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The Many Benefits of Growing American Beautyberry Shrub in Your Garden

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The native range of C. americana extends from Maryland to Florida, west to Texas and Arkansas, and also Mexico, Bermuda, the Bahamas and Cuba.

The vibrant and eye-catching American beautyberry shrub (Callicarpa americana) is a gorgeous addition to any garden. Native to the southeastern United States, this low-maintenance shrub offers a multitude of benefits that make it an excellent choice for gardens of all sizes. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 reasons to grow American beautyberry and how to care for it.

1. Vibrant and Unique Flowers

One of the main reasons to grow American beautyberry is for its vibrant purple berries that appear in late summer and fall. These bright clusters look like candies decorating the shrub adding a pop of color to the garden. The berries last well into winter providing continued interest after most plants have gone dormant.

2. Attracts Pollinators

The pink flowers that appear on American beautyberry in spring are a magnet for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. By attracting these important insects to your garden, beautyberry helps support biodiversity and a healthy ecosystem.

3. Food Source for Birds

American beautyberry’s berries are a vital food source for birds when other food sources start to dwindle in late fall and winter. Robins, mockingbirds thrashers and other birds eagerly devour the nutrient-rich berries.

4. Deer Resistant

Deer often wreak havoc in gardens, but American beautyberry’s berries contain saponins, compounds that make the plant taste bad to deer. This makes it a good choice if deer are an issue in your area.

5. Drought Resistant

Once established, American beautyberry is quite drought tolerant and requires little watering, even in hot southern summers. This quality makes it ideal for low-maintenance and xeriscape gardens.

6. Medicinal Uses

American beautyberry has a long history of medicinal use. Teas made from its roots and leaves have been used to treat fevers, rheumatism, colds, and gastrointestinal issues. More research is still needed, but the plant shows promise.

7. Versatile Growing Conditions

American beautyberry can thrive in a range of soil types and light conditions, from full sun to partial shade. It can handle environmental stresses, from heat to humidity. This adaptability makes it easy to site in your landscape.

8. Insect Repellent

Crushing beautyberry leaves releases insect-repelling compounds like callicarpenal. Some gardeners plant beautyberry around patios and other areas to fend off mosquitoes and other biting insects naturally.

9. Attractive Foliage

In addition to its berries, American beautyberry has relatively large, oval-shaped leaves that emerge a stunning lime green color in spring before darkening to a lush green in summer. The foliage provides a lovely backdrop to the berries.

10. Low Maintenance

Once established, which takes 1-2 years, American beautyberry is quite easy going when it comes to care. It requires little watering or pruning to thrive. Its self-sufficient nature makes it ideal for busy gardeners.

How to Grow and Care for American Beautyberry

Growing American beautyberry is relatively simple, especially if you give it conditions that mimic its native habitat. Here are some key tips for successfully cultivating it in your garden:

Sun: Beautyberry thrives in full sun to partial shade exposures. At least 6 hours of direct sun daily is best.

Soil: Well-drained, moist soil is ideal. Beautyberry tolerates a range of soil textures from sand to clay.

Planting: Space plants 5-7 feet apart. Beautyberry can be propagated from seeds, cuttings, or container-grown plants.

Water: Water regularly the first 1-2 years until established. Then provide supplemental water during drought.

Fertilizer: Apply a balanced organic fertilizer in early spring. Too much nitrogen can inhibit flowering and fruiting.

Pruning: Prune out old stems every 2-3 years to rejuvenate growth. Thinning cuts keep the shrub shapely.

Pests: Watch for scale insects. Deer damage is minimal. Neem oil or insecticidal soap can treat most problems.


With benefits that span from ornamental beauty to ecological support, American beautyberry is one of the most valuable native shrubs you can grow. Tolerant of heat, drought, pests, and deer, this plant offers multi-season interest with minimal care required. For gardens that help wildlife, pollinators and people thrive, American beautyberry is an excellent choice.

benefits of american beautyberry shrub in your garden

Identification Semi-ripe berries Flowers Unripe berries Unripe berries Leaves

Beautyberry is a perennial plant that grows into a shrub of about 3-5 ft. in height. It can grow larger in areas with more favorable conditions and lack of plant competition. While it is most easily identified by its berries, in early to late Fall, it begins growing in the Spring. It has small light or pastel pink flowers. The berries grow in clusters and appear glossy with a bright iridescent-purple, almost fuschia or magenta-like, coloration. The fruit, which can sometimes also be white (Callicarpus americana var. lactea ), hug the branches at points where leaves meet on either side (axils). Leaves come in pairs and sometimes threes, are fuzzy to the touch, and are ovate shaped (like an egg that comes to a point) with serrated or tooth-like edges. The branches, bark, and trunk are not particularly showy.

Beautyberry likes moisture and can be found natively in most of the Southern parts of the United States. Natural habitats for this plant include moist woods, moist thickets, wet slopes, low rich bottomlands, and at the edges of swamps, and coastal plains or woodlands. It tolerates both heat and cold and prefers to be partly shaded. It can grow in a variety of different soils including: rich, sandy, sandy-loam, medium-loam, clay-loam, clay, acid-based, and calcareous soils. The plants are prolific and grown naturally year to year without need for human intervention. However, they are also easily cultivated from seed, root cuttings, and softwood tip cuttings. The plant is endangered in Maryland. It is recommended that old wood be pruned heavily in late fall to early spring since flowers and fruit are produced on new growth.

Growing American Beautyberry – Native Edible


What are the benefits of Beautyberry bushes?

The American beautyberry (Callicarpa Americana) is native to Georgia and grows magnificently in Texas, Florida, and near pinelands and wooded forests. Native Americans used this beautiful bush as an insect repellent, for their fevers, and to combat stomach problems.

Do Beautyberry bushes repel mosquitoes?

The leaves of Beautyberry contain compounds that have antibacterial and pest-deterring properties. Fire ants, ticks, deer flies and mosquitoes are repelled by the plant compounds callicarpenal and intermedeol.

What can the American beautyberry be used for?

Ethnobotanic: The roots, leaves, and branches were used by various Native American tribes for medicinal purposes to treat malarial fevers and rheumatism. The roots were used to treat dizziness, stomachaches and dysentery. Roots and berries were boiled and drunk to treat colic.

Where should I plant a Beautyberry bush?

Grow in full sun to part shade – will grow in shade, but flower and berry production will be sparse. The secret to growing beautyberry is planting in moist, but well-drained soil as plants suffer when exposed to soil that stays too wet. American beautyberry is one of the latest native shrubs to leaf out in the spring.

Are beautyberry bushes low maintenance?

Callicarpa americana, the American beautyberry shrub, is a delightful plant that will reward you with stunning purple berries that last through the fall and winter. If you are growing beautyberry bushes in their native region, these plants are low-maintenance.

What are American beautyberries used for?

American beautyberries are best used in hedgerow plantings, native plantings, and pollinator or butterfly gardens. The berries will often stay on the plant for a while, making it a great plant for a winter garden. Beautyberries may also be used in cut flower arrangements when the berries form to provide color and interest.

What is an American beautyberry?

The American beautyberry is a deciduous shrub that produces purple berries in the fall and in winter. Though it grows mainly in the woodlands, it’s a

Are American beautyberries a good fall plant?

I really look forward to fall when so many plants change into their colorful fall wardrobes; it’s such a beautiful sight. The American Beautyberry is one such plant that makes quite a showing, boasting bright magenta berries that look much like bracelets of amethyst beads glistening in clusters along drooping branches.

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