserves moisture and reduces watering needs.
  • Keeps soil evenly moist longer between waterings.
  • Prevents weeds that compete for water.
  • Maintains cooler soil temperatures in summer.
  • Limits soil erosion and runoff.
  • Can reduce fungal leaf diseases.

Organic mulches like shredded bark, compost, or wood chips work best. Apply 1-2 inches around plants, leaving space near stems. Replenish as needed.

Growing African Marigolds in Containers

African marigolds thrive in containers and hanging baskets on patios, decks, and balconies. Follow these tips when growing them in pots:

  • Use containers with drainage holes and quality potting mix.
  • Check soil moisture frequently, watering when the top inch is dry.
  • Plants in small pots may need watering 1-2 times per day in summer!
  • Add water until it drains from the bottom openings.
  • Consider self-watering containers to maintain consistent moisture.

Monitor potted plants closely, especially in hot weather. Since their soil dries out faster, frequent watering is needed.

Providing the Right Amount of Water

When cared for properly, African marigolds will reward you with endless flowers and vibrant color. Pay close attention to your plants’ needs and environmental factors to determine the optimal watering schedule. Aim to keep the soil moist but not saturated for the best growth and flowering performance. With the right balance of water, your African marigolds will thrive through the season!

how much water does african marigold flower need

Experts share their watering knowledge to keep your marigolds happy

Below experts reveal all their watering experiences when it comes to marigolds.

How often should you water your marigolds after they are established?

After your marigolds are established you will not need to water them as frequently as you did before.

Marigolds thrive best in well-drained soil, so you should aim to water them deeply but infrequently says Peter Schultz, head gardener at Thrive Green Life. Aim to water your marigolds once or twice a week ensuring that the soil is evenly moist but not waterlogged, he says.

Marigolds do not like to be over-watered as this can lead to root rot, if the soil is too wet it will not allow the roots to breathe and this can lead to disease.

A good practice is to water thoroughly and allow the soil to dry out between watering. This works by mimicking the natural cycle or dry and wet periods which help to promote continuous healthy root growth.

Peter is a seasoned gardener dedicated to the art of cultivating and flourishing vegetables and flowers. He is also the Head Gardener at Thrive Green Life, a gardening blog based in the US.

How Much Water Do Marigold Flowers Need?


How often should I water African marigolds?

Water. Water your African marigolds regularly—the standard one inch per week guideline works well for these plants. Do not overwater them because if the soil isn’t well drained, the plants are at risk of drowning or developing root rot. It’s fine for soil to dry out completely between watering.

Does marigold need a lot of water?

How to Water Marigolds. When growing marigolds, check soil weekly: When the top inch is dry, it’s time to water. (Marigolds growing in containers may need more frequent watering.) Each time you water, be sure to drench the soil, and aim the nozzle or spout of your watering device toward the base of the plants.

Can marigolds be overwatered?

Yes, marigolds can be overwatered, when watering marigolds it is important to strike a balance, this is normally determined by how dry your soil is and the weather. You can identify whether your marigolds are overwatered by how they look.

Do African marigolds like full sun?

Marigolds need full sun all day to provide blooms all season long. Three common types are French, African, and Signet. Marigolds naturally repel pests such as deer or rabbits since they find their odor offensive.

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