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Garden bed

The Complete Guide to Filling Tall Raised Garden Beds

Gardening with raised beds is my preferred method. When you’re doing raised bed gardening, you can control your soil type easily. Your beds warm up faster in the spring. You’ll have less weeds and an easier time clearing out those which do appear. The soil doesn’t become compacted like an in-ground bed. But there’s one … Read more

The Perfect Raised Bed Depth for Growing Potatoes

Growing potatoes in raised beds is by far our most successful potato growing method to date, requiring minimal effort for exceptional yields. Each 4 x 8 foot raised bed produced 50 to 60 pounds of potatoes, without fertilizer, irrigation, or weeding. We’ve been growing potatoes (or trying to) for the past decade on in our … Read more

what is the best wood for a raised garden bed

The only thing better than enjoying the produce from your garden is planning your garden. I could spend hours looking through seed catalogs, checking out the latest garden equipment, drawing maps of what my garden might look like, and, naturally, thinking about the best type of wood for raised beds. After all, you want something … Read more

The Best Materials for Lining Your Raised Garden Bed in 2022

Raised garden beds are excellent to grow vegetables in, however, finding inexpensive and toxin-free materials can be a real challenge. You’re probably thinking about using a raised bed liner to create a safe barrier, and you’re onto something there! I’ve been experimenting with different raised bed materials for years and have finally landed on the … Read more