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The Most Popular Uses for the Hardy and Versatile African Spear Plant

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The African spear plant, also commonly known as the cylindrical snake plant, is a succulent houseplant that consists of spear-like, pointy-tipped, gray-green, subtly striped leaves. African spear plants grow best in hot, dry climates with sandy, well-draining soil, preferring morning sun to afternoon sun and temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant is toxic to pets. Read on for our care guide.

The African spear plant, also known by its botanical name Sansevieria cylindrica, is a unique and visually striking plant that is becoming increasingly popular for both indoor and outdoor uses. This resilient plant is native to tropical West Africa but can thrive in homes and gardens around the world with proper care.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key benefits and most popular uses that make the African spear plant such a coveted houseplant and landscape plant.

The African spear plant, as the name suggests, has long, cylindrical, spear-shaped leaves that grow upright from the soil. Mature plants can reach heights of up to 6 feet tall in ideal conditions. The leaves are a gray-green color and grow in dense clumps, providing great architectural shape and texture.

This plant is a type of succulent in the Sansevieria genus which includes the very common snake plant. It has excellent drought tolerance and can survive extended periods of neglect. The African spear plant thrives in bright, indirect light but can adapt to lower light conditions indoors. It also prefers warm temperatures above 50°F.

Below are some of the most popular uses and benefits that make the African spear plant a versatile choice for many settings

Air Purification

One of the top reasons the African spear plant has become so popular is its incredible air purifying abilities. According to a famous NASA study, this plant is excellent at removing toxins like formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air.

These chemicals are common in products like adhesives, paints, cleaning agents, and varnishes. The toxins can accumulate in enclosed spaces and negatively impact indoor air quality. The African spear plant helps filter these toxins and create a cleaner, healthier indoor environment.

For maximum air purification benefits place several African spear plants in rooms where you spend a lot of time, like bedrooms home offices, and living rooms. The more plants you have, the greater the air cleaning effects.

Removing Indoor Pollutants

In addition to the chemicals mentioned above, the African spear plant has been shown to help remove other hazardous indoor pollutants like ammonia, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Many household items like stoves, paint, candles, air fresheners, and cleaning products emit these pollutants continuously at low levels. Over time, the accumulation of these indoor toxins can irritate eyes, nose and throat, as well as cause headaches and fatigue.

The African spear plant is able to absorb and filter out many of these pollutants quietly and efficiently 24 hours a day without electricity or maintenance. It’s a simple way to improve the air at home or work.

Low Maintenance & Hardiness

A major reason behind the African spear plant’s popularity as a houseplant is its easy care requirements and durability. This succulent stores water in its thick foliage and roots, allowing it to thrive even with inconsistent watering.

You only need to water the African spear plant every 2-3 weeks, allowing the soil to completely dry out in between. It adapts easily to drier indoor conditions that would cause other plants to wither and die. The plant’s resilience makes it great for beginner gardeners.

The African spear plant also handles low light levels quite well compared to other indoor plants. Slow growth and minimal pruning needs add to its low maintenance appeal. An occasional dusting and careful monitoring for pests are the only other care it requires.

Modern, Architectural Design

With its upright, cylindrical foliage, the African spear plant provides a dramatic accent in any indoor space. It has a very modern, sleek, architectural shape that complements contemporary home décor styles beautifully.

Use a group of African spear plants in a corner to create a living sculpture. Or, pair a single plant with other succulents in a geometric planter for an eclectic look. The linear leaves add lovely height, structure, shape and texture to plant arrangements and groupings.

Interior designers also love this plant for its ability to instantly create a sense of depth and sophistication in a room. The eye-catching vertical leaves act as a focal point and provide elegant contrast to other plants and décor elements.

Excellent Floor Plant

The African spear plant’s mature size makes it an excellent floor plant choice for home and office settings. Plants can grow up to 6 feet tall at maturity in the right conditions, allowing it to make a big visual impact.

Place a grouping of African spear plants in the corner of a large foyer or living room to add a dramatic, tropical feel. The plants’ unique silhouette resembles bamboo stalks and adds lovely vertical contrast when paired with smaller houseplants and furniture.

This hardy succulent is also perfect for filling up empty corners that may otherwise go unused. Position African spear plants where they can bring new life and greenery into neglected spaces. Their vibrant color and bold leaves are sure to catch people’s eye.

statement Accent Plant

The African spear plant’s eye-catching shape allows it to immediately grab attention as an accent plant. Use a potted African spear plant to mark an entryway, decorate empty wall space or jazz up a plain bookcase or console table.

You can also display the plant in a striking container, like a colorful ceramic or modern metal planter, to really make it pop. The pairing of this uniquely shaped succulent with an interesting pot makes a living sculpture that becomes the focal point of any room.

For parties and events, use tall African spear plants to delineate different functional spaces and direct guest flow. Their height and linear leaves make them perfect temporary room dividers.

Tolerates Neglect

We’ve mentioned the African spear plant’s durability and resilience already, but it’s worth reiterating how well this succulent tolerates neglect. Missed waterings, low light levels and temperature fluctuations are no match for this tough plant.

If you often travel for work or have a very busy schedule, an African spear plant is an ideal choice. It can go weeks without water and handles dry air well. Even if you occasionally forget to care for it, the plant bounces back quickly with no fuss.

