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Where to Buy African Violet Plants: Finding the Best Source

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African violets are a fantastic addition to any houseplant menagerie. They’re easy to grow, come in a variety of vibrant colors, and bloom nearly year-round with the right care. But first-time growers might not be sure where to buy African violet plants, or what products they need to go along with them.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know to pick the best retailer, the perfect plant, and the right tools to keep your African violet happy and healthy for years to come. Let’s jump in!

African violets are gaining popularity as houseplants, loved for their colorful blooms and easy care requirements. But finding healthy, high-quality plants from a reputable source is key to success. With so many options available, how do you determine the best places to buy your African violet plants?

Getting Started with African Violets

African violets (Saintpaulia) are native to tropical eastern Africa and feature velvety rounded leaves and flowers that come in every color except true red. They make excellent houseplants as they don’t require direct sunlight and thrive in normal indoor conditions. African violets are also easy to propagate from leaves or cuttings.

Before purchasing your first African violet, learn the basic care tips like watering, fertilizing, lighting and humidity. This will help you select healthy plants and keep them thriving. Having the proper growing environment set up before bringing plants home is also important.

Where to Buy African Violet Plants

There are several options when looking for places to purchase African violet plants, Each has its own pros and cons

Local Nurseries

Visiting local nurseries and garden centers allows you to pick out plants in person rather than ordering online. Inspect plants closely for signs of pests and disease. Look for symmetrical rosettes of leaves with no browning or yellowing. Avoid plants with dead leaves, lesions, webbing or other defects. The advantage of local nurseries is being able to hand select plants, but selection is often limited.

Big Box Stores

Large home improvement and grocery stores often carry a small selection of African violets. These plants are generally mass produced and lower quality, but fine for beginners Inspect plants even more carefully and repot into fresh soil after bringing them home Big box stores offer convenience but have less variety.

Online Specialty Shops

There are many online retailers that specialize in African violets and ship directly to you. Reputable specialty shops have a wide selection of plants and provide detailed care instructions. However, you can’t examine plants in person and shipping can stress plants. Only order from specialty shops with guarantees on live delivery.

Etsy Sellers

Many hobbyist growers sell African violet plants through their Etsy shops. Etsy offers unique varieties you won’t find elsewhere. Sellers often include extras like care tips and propagation leaves. Make sure sellers have lots of sales and positive reviews. Since most are individuals, plant availability fluctuates.

eBay Sellers

eBay is another option for finding rare African violet varieties sold by hobbyists. Search for specific hybrids and browse sellers’ listings. Check seller feedback ratings and read item descriptions closely. Contact sellers with any questions before bidding. Go for sellers with high ratings and many previous sales.

Facebook Groups

Join African violet enthusiast groups on Facebook to connect with sellers and buyers. Members frequently post sales listings or trade offers. Purchasing from group members ensures viable plants and allows you to ask growing questions. Be wary of scams; deal only with established members.

Local Clubs

See if there are any African violet societies or clubs in your area. Clubs host sales events and meetings where you can purchase plants directly from experienced, hobbyist growers. Club members also trade plants and cuttings among themselves. This option offers networking and mentoring opportunities.

Friends and Family

Getting plant cuttings or divisions from a fellow African violet enthusiast you know is a great way to expand your collection. You can see their growing conditions and plants firsthand. Often friends will give plants or leaves for free or very low cost. This is a safe way for beginners to get started.

Choosing the Best Source

Having many options for where to buy African violets is great, but it can be overwhelming for beginners. Here are some tips for picking the best source:

  • Inspect plants thoroughly before purchasing, especially online.

  • For rare varieties, consider eBay sellers or online specialty shops.

  • Seek out hobbyist growers through Etsy, Facebook or clubs.

  • For convenience, check your local nursery or big box store.

  • Only buy from reputable sellers with good reviews and guarantees.

  • Get plant divisions or cuttings from experienced grower friends.

By understanding the pros and cons of each buying option and matching it to your needs, you can find the perfect place to purchase healthy, vibrant African violets. Partnering with an excellent source will help ensure your African violet growing success.

where to buy african violet plant finding the best source

Buy African Violet Care Products

Helpful care products make growing a healthy houseplant easy. At African Violet Resource Center, we offer the highest-quality tools and products to keep your plant happy for the long haul. Consider supplementing your garden practice with the following items:

Houseplant Propagation Promoter

What’s better than one African violet? Multiple African violets! These flowers are easy to propagate (meaning you only need to figure out where to buy African violets once!). Our guide to African violet propagation will teach you how to grow new plants from leaf cuttings—and our houseplant propagation promoter will help speed up the process!

Your African violet’s roots are its most precious resource. They absorb the nutrients your plant needs to power new growth and fight off fast-spreading diseases. Our root supplement keeps roots healthy and strong, preventing brown spots, leaf drop, and fungal and bacterial pathogens.

WHERE TO BUY MAILORDER AFRICAN VIOLETS (“where to get African Violets”)


What is the secret to growing African violets?

They prefer a temperature between 65°F and 80°F with about 80% humidity. It is important to avoid temperature and humidity fluctuations, including sudden drafts. To provide an adequately humid environment, you may want to use a humidifier or place pots in a tray filled with gravel and water.

Where is the best place to put African violets?

Grow plants in bright, indirect light for the best color and blooms. A plant stand three feet away from a west- or south-facing window is an ideal location. Plants will still grow when situated right beside north- or east-facing windows, but leaves will be thin and spindly, and plants less likely to bloom.

Where are African violets naturally found?

They grow naturally only in the coastal mountains and forests of East Africa, and I’d come a long way to see them. ”They aren’t in bloom all the time,” my guide, Abduel, was saying. ”Some people make special trips here, and never see the flowers.

What are the rarest African violets?

Unfortunately, due to widespread poaching and development, Saintpaulia are now very rare. In fact, there are some species of Saintpaulia can only be found in a single forest or even on a single mountain. The good news is that conservation efforts are in place for Saintpaulia.

Where to buy African violets?

However, before you buy, there are a few things you should know as far as where to buy African violets Search for Your Wish List – We all have that one hybrid that we can’t wait to get our hands on! eBay allows you to search through thousands of listings for that special plant.

Are African violets easy to grow?

African violets are a fantastic addition to any houseplant menagerie. They’re easy to grow, come in a variety of vibrant colors, and bloom nearly year-round with the right care. But first-time growers might not be sure where to buy African violet plants, or what products they need to go along with them.

How big do African violets grow?

When mature, standard African violets will grow to 10-12″ in diameter as houseplants, much larger when grown for exhibition. Repot young plants into 4″ pot at first bloom. Unless grown for show, a 4 to 5″ pot will be sufficient for most varieties. Repot using fresh soil every 6-9 months.

Do African violets need a pot?

Your African violet probably came in a tiny pot when you got it. Surprisingly, this is exactly what African violets need as they do better in smaller pots. The diameter of an African violet pot should be half the diameter of the plant’s leaves. If you can find a container that is one-third the leaves’ diameter, that’s even better.

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