PH. 240-344-9197


Why is My Apache Beggarticks Flower Drooping?

Bidens are prolific flowering plants with yellow or orange daisy-like blooms; newer biden varieties have pink, gold, and white blossoms. They are also commonly called Spanish needles, tickseed sunflowers, and beggarticks. They thrive in rich soil with sufficient drainage and require full sun. They tolerate drought and heat relatively well. Bidens are perennial plants in … Read more

Hanging Adiantum Laevigatum Plant: A Creative Way to Add Greenery to Your Space

Maidenhair ferns (Adiantum raddianum) are deciduous ferns known for their delicate, fan-shaped leaf segments clustered on wiry black stems. Theyre a popular houseplant known for their attractive foliage and compact size. Maidenhair ferns can grow anywhere from one to two feet tall and wide at maturity, with a lifespan of around 15 years. As houseplants, … Read more

Why Are Your Ambius Plant Leaves Curling?

As an Ambius plant owner curled leaves on your prized vegetation can be worrying. But don’t panic – leaf curl is a common issue and can often be corrected with a few care adjustments. In this comprehensive guide we’ll explore all the potential reasons your Ambius leaves are curling and how to get your plant … Read more