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Demystifying the Root System and Stems of the Stunning Amazon Elephant Ear Plant

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The Amazon elephant ear plant, known by its scientific name Colocasia esculenta, is admired by gardeners for its huge, heart-shaped leaves that resemble the ears of an elephant. While much attention goes to caring for and maintaining the impressive foliage, what lies beneath the soil is also essential for this plant’s health and growth. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at the roots and stems that support and nourish these statement-making plants.

The Role of the Amazon Elephant Ear Plant’s Root System

The root system of the Amazon elephant ear plant serves several vital functions:

  • Anchors and supports the plant in the ground
  • Absorbs water and nutrients from the soil
  • Stores energy and carbohydrates

Structure and Appearance

The roots are thick, fleshy structures that grow underground from the base of the plant. The main roots can extend over 3 feet deep into the soil. Smaller lateral roots branch out from the main taproot to absorb moisture and nutrients.

The roots have a knobby, twisted appearance and are often brown or cream colored. As new roots grow, a web-like network expands underground from the plant


In addition to anchoring the plant, the expansive root system takes up considerable amounts of water to support the plant’s large leaves and fast growth. The roots also absorb mineral nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium from the surrounding soil.

Excess carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis are transported to the roots for storage This gives the plant energy reserves to fuel new growth

The Role of the Amazon Elephant Ear Plant’s Stems

While hidden below ground, the stems are also important for structural support and plant processes.

Structure and Appearance

The Amazon elephant ear plant has thick, upright stems that emerge from the soil to support the large leaves and flower spathes. Stems range from green to brown or purple, sometimes with faint stripes.

They contain vascular tissues that transport water, nutrients, and sugars between the roots and other plant parts.


The stout stems provide a sturdy foundation to keep the elephant ear leaves upright. Their vascular system delivers water and nutrients absorbed by the roots to fuel leaf growth and development.

In winter, the stems transport sugars from the roots to the plant’s underground buds to help them survive cold weather.

Caring for the Roots and Stems

To maintain healthy roots and stems:

  • Plant in rich, well-draining soil. Dense or compacted soil can restrict root growth.

  • Water thoroughly when top few inches of soil are dry. Don’t oversaturate.

  • Apply balanced liquid fertilizer monthly during growing season.

  • Protect stems from sunburn by providing partial shade.

  • In fall, cut back leaves and stems; dig up roots to overwinter indoors.

  • Inspect for signs of rot, nematodes, or disease and treat any issues promptly.

With proper care, the Amazon elephant ear plant’s roots and stems will remain vigorous to support many years of lush foliage and impressive growth.

Common Problems Affecting Roots and Stems

Even with good care, issues can sometimes arise with the roots or stems:

  • Stem rot from overwatering
  • Root rot due to soggy soil
  • Nematode infestation causing swollen, knotted roots
  • Nutrient deficiency leading to stunted growth
  • Mechanical damage from digging or cultivating around roots

Catching issues early and correcting conditions like poor drainage or inadequate fertilization can help avoid lasting damage. Severely damaged roots or stems may need to be removed to save the plant.

Propagating Amazon Elephant Ear Plants from Sections of Roots and Stems

The elephant ear plant propagates easily from rhizome cuttings – horizontal underground stem sections. Follow these steps:

  • In early spring, carefully dig up plant and select healthy rhizome sections.

  • Cut rhizome into 6-8 inch pieces, ensuring each piece has 3-5 root nodes attached.

  • Allow cuts to dry for 24 hours before replanting.

  • Bury rhizome pieces 3-5 inches deep and water well.

  • New stems and leaves will begin emerging within a few weeks.

With proper harvesting techniques, the rhizomes taken from a mature plant can yield several new Amazon elephant ear plants for dramatic tropical effects in the garden.

The Integral Role of the Roots and Stems

While less prominently on display than the showy leaves, the roots and stems are the essential foundation of the Amazon elephant ear plant. Understanding their function and proper care will ensure your plant remains healthy and vigorous for many seasons. Pay attention to these important underground structures, and you’ll be rewarded with thriving, robust foliage that packs a dramatic visual punch.

amazon elephants ear plant roots and stems an in depth look

Why is my Alocasia dropping leaves?

Leaves dropping in droves! Most or all leaves have suddenly died off.

Alocasia are known to go into dormancy when theyre receiving insufficient light and temperatures drop suddenly or significantly (like winter). Dormancy means the plant wants to conserve energy while it awaits better conditions, so they may drop most or all their leaves. But dormant doesnt mean dead!

While it can be shocking to see a plant drop all their leaves, dont despair. Continue caring for your plant by keeping it in a brighter, warmer spot, reduce your watering, and wait for spring! You should see new leaves sprouting and a speedy return to their former glory. Sadly, you cant prevent winter, but as the season approaches you may be able to avoid dormancy by moving your plant to a slightly warmer and brighter spot to counteract the sudden change.

amazon elephants ear plant roots and stems an in depth look

Why are the leaf tips on my Alocasia browning?

Leaves turning brown just on the edges or tips. These edges may gradually change from yellow to brown, crispy, and possibly a bit curled.

Browning just on the edges of tips is usually a reaction to low humidity. Since many of our houseplants have tropical origins, they also thrive in humid conditions. Our average indoor humidity is usually adequate, but some plants are simply more sensitive to changes in humidity than others. You may notice this more acutely when conditions are particularly dry—like when you turn on the heater in winter.

Try to accommodate your plants needs by locating them in more naturally humid places, like the bathroom or kitchen, or grouping a bunch of humidity-loving plants together. But the only way to truly guarantee increased humidity is to get a humidifier!

Once youve addressed the problem: If the brown tips bother you, you can trim them back. Do your best to follow the shape of the leaf to help them look natural. Also, try to cut just short of the discolored edge so it doesn’t expand.

amazon elephants ear plant roots and stems an in depth look



Which end of the elephant ear do you plant down?

Planting Elephant Ears It is sometimes difficult to determine which end of an elephant ear bulb is the “pointed end.” When looking at the bulb, you will most likely notice one end is somewhat gnarly with small holes and divots. This is the end that will produce roots and should be planted downward in the soil.

Do elephant ears like deep pots?

Choose a container that’s at least 18 inches wide and 16 inches deep for Colocasia varieties, or 36 inches wide for the larger Alocasia varieties. Using large pots will allow these plants to develop to their greatest potential and it also means you won’t need to repot them for several years.

Are elephant ear roots invasive?

Elephant ear vine is a category 3 restricted invasive plant under the Biosecurity Act 2014.

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