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The Complete Guide to Fertilizing Your Amazon Elephants Ear Plant

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Hi hello! Welcome to Mindful Monstera. I’m Sarah, the author and creator of this blog. I’m glad to have you here. I have always loved the elephant ear houseplant. It is a true beauty isn’t it? Honestly, a statement house piece I might add. I’m going to be dropping all the secrets and knowledge that I have learned about this plant since I’ve owned one. I don’t believe this is a good plant for a beginner houseplant owner. I have found the plant to be quite sensitive. Anyways, let’s learn the secrets of the Elephant Ear houseplant.

The Amazon Elephants Ear Plant, also known as Alocasia x Amazonica or Alocasia Amazonica, is a gorgeous tropical plant that can bring a lush, exotic feel to any indoor or outdoor space. With its dramatically large arrow-shaped leaves sometimes measuring over three feet long, the Elephants Ear is an unforgettable statement plant. Proper fertilization is key to keeping these stunning plants healthy and vibrant. This complete guide will teach you everything you need to know about fertilizing Amazon Elephants Ear Plants.

An Overview of Amazon Elephants Ear Plants

Native to tropical forests and swamps in Africa and Asia, Elephants Ear Plants thrive in warm, humid environments. They are characterized by their enormous, heart-shaped green leaves with prominent veins. The impressive foliage inspired the common name, as the leaves resemble an elephant’s ear in size and shape.

There are over 70 species in the Alocasia genus, but Alocasia Amazonica is one of the most popular. It’s a fast-growing plant that can reach heights of 3-6 feet. The leaves emerge vertically at first, then eventually turn and point outward. Under the right conditions Alocasia can produce small yellow-green flowers, but it’s really grown for its spectacular leaves.

These tropical beauties do best in partial shade outdoors. If grown as a houseplant, they need bright indirect sunlight. Alocasia prefers moist, well-draining soil and average room temperatures between 65-80°F. Higher humidity is ideal.

With high moisture needs, large leaves and fast growth, Elephants Ear Plants are heavy feeders. Fertilization is essential for them to reach their full potential.

Why Fertilize Your Elephants Ear?

Fertilizer provides essential nutrients to promote lush, vibrant growth. Just like people need a balanced diet, plants require the right combination of nutrients from the soil. The three primary macronutrients plants need are:

  • Nitrogen (N) – For lush, green growth
  • Phosphorus (P) – For strong roots and flowers
  • Potassium (K) – For disease resistance and hardiness

Without adequate nutrients, Elephants Ear Plants can experience:

  • Smaller leaves
  • Loss of lower leaves
  • Pale or yellowing leaves
  • Slow growth
  • Leggy, weak stems

By feeding your plant with a balanced fertilizer, you’ll encourage:

  • Bigger, greener leaves
  • More robust stems
  • Increased flowering
  • Faster growth rate
  • Improved disease resistance
  • Overall health and vigor

Fertilization allows the Elephants Ear to reach its full potential for stunning tropical flair.

How Often Should You Fertilize?

During the active growing season (spring through fall), Elephants Ear Plants should be fertilized every 2-4 weeks. You can supplement with monthly feedings in winter if the plant is still putting out new growth.

More frequent fertilizing is required for potted plants than in-ground since containers have a finite amount of soil and nutrients can be depleted quicker.

Reduce feeding frequency if your plant shows signs of fertilizer burn like brown leaf tips or margin scorch. It’s better to under-fertilize than risk damage with too much.

What Type of Fertilizer Should You Use?

Choose a balanced, water-soluble, houseplant fertilizer that contains macronutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) and micronutrients (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, etc).

Look for a fertilizer with an NPK ratio around 3-1-2. This provides slightly higher nitrogen to encourage lush foliage growth.

Organic or chemical fertilizers both work well. Organic options like compost tea, worm castings, fish emulsion, and kelp extract provide nutrients through natural sources. Chemical fertilizers like Miracle-Gro are synthesized. There are also extended-release fertilizer spikes specifically made for Elephants Ear.

Always dilute any liquid fertilizer to half or quarter strength to avoid fertilizer burn. Carefully follow label instructions for proper mixing and application.

How to Apply Fertilizer to Elephants Ear Plants

For potted plants: Apply diluted liquid fertilizer during a thorough watering until it drains from the pot. This ensures nutrients reach the entire root zone. You can also top-dress containers with worm castings or slow release granular fertilizer.

For in-ground plants: Spread granular fertilizer around the base of the plant. Water it in well after application. Liquid fertilizer can be mixed with water and poured evenly around the root zone.

Foliar feeding: Certain liquid fertilizers can be sprayed directly onto the plant’s leaves and absorbed through the foliage and stems. Always do a small test section first in case of sensitivity.

Time release spikes: Insert specially formulated spikes into the soil around the Elephants Ear and they will slowly release nutrients over time.

