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ambius plant care guide tips and tricks for healthy growth

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Cultivating Success The Essential Ambius Plant Care Guide

Bringing lush greenery into any space instantly enhances beauty and atmosphere. But keeping plants healthy requires proper care and attention. When dealing with live plants from Ambius, there are crucial tips and tricks to ensure your plants thrive for years to come. From watering to fertilizing and everything in between this comprehensive Ambius plant care guide will set you up for success.

Choosing the Right Plant

The foundation of great plant care starts with choosing the right plants for your needs. Consider factors like:

  • Lighting – Does the space get ample sunlight or only low light? Pick shade tolerant or sun loving plants accordingly.

  • Size – Pick small, medium, or large plants based on the room and pot sizes. Make sure plants have space to grow.

  • Maintenance Level – Lower maintenance plants like succulents are ideal for beginners, while higher maintenance orchids present more of a challenge.

  • Placement – Will plants be on desks, hangers, shelves, or floors? Pick types suitable for each location.

  • Allergies – Avoid plants that trigger allergies like ficus or dracaena if needed.

Researching your options will ensure you select plants that actually thrive in the intended space.

Providing Proper Lighting

One of the most crucial elements for plants is ample lighting. Whether natural or artificial, light fuels photosynthesis and growth.

  • For sun-loving plants, provide at least 4 hours of direct sun daily, ideally from a southern facing window. Rotate the plant weekly to encourage even growth.

  • Low light plants will appreciate bright indirect light from an eastern or western window. Shelves and stands can move plants closer to light sources.

  • Supplement with grow lights as needed, with fluorescents for 12-14 hours daily and LEDs for 16 hours daily. Time lights to mimic daylight patterns.

Adjusting light levels based on each plant’s needs prevents stunted growth and leaning stems.

Mastering Watering Techniques

Learning each plant’s ideal watering pattern is also essential. Use these tips to master moisture levels:

  • Check soil daily by touching 1-2 inches deep. Water whenever mostly dry.

  • Always water thoroughly until it drains from the holes. Aim for once a week for most plants.

  • Cut back watering in winter or dark environments. Only water when soil becomes dry.

  • Increase humidity with pebble trays or a humidifier to 50%-60%.

  • Ensure pots have drainage holes and saucers to prevent waterlogging.

With the right balance, you’ll have perfectly hydrated plants.

Feeding with Proper Fertilizer

While water keeps plants hydrated, fertilizer provides essential nutrients for healthy growth.

  • Use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength every 2 weeks in spring and summer.

  • For foliage focused plants, use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. For blooming plants, choose more phosphorus-rich formulas.

  • Completely stop fertilizing in late fall and winter when plants are dormant.

  • If using slow release fertilizer pellets or spikes, apply only once early in the growing season.

Proper fertilizing fuels plant processes while preventing buildup and burn.

Pruning for Form and Function

Strategic pruning shapes plants and encourages dense growth. Follow these tips for the best results:

  • Prune dead or damaged stems immediately to prevent disease. Make cuts just above nodes.

  • Pinch back leggy growths and prune for shape after major flowering periods.

  • Limit pruning to autumn and early spring. Avoid pruning late summer when plants prep for dormancy.

  • Clean pruning shears with alcohol between plants to prevent disease transmission.

  • For smaller maintenance pruning, no sealant is needed. For major cuts, seal with paste.

With the right technique and timing, pruning maintains an ideal form.

Preventing and Treating Pests

Vigilance is needed to keep plant pests at bay. Act quickly if any pests appear:

  • Isolate and prune off affected parts immediately to limit spreading.

  • Remove pests with pressurized water or alcohol-dampened cotton swabs for mild infestations.

  • Apply neem oil or insecticidal soap sprays for moderate infestations, coating all plant surfaces.

  • For severe infestations, use horticultural oils or systemic insecticides as a last resort.

Consistency and thoroughness eliminates pests and diseases before they get out of control.

Encouraging Blooms Through Seasonal Care

With flowering plants, seasonal care tweaks encourage prolific blooms.

  • Provide bright light, ample water, and fertilizer to fuel bud development.

  • Maintain cooler 60-65°F temperatures to mimic natural growing conditions.

  • Prune back flowering stems after bloom periods end to encourage re-blooming.

  • Reduce water and fertilizer after peak flowering to mimic post-season dormancy.

Tailoring conditions to natural cycles maximizes floral displays year after year.

The Right Foundation for Success

Caring for plants is a constant learning process. But armed with this Ambius plant care guide, you now have the fundamental know-how to cultivate success. With the right planting, lighting, watering, fertilizing, pruning, and pest prevention, your plants will thrive in any space. Consistent care and attention to details allows you to unlock each plant’s full potential.

ambius plant care guide tips and tricks for healthy growth

Anubias Plant Care Guide for Beginners: Easy Tips, Tricks and Tutorial


How can I improve my indoor plants health?

Regularly inspect your houseplants for signs of insect pests and treat when necessary. Increase humidity and prevent drafts. Indoor conditions can be dry and drafty. Keep plants away from heater vents, doorways and drafty windows.

Can plants survive on office light?

Are there plants that grow well using indoor light? The truth is that most plants tagged for indoor and office use do well, especially the foliage plants. In fact, the whitish blue light that fluorescent lights give off is fine for most plants, particularly foliage plants that are good for indoors.

How can Ambius help with plant care?

You need to consider multiple variables, such as lighting and watering. Here’s the good news: Ambius is the expert in plant care and will ensure the plants at your property receive the attention they need. Contact us to learn more about how we can design beautiful arrangements that enhance the environment of your space.

Does Ambius install orchids?

Ambius installs and maintains orchid displays in offices and indoor spaces as part of our living floral service. As the experts in interior landscapes, we created the Ultimate Guide to Orchids and Orchid Care to answer common questions about orchids.

How do you care for tropical plants?

From choosing the right soil to providing adequate light and water, plant care basics are crucial for the health and longevity of your houseplants. Humidity is essential for tropical plants to be happy, but it can be quite difficult to get the humidity high enough.

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