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How Much Space to Leave Between Each Alice du Pont Mandevilla Vine

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The Alice du Pont mandevilla vine is a popular tropical plant known for its stunning bright pink trumpet-shaped flowers. However, this vining plant can grow quite large and needs adequate spacing when grown indoors in pots. Determining how much space to leave between each Alice du Pont mandevilla vine is important to prevent overcrowding and allow proper growth.

In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the factors to consider when deciding on the ideal spacing for your Alice du Pont mandevilla vines. Whether you are growing one plant or several in a collection, follow these tips to ensure your mandevilla vines thrive with sufficient room to grow.

Growth Habits of Alice du Pont Mandevilla Vine

The Alice du Pont mandevilla is a woody evergreen vine that can reach up to 20 feet tall in its natural outdoor setting. When grown indoors, these vines can still potentially reach lengths of 10 feet or more if allowed to climb and given proper support.

The vines produce glossy oval shaped leaves that can grow up to 6 inches long. The vibrant pink trumpet shaped flowers bloom in clusters along the vine putting on their floral display from late spring through early fall. One plant alone can put out dozens of these showy blooms when happy.

Due to its vining nature, the Alice du Pont mandevilla needs adequate vertical space to grow as well as horizontal space between plants to prevent crowding. It also requires a support structure like a trellis to climb on and display its pendulous flowers and trailing vines to their full potential.

Factors Impacting Spacing Needs

There are a few key factors that determine exactly how much space you should leave between each Alice du Pont mandevilla vine that you are growing indoors:

  • Container size – Plants in smaller pots will remain more compact while those in larger pots can grow much bigger.

  • Pruning and training – Regular pruning and training vines onto supports helps restrict size.

  • Growing conditions – Lower light and humidity slows growth versus optimal conditions.

  • Number of plants – The more vines you grow together, the more space needed.

  • Desired fullness – Allow more space if you want vines to cascade and spread out fully.

  • Growth stage – Mature, well-established vines need more space than younger plants.

Taking these elements into account will help guide your spacing needs.

General Spacing Recommendations

As a general rule of thumb, here are some recommended guidelines to follow for spacing Alice du Pont mandevilla vines:

  • For individual vines in 10-12 inch diameter pots, allow at least 2 feet of space all around the plant.

  • When displaying multiple vines together in a grouping, allow 2-3 feet between the pots.

  • For planting beds or in-ground culture, space vines 3-4 feet apart depending on desired fullness.

  • If training vines up onto wall-mounted supports, allow 3-4 feet between each support structure.

  • For vines climbing up free-standing supports, space the structures at least 2-3 feet apart.

  • If cascading vines from hanging baskets, allow at least 3 feet clearance from other plants below.

These spacing recommendations provide adequate room for the vines to grow and spread without becoming excessively entangled and competing for light and space. Adjust as needed based on your specific growing environment and desired effect.

Spacing for Optimal Growth

To ensure your Alice du Pont mandevilla vines can thrive and reach their full potential, provide ample spacing following these guidelines:

For Proper Air Circulation

  • Allow at least 12 inches of space on all sides of vines in pots for optimal air circulation.

  • Improve airflow by spacing pots away from walls and large furnishings.

  • Avoid cramped conditions to reduce risk of fungal diseases.

For Sufficient Light Exposure

  • Place vines near bright light sources and allow 2-3 feet between plants.

  • Avoid close crowding that causes leaves to block light from reaching lower foliage.

  • Rotate plants periodically to ensure even light exposure.

For Adequate Humidity

  • Spacing of 2 feet or more allows humidity from misting or humidifiers to circulate.

  • Prevent plants from crowding near heat sources that dry the air.

  • Group plants near pebble trays to increase local humidity.

For Proper Growth Habit

  • Give vines room to spread out foliage and trailing stems.

  • Space supports to prevent tangling of vines and crossing tendrils.

  • Allow cascading vines to drape freely without interfering with other plants.

Spacing in Groupings and Collections

When displaying multiple Alice du Pont mandevilla vines together in an indoor garden room or plant collection, make sure to allow adequate space for the arrangement:

  • Place vines climbing up wall supports or obelisks at least 3-4 feet apart.

  • For a visually balanced vignette, space 3-5 vines at equal distances apart.

  • Surround base of vines with lower-growing foliage plants, spaced 12-24 inches from vines.

