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Fertilizing Your Agapanthus Plant: The Dos and Don’ts

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Agapanthus, commonly known as Lily of the Nile, is a vibrant and colorful plant that can add a pop of color to any garden. With their trumpet-shaped blooms and strappy green foliage, agapanthus are truly eye-catching. However, to get the most out of your agapanthus and have it thriving year after year, proper fertilization is key. When it comes to fertilizing agapanthus, there are certain dos and don’ts you need to follow. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about successfully fertilizing your agapanthus plant.

Before we dive into the specifics of fertilizing let’s go over some background on agapanthus. This plant is native to South Africa and is actually not a true lily or from the Nile region despite its common name. There are around 10 species of agapanthus and countless cultivars available.

These herbaceous perennials are known for their clumps of narrow, strap-like green leaves and colorfulclusters of tubular flowers that bloom from late spring through summer. The blossoms come in shades of blue, purple, white and bicolors. Some varieties produce fragrant blooms as well.

One of the best aspects of agapanthus is their long-lasting flowers, The cut blooms can remain vibrant in a vase for up to two weeks!

Why Proper Fertilization is Crucial

Fertilizing your agapanthus at the right times and with the right products is essential to keep your plant healthy and flowering abundantly. Here’s why it matters:

  • Provides necessary nutrients – Fertilizer gives your agapanthus the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients it needs to grow properly.

  • Encourages lush foliage – Fertilizing leads to vibrant, green leaves.

  • Produces more blooms – With proper fertilization, you’ll get more flower clusters.

  • Boosts flower color – It enhances the intensity of the bloom colors.

  • Strengthens overall plant – Fertilizing improves the overall vigor of your agapanthus.

  • Replenishes nutrients – It replaces nutrients that leach from the soil over time.

Dos of Fertilizing Agapanthus

Now that we’ve covered the importance of fertilizer for agapanthus plants, let’s get into the dos and don’ts of proper feeding. Here are the key dos to remember:

Test Your Soil

The first step is to test your soil’s fertility. This helps you understand what nutrients are present or lacking. Adjust your fertilizer accordingly.

Use a Balanced, Water Soluble Formula

Look for a water soluble fertilizer that provides equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (the NPK numbers will be the same.) This balanced composition provides complete nutrition.

Follow Package Directions

Carefully follow the label instructions for proper diluting and application. This prevents under or over-fertilizing.

Fertilize from Spring to Summer

Feed your agapanthus regularly from spring up until mid-summer. This nourishes it during the active growing and blooming period.

Reduce Frequency After Bloom

Cut back to fertilizing every 4-6 weeks once your plant is in full bloom to avoid disrupting bud development.

Stop Fertilizing in Fall

Discontinue fertilizer by early fall so your plant can harden off for winter dormancy.

Don’ts of Fertilizing Agapanthus

Now let’s go over some key fertilizing mistakes to avoid with your agapanthus:

Don’t Use Purely Nitrogen Fertilizer

Avoid formulas too high in nitrogen, which can promote leggy growth at the expense of blooms. Stick to balanced feed.

Don’t Overdo It

Too much fertilizer can burn roots and leaves. Carefully follow package instructions.

Don’t Fertilize After Summer

Feeding late in the season spurs growth that is more vulnerable to cold damage once dormancy hits.

Don’t Fertilize Dormant Plants

There is no need to fertilize while your agapanthus is dormant in winter. It’s not using nutrients at this time.

Don’t Get Granules on Foliage

When using granular fertilizer, apply around the base of the plants and water it in well to get nutrients to the roots without burning leaves.

What is the Best Fertilizer for Agapanthus?

When shopping for fertilizer for your agapanthus, look for:

  • Balanced NPK ratios like 10-10-10, 20-20-20 or 15-15-15.

  • Granular, slow release or liquid water soluble formulas.

  • Organic options like compost tea, fish emulsion, etc.

  • Bloom booster formulations higher in phosphorus.

  • Brands made for flowering bulbs.

By choosing an appropriate fertilizer and properly feeding your agapanthus during the growing season, you will be rewarded with vigorous plants and an abundance of breathtaking blooms. Just be sure to avoid over-fertilizing and discontinue feeding by fall. Following these simple dos and don’ts will give you success with these stunning plants.

Frequently Asked Questions about Fertilizing Agapanthus Plants

How often should you fertilize agapanthus plants?

Fertilize agapanthus every 2-4 weeks during the active growing season in spring and summer. Reduce to once a month once blooming begins.

When should you not fertilize agapanthus?

Do not fertilize agapanthus in fall heading into winter dormancy or during winter when it is fully dormant. Fertilizing at the wrong times can damage the plant.

What happens if you over fertilize agapanthus?

Using too much fertilizer or applying it too frequently can burn the roots and leaves of your agapanthus. It can also lead to floppy, excessive foliage growth at the expense of flowering.

Is liquid or granular fertilizer better for agapanthus?

You can use either liquid or granular fertilizer effectively on agapanthus. Just be sure to follow label directions and thoroughly water in granular products to prevent burning.

Should you fertilize potted agapanthus?

Yes, container grown agapanthus should be fertilized regularly in spring and summer. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength every 2-4 weeks.


To wrap up, proper fertilization is vital for growing a healthy, thriving agapanthus plant. Be sure to use an appropriate balanced fertilizer and feed your plants regularly from spring up until mid-summer. Avoid over-fertilizing and don’t feed past summer or during winter dormancy. Follow these dos and don’ts, and your agapanthus will reward you with vigorous growth and an abundance of delightful blooms.

fertilizing your agapanthus plant the dos and donts

Organic Options: Are They Right for Your Agapanthus?

Organic fertilizers are like the clean-eating trend of the plant world. They release nutrients slowly and improve soil health over time. Options like worm castings or fish emulsion can be particularly beneficial for Midknight Blue Agapanthus. Theyre not just feeding the plant; theyre nurturing the soil ecosystem. But remember, organic doesnt always mean weak—these natural options can pack a punch, so follow the instructions carefully.

Kickstarting Growth: Pre-Blooming Fertilization

Early spring fertilization gives your Agapanthus the nutrients needed for vigorous growth. Aim for a fertilizer with a higher phosphorus content to encourage budding. Remember, timing is key—feed your plant as it wakes up from its winter nap.

Caring for agapanthus – Golden Rules

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