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Fertilizing Your African Mask Plant: A Complete Guide to the Dos and Don’ts

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Also known as the African Mask plant or Elephant Ear plant, the Alocasia isn’t African at all. It’s a plant that is native to Asia and has striking and this beautiful foliage adds a dramatic flair to your home or office. The Alocasia tends to require a little extra TLC, so we’ve put together some specifics on how to treat your plant well.

Note: Alocasia is poisonous to people and animals if ingested, so take care to keep away from children and pets.

The vibrant, exotic African mask plant (Alocasia) is a popular choice for indoor gardening. With its lush green leaves and tropical flair, it’s easy to see why these statement plants are so beloved. However, keeping your Alocasia healthy and thriving requires knowing how to properly fertilize it.

At our plant care blog African mask plants are one of our specialties. Over the years we’ve experimented with different fertilizers and schedules to determine the best practices. Through trial and error, we’ve identified the crucial dos and don’ts for fertilizing these stunning houseplants.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through when, how, and what to feed your African mask plant. Follow these tips to help your Alocasia grow big and strong!

The Growing Season: When to Fertilize

The key to fertilizing your African mask plant is understanding its active growing season. For Alocasias, this period is during the spring through fall months.

Fertilizing during the growing months helps the plant put energy into new leaf growth and development. Alternately, African mask plants enter dormancy in winter, making fertilizer unnecessary and even harmful.

Growing Season Fertilizing Schedule:

  • Spring to Fall: Fertilize every 2 weeks
  • Winter Months: No fertilizer needed

By tailoring fertilizer to periods of active growth, you’ll set your Alocasia up for success!

Choosing the Right Fertilizer

Not all plant foods are created equal when it comes to African mask plants. To pick the perfect fertilizer, keep these tips in mind

  • Seeking balance – Opt for equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or 20-20-20). This gives comprehensive nutrition.

  • Going organic – Organic options like compost tea or fish emulsion work great. They provide nutrients without chemicals.

  • Reading the labels – Instructions will provide exact mixing and dosage directions to avoid over-fertilizing.

  • Trying liquid feeds – Soluble, liquid fertilizers are easy to mix into your watering can for quick absorption.

Picking a balanced, high-quality fertilizer tailored to houseplants is essential for healthy growth.

How to Fertilize Properly

Once you’ve chosen the right fertilizer for your Alocasia, proper technique is critical. Follow these dos and don’ts when feeding your plant:

The Dos

  • Dilute fertilizer to avoid burn
  • Apply to moist soil for easier absorption
  • Add to watering can for quick uptake
  • Use only half strength when newly potted

The Don’ts

  • Don’t over-fertilize beyond label directions
  • Don’t fertilize a dry or stressed plant
  • Don’t apply fertilizer without diluting
  • Don’t get fertilizer on the leaves

By carefully following best practices in both timing and technique, you can fertilize your African mask plant effectively.

Common Fertilizing Mistakes

To avoid harming your Alocasia, be aware of these common fertilizing errors:

  • Using too much fertilizer due to eyeballing rather than measuring
  • Fertilizing in the dormant winter months when plant is not actively growing
  • Applying concentrated fertilizer directly to soil or leaves
  • Not diluting fertilizer, leading to nutrient burn
  • Fertilizing on a dry soil, causing roots to get burned

With a balanced feed applied properly at the right times, your African mask plant will flourish. Avoid these missteps for a happy, healthy Alocasia specimen.

Troubleshooting Issues

If you notice any of these signs after fertilizing, you may need to adjust your regimen:

  • Brown leaf tips – Possible fertilizer burn
  • Drooping leaves – Over-fertilization or dry soil
  • Few new leaves – Under-fertilizing
  • Stunted growth – Improper fertilizer balance

Pay attention to how your plant responds and tweak your feeding schedule as needed. With careful fertilizing, your Alocasia will impress you with vigorous growth and gorgeous foliage.

Our Top Tips for Fertilizer Success

Follow this cheat sheet when fertilizing your African mask plant:

  • Use a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer

  • Feed every 2 weeks during active growth

  • Always check label directions

  • Keep fertilizer off leaves

  • Water before and after feeding

  • No fertilizer in winter dormancy

Getting your fertilizer regimen right is crucial for the health of your African mask plant. We hope these dos, don’ts, and tips set your Alocasia up for success! Let us know if you have any other fertilizing questions – happy growing!

fertilizing your african mask plant the dos and donts

How much water does an Alocasia need?

Unlike most foliage plants, you want to keep the soil moist for your Alocasia. Water regularly (usually once a week, depending on the temperature and humidity in your home). Overwatering will result in soggy, soupy soil and can cause root rot and fungal infections, so make sure that the soil is moist, but not completely saturated with water.

If the soil dries completely out, the lower leaves may turn brown and die off.

The Alocasia also thrives in high humidity environments, so investing in a humidifier to keep near your plants is a great idea. Avoid misting your Alocasia as direct water on the leaves can make it prone to rot and infections.

How much light does an Alocasia need?

Alocasia needs bright, indirect light. Keep it in a sunny room but avoid direct sunlight or it may get sunburned. You can keep it near a window but use a sheer curtain to block any bright light that comes through as well. Also, take note in the warmer months where you place it, as more sunlight in the summer could be too much for your Alocasia.

How to Take Care of Your African Mask Plant


Do African mask plants like to be misted?

Foliage can be misted once or twice a week to help raise humidity levels and keep leaves clean. Too much misting may result in fungal disease. Spray in the morning to allow plants to dry out during the day.

What is the best fertilizer for Alocasia plants?

Picking the Right Fertilizer for Your Alocasia Phosphorus is the root-and-bloom booster, while Potassium is the all-rounder, keeping your plant’s systems in check. A 10-10-10 ratio is a crowd-pleaser, but don’t sleep on the micronutrients; they’re the unsung heroes that round out the nutritional ensemble.

Why are my African mask plant leaves turning brown?

If the soil dries completely out, the lower leaves may turn brown and die off. The Alocasia also thrives in high humidity environments, so investing in a humidifier to keep near your plants is a great idea. Avoid misting your Alocasia as direct water on the leaves can make it prone to rot and infections.

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