  • Allow enough room between furniture or accessories for vines to drape freely.

  • Angle vines growing on stands or obelisks away from one another to avoid tangles.

  • Adjust pot spacing over time as vines increase in size and fullness.

Providing Proper Support Structures

Since the Alice du Pont mandevilla is a vining plant, providing a sturdy support structure is critical not only for proper growth but also for appropriate spacing needs:

  • Select strong obelisks, trellises, or wall-mounted structures that can support mature vines.

  • Place supports at adequate distances based on plant spacing guidelines.

  • Avoid flimsy stakes that can collapse from weight of vines.

  • For multiple vines, use individual supports spaced apart rather than one large support.

  • Position supports to allow vines to grow vertically without encroaching on other plants.

  • Check supports frequently and reinforce joints or attachments if needed.

Achieving the Optimal Aesthetic Display

One of the key advantages of properly spacing Alice du Pont mandevilla vines is achieving a beautiful aesthetic display within your indoor space:

  • Follow spacing guidelines to prevent crowded, tangled growth.

  • Allow vines climbing on supports to drape gracefully.

  • Let vines intermingle subtly without obstructing one another.

  • Arrange plants at staggered heights for layered effect.

  • Angle vines on stands outward for multi-directional interest.

  • Use screening or foliage plants to hide unsightly bases of supports.

  • Enjoy the spectacular show of abundant pink trumpet blooms!

Adjusting Spacing Over Time

The spacing needs of your Alice du Pont mandevilla vines may change over time as plants mature and increase in size:

  • Reassess spacing yearly before the growing season and adjust as required.

  • Move plants further apart if foliage or vines become crowded.

  • Switch to larger supports as vines grow heavier and longer.

  • Reduce encroachment by pruning vines or trimming wayward growth.

  • Rotate or angle plants to maximize light exposure and air circulation.

  • Divide or propagate overgrown vines and relocate extras if needed.

Key Takeaways on Proper Mandevilla Vine Spacing

When growing the gorgeous Alice du Pont mandevilla vine indoors, remember these spacing tips:

  • Allow at least 2 feet between individual vines in pots.

  • For multiple vines, space pots or supports 2-4 feet apart.

  • Provide room for vines to spread out without blocking light or airflow.

  • Select strong supports suitable for vining growth habit.

  • Arrange vines for an attractive display with adequate clearance.

  • Monitor and adjust spacing as vines increase in size over time.

Following these guidelines when deciding how much space to leave between each Alice du Pont mandevilla vine will lead to successfully growing these stunning tropical vining plants indoors.

how much space to leave between each alice du pont mandevilla vine

Cover a wall with mandevilla

Got a big bare wall? Try growing mandevilla on a trellis for a dramatic splash of color in a hurry. Plant mandevilla vines along a wire fence panel for a temporary privacy panel or to divide the backyard into “garden rooms.”

Use mandevilla in entries

Witness the twin urn-grown specimens making a display on these entryway columns in the photo above. Fishing line tied loosely along the columns helps the mandevilla navigate its way up the pillars. (This step isn’t necessary when mandevilla is grown on a narrow post or a gridlike structure because it will twine easily around a smaller support.) To get this much growth in a single season, start with the biggest plants you can find.

Alice Dupont Mandevilla


How far apart should mandevilla be planted?

PLANTING SPACING If planting into the garden space them 5 feet apart. If planting into a container allow for adequate air ventilation on deck or patio. PLANT HEIGHT AND WIDTH These will grow up to maximum of 4 to 6 feet tall and wide.

How tall do Alice du Pont mandevilla get?

Alice Du Pont Mandevilla will grow to be about 12 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 24 inches. As a climbing vine, it tends to be leggy near the base and should be underplanted with low-growing facer plants.

How to make mandevilla bushy?

You may also want to pinch your mandevilla. This method of pruning your mandevilla will create a bushier and fuller plant. To pinch your mandevilla vine, simply use your fingers to pinch off 1/4 to 1/2 inch off the end of each stem.

How wide does a mandevilla grow?

Height and spread: Mandevilla is a fast-growing plant. It can grow up to 3-10 feet in height (90-300 cm) and 3-4 feet wide (90-120 cm). Blooming season: From late spring to frost, with nearly year-round bloom in frost-free climates.

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