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Apache Beggarticks Flower

The Many Benefits of Adding Arizona Beggarticks Flower to Your Garden

As a passionate gardener, I’m always on the lookout for new plants to add visual interest and biodiversity to my outdoor space. Lately, I’ve become enamored with Arizona Beggarticks (Bidens ferulifolia) – a hardy wildflower native to the Southwest United States. With its vibrant yellow blooms and fern-like foliage, Arizona Beggarticks brings beauty while also … Read more

How Deep to Plant Apache Beggarticks Flower for Optimal Growth

Bidens are prolific flowering plants with yellow or orange daisy-like blooms; newer biden varieties have pink, gold, and white blossoms. They are also commonly called Spanish needles, tickseed sunflowers, and beggarticks. They thrive in rich soil with sufficient drainage and require full sun. They tolerate drought and heat relatively well. Bidens are perennial plants in … Read more