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Landscape Design

How to Get Rid of Seaweed in a Pond Naturally

Seaweed, also known as macroalgae, is a common problem in ponds and lakes. Though it serves an important purpose in marine ecosystems, excessive seaweed growth can negatively impact freshwater environments. When seaweed overtakes a pond, it blocks sunlight, starves the water of oxygen, and creates an unsightly mess. While chemical treatments provide a quick fix, … Read more

The Mesmerizing World of the Water Lily Pond

Water lily ponds have been fascinating people for centuries with their tranquil beauty. As an avid gardener myself, I find water lily ponds to be one of the most captivating features that can be incorporated into a landscape. In this article, I’ll provide a brief history of water lily ponds, examine what makes them so … Read more

A Guide to the Most Popular Plants in Ponds

Ponds allow you to cultivate a diverse aquatic garden right in your own backyard. When stocked with lush greenery, ponds transform from simple water features into vibrant backyard oases. The right plants enhance pond health while bringing visual interest through unique textures, colors, and blooms. But with so many varieties to choose from, it can … Read more