Compost tea: Brew up this mild organic fertilizer by steeping compost in water. Use it to water indoor and outdoor Elephants Ear Plants.

Tips for Healthy, Vibrant Elephants Ear Plants

Follow these best practices for success in growing and fertilizing happy Elephants Ear Plants:

  • Provide bright, indirect light indoors or semi-shade outdoors.

  • Water when the top few inches of soil become dry. Don’t let them sit in soggy soil.

  • Mist leaves regularly or use a pebble tray for humidity.

  • Repot when rootbound into a slightly larger pot with drainage holes.

  • Prune dead leaves and stalks to keep plants looking tidy.

  • Move outdoors in warm months for increased light and growth.

  • Feed every 2-4 weeks during spring through fall with diluted fertilizer.

  • Cut back on water and fertilizer in winter if plant is dormant.

  • Stake large leaves if needed to prevent breakage.

  • Propagate by dividing rhizomes when repotting.

With the proper care, these stunning tropicals will flourish and add major WOW factor to your home or garden. Adequate fertilization is the key to unlocking their full potential for dramatic, vibrant growth. Use this guide to help your Elephants Ear Plants thrive with regular feeding. Just sit back and enjoy the compliments on your gorgeous green giant!

guide to fertilizing your amazon elephants ear plant

Do Alocasia Cry? Water Droplets on my Alocasia?

Some plants go through a process of guttation. Guttation is the process where a plant releases excess water. The release of the excess water does not cause injury to the plant. It’s important to remember if you see water droplets on your plant it’s not something to worry about. Guttation is a natural process your plant can go through. It’s just releasing excess water. If you keep having this issue cut back on waterings to solve the problem.

guide to fertilizing your amazon elephants ear plant

These plants originate from humid environments. That means they need humidity. Shoot for a humidity over 50%. I believe the two best methods for creating a humid environment for these plants are:

  • 2. place the plant on the vanity in the bathroom when you shower.

I have linked a good humidifier from amazon. Humidifiers will offer a constant consistent level of humidity for your plants which can be key for overall health.

Do Elephant Ear Houseplants Purify the Air?

I’ve referenced nasa plant study in almost all the plant articles I’ve written and I will mention it again. According to the nasa plant study, the elephant ear houseplant filters formaldehyde out from the air around us. If you live in an environment where you’re subjected to a lot of air population consider investing in an air purifier for your home. Even though houseplants filter the air we might not have enough plants in our home to properly filter the air.



What kind of fertilizer do you put on Elephant Ears?

Picking the Perfect Fertilizer for Your Hardy Elephant Ear Hardy Elephant Ears demand a specific N-P-K ratio to thrive. A 10-6-4 blend is the sweet spot, providing nitrogen for leaf growth, phosphorus for root development, and potassium for overall health.

Is Miracle-Gro good for Elephant Ears?

They like moist soil, bright shade and an occasional feeding. Use a diluted 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 fertilizer to feed them. Half strength water soluable fertilizer such as Miracle Gro or Peter’s houseplant fertilizer will give them the nutrients they need without the fear of overfeeding and burning the roots.

How often should I feed my elephant ear plant?

Should I fertilise my elephant ear plant? Feed your elephant ear plant with a balanced liquid fertiliser every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) to encourage new growth. You don’t need to worry about fertilising during the winter months.

What is the best fertilizer for Alocasia plants?

Picking the Right Fertilizer for Your Alocasia Phosphorus is the root-and-bloom booster, while Potassium is the all-rounder, keeping your plant’s systems in check. A 10-10-10 ratio is a crowd-pleaser, but don’t sleep on the micronutrients; they’re the unsung heroes that round out the nutritional ensemble.

What fertilizer should I use for my Elephant ears?

Keep an eye on plant growth and nutrient needs, adjusting your fertilizing routine accordingly. Choose from a variety of fertilizers for your elephant ears: Balanced Fertilizer: A 20-20-20 or 20-10-20 formula provides essential nutrients. Liquid Fertilizer: Easy to apply and quickly absorbed.

How do you Grow Elephant ears?

Here are the main care requirements for growing elephant ears: Select an outdoor planting location with partial shade or dappled sun. Indoors, place the plant in a spot with bright, indirect light. If planting elephant ears outdoors, wait until the soil has reached a temperature of at least 70°F. Plant the tubers about 4 inches deep.

How to care for elephant ear plants?

Caring for your elephant ear plants requires attention. They are very heavy feeders and take a lot of fertilizer. A liquid form of fertilizer is good for their moist soil conditions, and you should choose one that is high in nitrogen for best foliage growth. Feed them with the fertilizer weekly according to its package directions.

How do you fertilize elephant ear plants?

To encourage healthy foliage growth, fertilize elephant ear plants with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. A houseplant fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 20-10-20 should be suitable. Fertilize elephant ear houseplants every two weeks during spring and summer. Stop ‘feeding’ the plant at the end of August.

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