PH. 240-344-9197


How to Get Rid of Whiteflies on Balsam Plant

When it comes to pests, whitefly is one of the most common and most damaging to plants. Whitefly populations can explode quickly and cause serious infestations. Once they have taken hold, whiteflies can be tough to eliminate, so it’s important to recognize the early signs of infestation and apply the necessary treatment to get them … Read more

Troubleshooting Common Causes of Balsam Plant Decline

With their bright, cheery blooms in shades of pink, red, white, and purple, balsam plants (Impatiens balsamina) are a delightful addition to flower gardens However, these tender annuals sometimes suddenly take a turn for the worse, leaving frustrated gardeners wondering what’s causing their once-thriving balsam plant to die Identifying the culprit behind declining balsams is … Read more

Mature Height with Support

Reaching for the Sky – How Tall Does Barbara Karst Bougainvillea Grow? With its cascading vines studded with vivid blooms, Barbara Karst Bougainvillea makes a stunning addition to gardens and landscapes. But just how tall can you expect this showy plant to grow? Here’s a look at the mature size and growth habits of this … Read more