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Cultivating Stunning Foliage: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Amazon Elephants Ear Plant in a Pot

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Looking for a spectacular houseplant that really catches the eye? It’s hard to go wrong with the genus Alocasia, especially a relatively recent cultivar known as Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly’. All of the flair of its parent plant, Alocasia amazonica, but in a more compact package perfect for smaller spaces!

Keep reading for everything you need to know about Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly’ plant care, with extensive growing tips for helping this aroid thrive indoors.

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The vibrant, tropical Amazon Elephants Ear plant can instantly liven up any indoor space. With its huge, glossy leaves in shades of green, bronze, and black, this plant makes a dramatic statement in any home or office. Though traditionally grown in outdoor gardens, the Amazon Elephants Ear also thrives when cultivated in pots indoors.

Growing these beauties as houseplants does require some special care and considerations. In this detailed guide, we will share insider tips to help you successfully grow lush, healthy Amazon Elephants Ear plants in pots.

Here’s what we’ll cover

  • Selecting the ideal pot and soil mix
  • Providing the right lighting conditions
  • Maintaining proper watering and humidity
  • Fertilization and pruning tips
  • Repotting guidance as your plant grows
  • Controlling pests and diseases
  • Ideas for displaying your potted Elephants Ears

Let’s get started and unlock the secrets to flawlessly growing these stunning houseplants!

Choosing Pots for Amazon Elephants Ear Plants

Choosing the right pot is key to growing a thriving Elephants Ear houseplant Here are the key factors to consider

  • Size – Select a pot at least 2 inches wider than the current root ball, to allow for growth. Aim for 10-12 inches deep.

  • Drainage – Ensure your pot has multiple drainage holes to prevent soggy soil. Add pebbles at the base for enhanced drainage.

  • Material – Use nonporous pots like plastic, ceramic, or glazed terracotta to retain moisture better than unglazed pots.

  • Design – Pick a stylish pot that matches your decor, with a saucer to protect surfaces.

Aim for a pot size around 12-16 inches wide x 10-12 inches deep. And don’t forget the saucer! This will keep your surfaces protected as you water.

Creating the Ideal Soil Mix

Amazon Elephants Ear plants thrive in a rich, well-draining soil. Here is an ideal mix:

  • 2 parts peat moss – Retains moisture
  • 1 part perlite or pumice – Improves drainage
  • 1 part compost – Nutrients for growth

You can also add worm castings for plant nutrients. Adjust pH to around 6.5 using lime if needed. This soil mix will provide the aeration and moisture control these plants need.

Providing Proper Lighting

Amazon Elephants Ear plants grow best in bright, indirect light. Ideal lighting situations include:

  • Near an east, west, or south-facing window filtered by sheer curtains.
  • In a bright room with western exposure.
  • Under grow lights providing 12-14 hours of light per day.

Rotate the plant periodically to ensure even light exposure on all sides. If leaves start losing their vibrant color, increase light levels.

Maintaining Ideal Watering and Humidity

Amazon Elephants Ears need consistently moist soil to thrive. Only water when the top few inches of soil are dry. Key tips:

  • Water thoroughly until it drains from the pot.
  • Use room temperature water, not cold.
  • Water less frequently in winter when growth slows.
  • Ensure soil drains well to prevent sogginess.

These tropical plants also require high humidity around 60-70%. Increase levels by misting leaves daily and using a humidifier.

Providing Adequate Fertilizer

Feed your Amazon Elephants Ear with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. Fertilize during the growing season from spring through summer. Reduce fertilizer in fall and winter.

Look for plant-based organic fertilizers, such as compost tea, fish emulsion, or seaweed extract. These provide nutrients without harmful chemicals.

Pruning for a Healthy Plant

Trim your Amazon Elephants Ear regularly to:

  • Remove dead, damaged, or yellowing leaves.

  • Shape and contain the plant as it grows.

  • Encourage bushier new growth.

  • Prevent leggy, uneven growth.

Use clean, sterilized shears and make cuts just above leaf nodes. Wipe tools with alcohol after use. Remove trimmed debris.

