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Spacing Arizona Cypress Trees for Optimal Growth and Appeal

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The Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica) is an evergreen conifer that is native to the southwestern region of North America. This tree is an excellent choice for inclusion in a xeriscape and other desert landscaping because it has low water needs once the root system has had a chance to spread and entrench itself. With its deep roots, Arizona cypress serves well as a windbreak and for erosion control. It can also be grown as a cut or a living Christmas tree. The tree grows at a moderate to fast pace, adding 1 to 2 feet per year and topping out between 40 and 50 feet.

The tiny leaves of an Arizona cypress tree look like scales and come in different shades of green including gray-green and blue-green. Older trees have a rough bark that scales off to show an inner bark with changing color from tan to plum to red.

The Arizona cypress is a stunning ornamental conifer known for its striking blue-green foliage and conical, pyramidal form. When incorporating Arizona cypress trees into a landscape design, proper spacing between each specimen is crucial for their health and visual appeal. Follow these tips to determine the ideal spacing for your Arizona cypress trees.

Factors That Influence Arizona Cypress Spacing

Several key factors determine how much space to allow between Arizona cypress trees

  • Mature Size – Consider the trees’ maximum height and spread at maturity This is key to prevent overcrowding. Arizona cypress can reach 40 feet tall and 10-20 feet wide

  • Purpose – Are you creating a dense screen or hedge? Or showcasing individual trees? Close spacing creates a barrier while wider spacing highlights each tree.

  • Soil & Climate – Trees in nutrient-rich or wet soil likely need wider spacing. Hot, arid climates also warrant wider spacing to reduce competition.

  • Sun Exposure – Trees requiring full sun need adequate spacing to prevent shading and get sufficient light exposure for growth.

  • Maintenance – Space trees to allow easy access for pruning, watering, fertilizing, and other care.

Recommended Spacing Distance Between Arizona Cypress

As a general guideline, space Arizona cypress trees equal to half their expected mature spread. For example, a cypress reaching 20 feet wide should be spaced 10 feet apart.

However, adjust spacing as needed based on your specific conditions and goals. Consult a landscaping expert for tailored advice.

Here are some spacing scenarios to consider:

  • Specimen Trees – For standalone cypress trees, allow at least 15 feet between trunks so they don’t compete for resources.

  • Privacy Screen – For a dense barrier, space 8-10 feet apart in a zig-zag pattern for tight coverage as they fill in.

  • Property Line – Allow at least 10 feet from property lines for mature spread and maintenance access.

  • Around Buildings – Give at least 15 feet clearance from buildings and other structures so trees don’t encroach.

  • Street or Driveway – Allow 15-20 feet between driveway or street edge for visibility and snow clearing access.

Spacing Arizona Cypresses in Windbreaks

When planting Arizona cypress trees as a windbreak, space the rows 6 feet apart. Within each row, allow 6-8 feet between trees. Stagger the trees in a zig-zag pattern for density.

Place the windward row upwind from the area needing shelter. Additional rows can be added as needed to increase wind protection.

Spacing for Arizona Cypress Hedges

For a dense, uniform hedge, space Arizona cypress trees 4-6 feet apart in a single row. Prune and shear them as needed to encourage fullness from the base up.

Leave enough space between the hedge row and any structures, paths or property lines to allow for growth. Periodic trimming will keep the hedge contained.

Tips for Planting Arizona Cypress Trees

  • Dig each hole 2-3 times wider than the root ball with sloped sides to encourage spread.

  • Set each tree at its previous growing depth. Ensure the root flare is visible at soil level.

  • Backfill with a 50/50 blend of native soil and compost. Gently firm the soil around the base.

  • Water thoroughly after planting and as needed until established. Add a 2-4 inch mulch layer around each tree.

  • Stake young trees for 1-2 years until roots develop for stability. Avoid staking mature trees.

Adjusting Spacing Over Time

Monitor your Arizona cypress trees as they grow. You may need to remove every other tree in overly dense rows once they reach 8-10 feet tall. Thinning helps keep them vigorous long-term.

If trees become crowded, remove weaker specimens and branches shading their neighbors. This ensures all trees receive sufficient air circulation and sunlight.

Proper spacing right from the start sets your Arizona cypress trees up for healthy growth. But flexibility to adjust as needed can prevent declining health from overcrowding. With thoughtful spacing and care, your cypress trees will thrive for years to come.

how much space to leave between each arizona cypress tree


The tree needs a site that provides full sun for plenty of direct light.


While the tree has low water needs of 10 to 12 inches of water annually, a monthly deep watering encourages deep rooting and helps the tree thrive.

Carolina Sapphire Arizona Cypress – Fast Growing Blue/Green Conifer


How far apart should you plant Arizona cypress trees?

Placement and Spacing for the Arizona Cypress Space your Arizona Cypresses at least 15 feet apart (measured from one trunk to another). For use as a hedge or privacy shield, you can prune this tree to reduce its size and growth. Just ensure each tree can receive full sunlight and proper drainage of moisture.

What is the spacing for cypress trees?

In general, the seedlings should be planted at 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 m; close spacing is preferable to prevent strong branches from developing.

How wide do Arizona cypress get?

It grows well on slopes and in sandy soil. It will grow about 4 to 8 inches per year and reach a mature height of 40 to 60 feet with a width of 15 to 20 feet. Trunk diameter is from about 1 foot to 1½ feet across.

What is the lifespan of an Arizona cypress tree?

Generally, the lifespan of the Arizona Cypress ranges from 30 to 50 years, influenced by its growing conditions. Size: The tree can grow 40-60 feet tall (12-18 meters) with a spread of 15-20 feet (4.5 to 6 meters), depending on environmental conditions.

How far apart should a cypress tree be planted?

Space your Arizona Cypresses at least 15 feet apart (measured from one trunk to another). For use as a hedge or privacy shield, you can prune this tree to reduce its size and growth. Just ensure each tree can receive full sunlight and proper drainage of moisture. Watching your evergreen tree thrive and grow is an exciting venture!

How do you care for a cypress tree in Arizona?

Here are the main care requirements for growing Arizona cypress: Plant it in a location with full sun and well-drained soil. Give it at least 1 inch of water per month, preferably more, and water deeply. Avoid planting it in a humid climate. Do not fertilize the tree. Prune minimally in the late winter to remove dead wood.

How big do Arizona cypress trees get?

It grows 25 feet tall and 15 feet wide, adding 15 inches of growth per year. ‘Silver Smoke’: the Arizona cypress cultivar with the brightest foliage. The grey foliage produces the illusion of smoke against the reddish brown, peeling bark. It reaches 20 to 30 feet in height and 8 to 10 feet in width when mature.

How do you plant a cypress tree in Arizona?

Plant Arizona cypress in well-drained soil. While it will not tolerate poorly drained soil or a high water table, it will need supplemental water during establishment. For windbreak plantings, it can serve as the windward row or as a dense single-row windbreak. Use 8 to 16 foot within-row spacing (Wildermuth and Bruce).

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