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Baobab Tree

How to Get Rid of Bacterial Leaf Spot on Baobab Tree

Banish black spots and restore Baob beauty with our definitive guide to tackling fungal foes and environmental stress! ✨ The baobab tree, with its massive trunk and unique upside-down look, is truly an iconic image of the African savanna. These majestic trees can live for thousands of years, but they are still susceptible to diseases … Read more

How to Get Rid of Fungus on Baobab Tree

The magnificent baobab tree, native to Africa, Australia and Madagascar is susceptible to fungal diseases that can disfigure and even kill these iconic giants. Fungal infections like powdery mildew leaf spot, sooty mold and root rot are common problems for baobab trees. Left unchecked, they weaken the tree, impair growth and shorten its lifespan. Fortunately, … Read more

How to Plant Baobab Tree Seeds: A Step-by-Step Guide

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Baobabs produce a large fruit which are filled with hard kidney-shaped seeds. These seeds are “nature-designed” to survive harsh conditions and to germinate at exactly the right time so that the young seedling can grow and survive in the wild. Our job is to crack that code by mimicking the natural conditions that stimulate germination … Read more

How to Clean a Baobab Tree

The days are getting longer and my baobabs enjoy the sunshine on their windowsill in the living room. More daylight and the warmth bring out fresh green baobab leaves. Little tips appear at the ends of the branches. However, it can take a while until the leaves unfold fully. The baobab tree is an iconic … Read more

How to Get Rid of Borers on Your Baobab Tree

The baobab tree, native to Africa, Australia, and Madagascar, is an iconic part of the landscape in those regions. These majestic trees can live for thousands of years and develop massive trunks that store water during dry seasons. However, borers pose a threat to the health and longevity of baobab trees. Read on to learn … Read more

Why is My Baobab Tree Growing Sideways?

I am a Baobologist. A name I invented inspired by my passion for Baobabs. Not necessarily an expert in Baobabs, but certainly a student and lover of Baobabs. I am often asked to explain my love for these gigantic, ancient and mystical trees … There is something beautiful and profound that happens to my heart … Read more

How to Tell if Your Baobab Tree Needs Watering

Your “baobab adventure” starts with the successful germination of the baobab seeds you planted. It is crucial for the little saplings to survive the first three months – until they are big and stable enough to continue on their own. One of the important factors to make it easy for them is watering them correctly. … Read more