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African Corn Lily Flower Size: How to Choose the Perfect Bloom for Your Garden

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Ixia is a genus of short-lived perennials that gives us a number of ornamental plants referred to as ‘African Corn Lilies’.

They grow from corms (sometimes called bulbs) and might be grown as annuals in the UK or given a protected site in winter to make it through to subsequent years.

Ixias are South African plants which bloom in an interesting variety of colours, producing attractive, star-shaped blooms.

The star-shaped flowers form on wiry stems and make great cut flowers, so they are often used in floral arrangements and for cut flower displays inside the home – as well as looking good in the garden.

Though not necessarily the easiest plants to grow in wetter, cooler regions of the UK, they can potentially be a good choice for the warmest and most arid regions, since these plants appreciate warm and relatively dry conditions.

“The warmest winter locations in the UK also tend to be the wettest, such as on the western coasts,” explains Master Horticulturist Colin Skelly.

“Growing in raised beds on slopes and sandy soils will help Ixia bulbs survive outside in milder regions.”

The vibrant African corn lily, also known as ixia, is a beautiful flowering plant that comes in a variety of sizes. Choosing the right flower size for your garden can make all the difference in creating a visually striking display. In this article, we’ll explore the different African corn lily flower sizes available and provide tips on selecting the perfect blooms to suit your gardening needs.

Native to South Africa, the African corn lily belongs to the Iridaceae family. Its long, slender leaves emerge from corms much like crocuses and daffodils. The flowers have a unique star shape with three upright petals and three drooping petals. African corn lilies thrive in hot sunny conditions and bloom in late spring or summer. They are excellent border plants work well in rock gardens, and also make lovely cut flowers.

Key Factors Determining Flower Size

African corn lilies produce flowers ranging in size from 1 inch to 4 inches in diameter. Several factors influence the ultimate size of the blooms:

  • Species and Cultivar – There are over 90 species of African corn lilies, each with different bloom sizes. New cultivars are also bred to produce larger or smaller flowers.

  • Growing Conditions – Poor, sandy soil and drought conditions will reduce flower size. Ideal conditions of enriched, well-draining soil kept evenly moist produces the largest blooms.

  • Care – Insufficient nutrients and improper planting depth can limit flower size. Follow best practices for planting depth, watering, light conditions, and fertilization.

  • Plant Maturity – Flower size increases as the African corn lily corms mature over successive growing seasons Mature plants yield the biggest blooms

African Corn Lily Flower Sizes

African corn lilies produce three main flower size categories:

Small Flowers

  • 1 to 2 inches diameter
  • Dainty and delicate looking
  • Best for rock gardens and container plantings
  • Can be massed for impact

Medium Flowers

  • 2 to 3 inches diameter
  • Provide nice balance and versatility
  • Good for mixed borders and cut flowers

Large Flowers

  • 3 to 4 inches diameter
  • Bold, attention grabbing blooms
  • Best as standalone specimens or dramatic displays
  • Excellent height and structure for landscapes

Tips for Selecting the Right Flower Size

When choosing African corn lilies for your garden, keep these tips in mind:

  • Consider your overall garden scale and plantings. Small gardens suit petite blooms while large gardens can handle big, bold flowers.

  • Complement neighboring plants by matching bloom sizes. For example, pair short ground covers with small flowers and larger shrubs with bigger blooms.

  • Decide if you prefer understated elegance of small flowers or the vibrancy of large, eye-catching blooms.

  • Try different African corn lily species and cultivars to discover your favorite flower sizes.

  • Plant clusters or swathes of one flower size for visual impact. Or, create variety by mixing all three sizes together.

  • Allow ample space between plants for flowers to reach their full size potential.

Achieving the Perfect African Corn Lily Display

With their stunning star-shaped blooms in vibrant colors, African corn lilies make a gorgeous addition to any sunny garden. Paying attention to flower size ensures your ixias make the visual statement you desire. Try combining different sizes for pops of color and interest from spring until first frost. With just a little planning, you can enjoy a beautiful and long-lasting African corn lily display.

african corn lily flower size get the right size for you

How To Grow Ixia

Ixia can be grown in the ground when grown as annuals or potentially as perennials in the very mildest parts of the UK, where frosts are not typically expected.

They can also be grown in containers, which can be a good idea for most growers in the British Isles because it allows for them to be brought indoors or undercover before colder weather arrives.

The bulbs can begin to experience damage when temperatures fall below -2°C.

Winter wet can also be an issue, even sometimes more of an issue than the winter cold, so they must be protected for winter in most areas.

Containers can be moved to a heated area indoors or in a greenhouse.

Corms left in the ground might also, in milder areas, simply be protected with a thick organic mulch in winter or you can lift the corms and store them until the following year.

Ixia needs to be grown in as warm a location as possible in full sun.

They will not thrive or bloom well in a cooler or more shaded spot and need to be sheltered from the wind and cold breezes.

They can be placed in a location with a south, east or west-facing aspect, as long as it is a sheltered and warm spot with full sun.

Ideally, Ixia will be placed in sandy soil that is free-draining or an equally free-draining potting mix in a container.

Drainage is particularly important as the corms have a tendency to rot if growing conditions become waterlogged.

How to plant a pot of Ixia (corn lily)


How tall do African corn lilies get?

Characteristics. Height: 16 – 20 in. Spread: 2 – 3 in.

Are African corn lilies perennials?

A South African native, Ixia plant info indicates African corn lily plants are short-lived perennials and may perform as annuals, not returning after a hard winter.

How to grow African corn lily?

This plant enjoys full to afternoon sun and prefers well-drained, highly organic soil with a pH of neutral to alkaline. Keep moist during the growing season, but reduce after blooms fade as the plant becomes dormant in mid-summer. Corms may also be removed from the soil and overwintered in a cool, dry planting medium.

Do Ixia bulbs multiply?

Propagating Ixia Bulbs will multiply under the soil so propagating by division is as simple as lifting dormant bulbs and separating the clumps. Seeds from the flowers should be sown in autumn to overwinter for spring.

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