Repotting in a Larger Container

As your Amazon Elephants Ear grows, it will need repotting about every 2 years in early spring. Follow these tips:

  • Select a pot 2-4 inches wider than current size.

  • Gently loosen root ball and trim any circled roots.

  • Add fresh potting mix around roots to fill new pot.

  • Water thoroughly after repotting and let it drain completely.

Preventing Pests and Diseases

Amazon Elephants Ears are quite resilient but can be affected by:

  • Mealybugs – Treat with neem oil or insecticidal soap.

  • Aphids – Wipe off with damp cloth or use ladybugs for natural control.

  • Root rot – Allow soil to dry out between waterings.

  • Leaf spots – Prune affected areas and remove debris.

Isolate infected plants and control conditions to prevent spreading. Act quickly before infestations worsen.

Displaying Your Potted Elephants Ears

Now for the fun part – showing off your thriving potted Elephants Ears!

  • Place in a bright, warm spot with indirect sunlight.

  • Rotate the pot to ensure even growth on all sides.

  • Display on a plant stand to elevate the gorgeous leaves.

  • Group with other houseplants for a bold indoor jungle effect.

  • Use as a centerpiece on dining or coffee tables.

Ready to add a dramatic touch to your indoor space with the vibrant Amazon Elephants Ear plant? Follow this comprehensive guide, using the right potting mix and care techniques, and you’ll be rewarded with thriving, stunning houseplants. Their lush foliage will create a tropical oasis in any home or office. Let your imagination run wild displaying these beauties!

guide to growing amazon elephants ear plant in a pot

Alocasia x amazonica varieties

There’s only one Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly’, but did you know that this is not the only cultivar produced through selective cultivation of its parent plant, Alocasia x amazonica? And that horticulturists have actually produced yet more cultivars using ‘Polly’ as a parent plant? I almost need a plant family tree to keep track of it all!

These are the varieties I’m aware of (feel free to contact me if you have one to add):

  • Original Alocasia x amazonica: Daughter of Sanderiana x Watsoniana. Very large, shiny green foliage.
  • Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly’: Daughter of Amazonica. Medium-large, shiny green foliage.
  • Alocasia amazonica ‘Ivory Coast’: Daughter of Amazonica. Arrow-shaped leaves without the wavy edges.
  • Alocasia amazonica ‘Bambino Arrow’: Daughter of Polly. Dwarf version with thinner, matte foliage.
  • Alocasia ‘Mandalay’: Daughter of Polly. Rounder leaves with more pronounced veins.

Don’t forget, there are quite a few Alocasia species and cultivars that look similar to the ones mentioned here. I used to own an Alocasia ‘Sarian’, for example, whose leaves were not that different but which is an entirely different species!

Did you know? Apparently, Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly’ was originally called ‘Poly’. This ended up changing to ‘Polly’ as the years passed and the plant became more popular.

Where to buy Alocasia ‘Polly’:

guide to growing amazon elephants ear plant in a pot

Common questions about Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly’ care

Alocasia ‘Polly’ is a fast-growing plant. On average, it grows one to two new leaves every month, though smaller plants may start out a little more slowly.



Do elephant ears grow well in pots?

Potting. You can also grow these plants in containers inside. Similar to other tuber plants, like dahlias, elephant ears need a large container (about 1 gallon) to grow if you decide to start them indoors.

How do you take care of elephant ear pots?

Elephant ears can be grown as houseplants as long as they are in a bright spot, such as a sunny window with southern or west exposure with indirect light, Direct sun will burn the leaves so don’t place it on the windowsill. Keep the soil consistently moist and mist the plant to provide humidity.

How many elephant ear bulbs can you plant in one pot?

Don’t plant more than 1 bulb per pot. Elephant ears need about 6 ft (1.8 m) between them to accommodate for their large spread.

What is the best potting mix for elephant ears?

Creating the ideal soil mix for Hardy Elephant Ears begins with a solid base. Two parts all-purpose potting soil provide the necessary structure and nutrients. One part perlite and one part coarse sand are essential for drainage and to prevent water from overstaying its welcome.

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