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The Many Benefits of Growing Aglaonemas Plant in Your Garden: A Natural Solution

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This plant is also known as Aglaonema plant, they are long-lasting plant that can tolerate low humidity, low light, low water. Aglaonema plant considered one of the best foliage plants for cleansing room air of toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde. It is highly toxic to pets and human. Ingestion will cause mouth and stomach irritation and possible vomiting.

Growing plants in your garden not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also provides numerous health and environmental benefits One such plant that offers a myriad of advantages is the Aglaonema, commonly known as the Chinese Evergreen In this comprehensive article, we will explore the varied benefits of cultivating these hardy, low-maintenance tropical plants in your backyard or garden.

The Aglaonema genus comprises of around 21 species of leafy, perennial flowering plants that are native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia These ornamental plants are characterized by their distinctive leathery leaves that exhibit a range of spectacular colors and designs

While they are typically grown as indoor potted plants, Aglaonemas can also thrive when grown outdoors in temperate climates. These hardy plants can tolerate low light, colder temperatures, and occasional neglect – making them great for beginner gardeners.

Benefits of Growing Aglaonemas in Your Garden

1. Purify Indoor and Outdoor Air

One of the most notable benefits of the Aglaonema plant is its natural ability to purify indoor and outdoor air. According to NASA research, the Aglaonema modesum species can effectively eliminate harmful VOCs or volatile organic compounds like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the surrounding air.

These toxic substances are commonly found in many household products such as paints, varnishes, cleaning agents etc. By planting Aglaonema around your garden and indoors, you can breathe cleaner purer air.

2. Add Vibrant Colors and Textures

Aglaonemas are available in a wide range of colors like red, pink, silver, white, green, and yellow. The leaves also showcase interesting designs and variegated patterns. Growing these plants in your outdoor spaces adds gorgeous pops of color and visual interest.

The leathery leaves also provide varied textures, allowing you to create depth and dimension in your garden beds or borders. Use them as statement pieces or combine them with other plants to craft stunning displays.

3. Versatile Placement

One of the best things about Aglaonemas is that they are incredibly versatile when it comes to placement. You can showcase them as:

  • Accent or filler plants in beds and borders
  • Striking container plants on patios and decks
  • Woodland garden specimens that thrive in shade
  • Air-purifying houseplants in living rooms and bedrooms

4. Require Minimal Care

Aglaonemas are touted as one of the easiest houseplants to grow. Even when planted outdoors, they require very minimal care and maintenance to thrive. Here are some key aspects of their care:

  • Require low to moderate light
  • Tolerate a wide range of temperatures
  • Only need occasional watering
  • Are relatively pest and disease resistant

These hardy, fuss-free traits make Aglaonemas ideal for beginners or busy gardeners who want beautiful plants without too much upkeep.

5. Help Control Garden Pests

Research indicates that Aglaonema plants contain certain compounds that naturally repel aphids, spider mites, whiteflies and other common garden pests.

Inter-planting them along with your vegetables, fruits, herbs and ornamentals can help deter these bothersome bugs in an eco-friendly manner.

6. Provide Year Round Interest

Aglaonemas maintain their sculptural foliage and keep growing throughout the year. So unlike seasonal flowering plants, they will provide stunning visual interest in your garden or containers irrespective of the season.

7. Tolerate Shade

With their ability to thrive in low to moderate light conditions, Aglaonemas are great for brightening up shaded areas of your garden that receive minimal sunlight.

8. Pet Friendly

While Aglaonemas are toxic to pets like dogs and cats if ingested, the plants themselves pose no risk to pets. The ASPCA classifies them as non-toxic for dogs, cats, and horses when kept out of reach.

So you can safely grow them in homes and gardens with pets as long as they are positioned correctly. Place them out of paws’ reach.

9. Cold Hardy Varieties Available

While most Aglaonema varieties are tropical and cannot tolerate frost or freezing temperatures, some cultivars like the Silver Queen and White Calcuit are hardy down to USDA zones 10 to 12.

So gardeners in temperate climates can also enjoy growing these ornamentals in their outdoor spaces.

How to Grow Aglaonemas Successfully Outdoors

Now that you know all the excellent benefits of planting Aglaonemas in your backyard, let’s look at some tips to grow them successfully:

  • Light – Aglaonemas need bright, indirect light or dappled sunlight. Avoid hot, direct sunlight.

  • Soil – Use a loose, well-draining potting mix. Maintain moist, not soggy soil.

  • Water – Water when the top inch of soil feels dry. Use room temperature water.

  • Temperature – Ideal range is 60°F to 80°F. Bring indoors if temps dip below 60°F.

  • Fertilizer – Use a balanced liquid fertilizer at half strength every 2-4 weeks during the growing season.

  • Pruning – Snip off dead leaves and stems as needed to maintain an attractive shape.

  • Pests – Inspect regularly for pests like aphids, mealybugs, mites. Wipe leaves down with neem oil or insecticidal soap sprays to treat infestations.

Follow these simple care guidelines and your Aglaonema plant will reward you with spectacular, lush foliage and an array of benefits.

FAQs About Growing Aglaonemas Outdoors

Can I grow Aglaonema in full sun?

No, Aglaonemas will scorch if kept in direct sunlight. Provide bright indirect light for a few hours daily.

Should I grow Aglaonema in a pot or in the ground?

You can grow them either in containers or directly in garden beds. Ensure proper drainage.

How cold hardy are Aglaonemas?

Most varieties tolerate temps above 60°F. Some can withstand temps down to 50°F. Bring them indoors or protect with frost cloth if colder.

How do I propagate Aglaonema?

You can easily propagate by dividing mature plants or with stem-tip cuttings. Plant the divisions or cuttings in soil. Keep moist until new growth emerges.

How often should I water outdoor Aglaonema?

Water thoroughly only when the top inch of soil becomes dry. Avoid overwatering.


With their low maintenance needs, vibrant foliage, versatile placement and air purifying properties, Aglaonemas are a fabulous addition to any outdoor space. These hardy, tropical plants can be grown successfully in backyard gardens and containers located in partially shaded spots. Follow the care tips provided to get your Aglaonema plant thriving.

So give Aglaonemas a green signal this gardening season and enjoy their myriad benefits. These spectacular Chinese Evergreens will not just enhance the beauty of your garden but also promote better health through their air cleansing capabilities.

the benefits of growing aglaonemas plant in your garden a natural solution

Benefits of Aglaonema plant

  • Spread positivity and positive energy
  • Brings good luck
  • Air purifying
  • Stress Reduction
  • Indoor adaptability
  • Vastu benefits
  • Aesthetic benefits
  • Eye catching plant
  • Health benefits

Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen) Care: A Noob-Proof Houseplant

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