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Alfalfa Plant

Effective Ways to Control Caterpillars in Alfalfa Fields

The alfalfa caterpillar, Colias eurytheme Boisduval, (also called “alfalfa butterfly”) is a sporadic warm weather pest. Natural enemies often maintain this insect below economic levels most years. Alfalfa is an important forage crop grown widely for feeding livestock. However, various insect pests can damage alfalfa stands and reduce yields. Caterpillars are a major pest problem … Read more

Alfalfa Plant Seeds: A Comprehensive Guide to Storing, Sowing, and Germinating for Optimal Growth

Grown as a high-quality forage crop around the world, alfalfa provides nitrogen fixation, increased soil organic matter, and many other benefits. As a result of the plant’s ability to produce two or more harvests per year for several years following initial planting, growing alfalfa results in substantial economic gains. However, realizing the full potential of … Read more

How to Get Rid of Mealybugs on Alfalfa Plant

In Oklahoma, insect pests are a perennial problem that can cause reduced alfalfa productivity. These pests occur at various times of the growing season and reduce forage production in many ways. Yellowing (chlorosis) and subsequent death of leaves (necrosis), along with stunting of plant growth, are caused by fluid feeding insects such as aphids and … Read more

The Complete Guide to Growing Alfalfa in Pots

When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. Alfalfa is a cool-season perennial commonly grown for feeding livestock or as a cover crop and soil conditioner. Alfalfa is highly nutritious and a natural source of nitrogen. Its ideal for improving the soil and providing erosion … Read more