This makes the African spear plant an excellent choice for offices and other public spaces where consistent care may be difficult. Set it and nearly forget it with this unfussy, durable houseplant.

Pet Friendly

Many common houseplants like philodendrons, snake plants, and ZZ plants are toxic to pets if ingested. However, the African spear plant is non-toxic for both cats and dogs.

Pet owners looking to add greenery at home without endangering their furry companions often choose the African spear plant. Its upright, linear growth habit makes it less appealing and less accessible to curious pets as well.

Of course, supervise pets around any houseplants and place plants out of reach if possible. But the African spear plant’s non-toxic nature provides added peace of mind.

Easy to Propagate

Another advantage of the African spear plant is how easy it is to propagate. You can create new plants from division or leaf cuttings with minimal effort.

To divide, simply separate the root ball into smaller sections, ensuring each division has plenty of healthy roots attached. Pot up each new division and enjoy your free plants!

For leaf cuttings, cut 4-6 inch sections off the tips of leaves. Allow to dry for 2-3 days, then place in soil. New roots and shoots will begin growing soon.

Within a season or two, your single African spear plant could turn into a whole collection thanks to propagation. Share extras with friends and family too.

Versatile Growing Conditions

While it thrives as a houseplant, the African spear plant can also grow well outside in certain climates. It is hardy in USDA zones 10-11 and can be planted in gardens in these warm regions.

In zones 8-9, the African spear plant can be grown as an annual or brought indoors over winter. It does well in outdoor containers too so it can be moved to a sheltered spot during cold months.

Even in cooler climates, this succulent adds a tropical, architectural element to patios, poolside plantings, and other outdoor spaces during the warm season. Its soil moisture needs are minimal once established.

Unique, Tropical Look

The African spear plant has an exotic, almost prehistoric appearance unlike any other common houseplant. Its long, spear-shaped leaves have a primordial, tropical look reminiscent of ancient jungles and dinosaurs.

Incorporate this ancient-looking plant into indoor spaces to create an intriguing jungle or tropical oasis theme. Pair it with other architectural succulents for maximum visual interest.

Outdoors, use the African spear plant’s tropical vibe to transform plain garden beds into bold, exotic displays. It partners well with ornamental grasses, elephant ears, palms and other large-leafed plants.

Striking Container Plant

Don’t have space for in-ground planting? No problem! The African spear plant’s upright habit makes it an eye-catching container specimen.

Place a single plant or grouping in a large pot on the patio, deck or poolside. Match the pot shape and color to the plant’s height and bold linear leaves.

For indoor display, use low bowls, planter boxes

the most popular uses for african spear plant

Bloom Months

An African spear plant blooming is a sporadic event, not tied to a month, but may occur in winter in anticipation of the spring growing season.

African Spear Plant Care

Here are the main care requirements for growing an African spear plant:

  • Thrives as a rootbound plant
  • Needs little water and fertilizer
  • Prefers neglect in winter
  • Requires well-draining, sandy soil
  • Give morning sun exposure instead of powerful afternoon sun

the most popular uses for african spear plant

the most popular uses for african spear plant

African Spear Plant Care & Growing Guide


What does a snake plant do spiritually?

“The Chinese love the snake plant for its ability to absorb negative energy,” says Shamshur. “According to feng shui, placing Sansevieria in a classroom facilitates learning.” Shamshur notes that snake plants are believed to absorb negative energies and eliminate bitterness and jealousy.

Is the African spear plant poisonous?

African spear plants grow best in hot, dry climates with sandy, well-draining soil, preferring morning sun to afternoon sun and temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant is toxic to pets.

What is Dracaena cylindrica used for?

Dracaena angolensis Welw. ex Carriere also known as Sansevieria cylindrica from the Genus Dracaena, is a decorative plant due to its unique shape. Beside its ornamental value, it is recognized for its ability to eliminate unpleasant odours and absorb air pollutants.

What is the common name for spear plant?

Dracaena angolensis (synonym Sansevieria cylindrica), commonly known as African spear or the spear sansevieria, is a succulent plant native to Angola in Southern Africa.

What kind of plant is African spear?

The African Spear Plant (Sansevieria cylindrica) is one of the most popular plants that belong to the succulent family of plants. The beaut

Are African spear plants a good houseplant?

The African spear plant is an incredible houseplant! Its smooth, cylindrical leaves make it a real attention-grabber. Like its relative the snake plant, Sansevieria cylindrica is an easy-care plant. But it’s much more versatile. Like lucky bamboo, this plant can be braided to give it a unique appearance.

Do African spear plants have problems?

African spear plants don’t have a lot of issues, save when they’re put in improper conditions. Let’s discuss issues you might face in the process of Sansevieria cylindrica care. While, the African spear is a tough plant and can thrive on neglect, there’s one exception to the rule – their containers should be well-draining.

Can African spears grow in sunlight?

The plant thrives well in full sun or bright indirect sunlight. Although it can tolerate a place with low light, it will not achieve maximum growth in the dark. However, very intense light will affect the plant’s wellness, causing the leaves to discolor. Are African Spears Toxic To Cats And Dogs?

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