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African Marigold Flower

How to Get Rid of Spider Mites in African Marigold Flowers

African marigolds (Tagetes erecta) are beloved annual flowers known for their cheerful golden blooms But these hardy plants can fall victim to tiny spider mites, a common garden pest. These minuscule insects suck nutrients from plant tissues, causing stippling, discoloration, and wilting An infestation can quickly ravage your beautiful marigolds. Fortunately, with prompt, proper treatment … Read more

How to Pollinate African Marigold Flower: Increase Your Yield

Tagetes erecta, commonly known as the African marigold, boasts a complex flower structure that plays a pivotal role in its reproduction. Heres a breakdown of its anatomy: Each component of Tagetes erectas flower is designed to maximize pollination efficiency. Whether through self-pollination, where pollen from the same flower fertilizes the ovules, or cross-pollination, involving the … Read more