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How Much Water Does Amazon Elephants Ear Plant Need? A Complete Care Guide

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This small variety produces attractive, deep green heart shaped leaves with contrasting, silvery-green spines and veins, and purple undersides; this striking tropical makes a great houseplant; prefers bright, indirect sunlight.

Polly Amazon Elephants Ears attractive large glossy heart-shaped leaves remain dark green in color with distinctive silver veins and tinges of plum purple throughout the year. It features solitary conical creamy white hooded flowers rising above the foliage in mid summer.

This is an open herbaceous evergreen houseplant with an upright spreading habit of growth. Its wonderfully bold, coarse texture is quite ornamental and should be used to full effect. This plant usually looks its best without pruning, although it will tolerate pruning.

When grown indoors, Polly Amazon Elephants Ear can be expected to grow to be about 3 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 3 feet. It grows at a medium rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for approximately 5 years. This houseplant performs well in both bright or indirect sunlight and strong artificial light, and can therefore be situated in almost any well-lit room or location. It prefers to grow in average to moist soil. The surface of the soil shouldnt be allowed to dry out completely, and so you should expect to water this plant once and possibly even twice each week. Be aware that your particular watering schedule may vary depending on its location in the room, the pot size, plant size and other conditions; if in doubt, ask one of our experts in the store for advice. It is not particular as to soil type or pH; an average potting soil should work just fine. Be warned that parts of this plant are known to be toxic to humans and animals, so special care should be exercised if growing it around children and pets.

There are many factors that will affect the ultimate height, spread and overall performance of a plant when grown indoors; among them, the size of the pot its growing in, the amount of light it receives, watering frequency, the pruning regimen and repotting schedule. Use the information described here as a guideline only; individual performance can and will vary. Please contact the store to speak with one of our experts if you are interested in further details concerning recommendations on pot size, watering, pruning, repotting, etc.

The amazon elephants ear plant, also known as alocasia x amazonica or alocasia polly, is a popular houseplant known for its large, lush green leaves. But proper watering is crucial to keeping this tropical plant happy and healthy. In this complete care guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about how much water amazon elephants ear plants need to thrive.

Overview of Amazon Elephants Ear Plant

Native to tropical climates, the amazon elephants ear plant features big, broad green leaves that resemble the shape of an elephant’s ear The leaves can grow quite large, up to 3 feet long and 2 feet wide They have a shiny, almost leather-like texture.

This plant is loved for its bold, tropical look. The foliage adds drama and an exotic vibe to any indoor space. It’s no wonder amazon elephants ear is so popular on Instagram and with interior designers.

While native to Africa and Southeast Asia this plant can be grown successfully indoors in temperate climates. When given the right care the amazon elephants ear makes a striking houseplant.

Amazon Elephants Ear Plant Care Basics

Here are the key things to know about caring for an amazon elephants ear houseplant:

  • Light: Bright, indirect light is best. Some direct morning sun is ok. Avoid direct afternoon sun.
  • Temperature: Average room temperatures between 65-80°F are ideal.
  • Humidity: High humidity is appreciated. Mist leaves regularly or use a pebble tray.
  • Soil: Rich, moist but well-draining potting mix.
  • Fertilizer: Feed monthly during spring and summer with diluted liquid fertilizer.
  • Water: This is key! Read on for complete watering details.

Getting the watering right is critical for your amazon elephants ear plant. Too much or too little water will cause issues. So let’s take a deeper look at how to properly water this tropical houseplant.

How Often to Water Amazon Elephants Ear Plant

Amazon elephants ear plants like moist soil. But they are sensitive to overwatering and soggy soil. It’s important to find the right balance. Here are some tips:

  • Check soil regularly: Check the top inch or two of soil before watering. Water when the top layer feels dry.

  • Water thoroughly: When you do water, water deeply until it runs out the drainage holes. This encourages deep roots.

  • Let soil dry out: Allow the soil to dry out halfway down the pot before watering again. The plant shouldn’t sit in soggy soil.

  • Adjust for size: Larger plants in bigger pots will need less frequent watering than smaller plants in small pots.

  • Consider light: Plants in brighter light need more frequent watering than plants in lower light.

  • Reduce in winter: Cut back on watering frequency in winter when growth slows.

As a general guideline, aim to water an amazon elephants ear plant every 7-14 days in spring and summer, and every 10-14 days in fall and winter. But adjust based on your specific conditions.

How Much Water Does Amazon Elephants Ear Need?

In addition to watering frequency, pay attention to how much water to give your amazon elephants ear plant each time. Here are some tips:

  • Water until it drains: Water thoroughly until water drains out the bottom of the pot. This ensures the whole root area gets hydrated.

  • Amount varies: Larger plants need more water volume than smaller plants. For example, a small 4 inch plant may only need 1/4 cup per watering, while a large 10 inch plant may need 1-2 cups.

  • Consider pot size: Plants in smaller pots may need less total water than those in larger pots, but will need more frequent waterings.

  • Observe plant: Get to know your plant. If leaves start to droop, increase water volume. If leaves yellow, reduce watering amount.

  • Use moisture meter: A soil moisture meter takes the guesswork out! It tells you exactly when the plant needs more water.

As a general guide, a medium sized amazon elephants ear plant in a 6 inch pot typically needs around 3/4 cup of water per watering. Adjust up or down as needed.

Signs Your Amazon Elephants Ear Needs More Water

It’s important to recognize when your amazon elephants ear plant is thirsty and needs a drink. Watch for these signs:

  • Drooping or curling leaves
  • Leaves feeling soft and limp rather than firm
  • Soil is dry 1-2 inches down
  • Soil pulls away from edge of pot
  • Lower leaves yellowing or browning
  • New growth is smaller

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to thoroughly water your amazon elephants ear plant. The drooping leaves should perk up within a few hours after watering.

Signs Your Amazon Elephants Ear Plant is Overwatered

While amazon elephants ear plants love moisture, it is possible to overdo it. Check for these signs of overwatering:

  • Leaves yellowing or browning
  • Soft, mushy leaves
  • Stems are limp or mushy
  • Powdery white mold on soil
  • Foul odor from pot
  • Constantly wet soil
  • New leaves are smaller

If you notice these issues, cut back on watering frequency and amount. Allow the soil to dry out further between waterings. Stop watering at the first sign of water draining from the pot.

You may need to remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots for signs of rot. Trim off any mushy roots and repot in fresh, dry soil.

Tips for Watering Amazon Elephants Ear Plant

Here are some additional watering tips to keep your amazon elephants ear thriving:

  • Water in the morning so leaves dry out during the day.
  • Always water the soil, not the leaves, to prevent disease.
  • Add pebbles under the pot to improve drainage.
  • Use distilled or filtered water if your tap water is hard.
  • Mist leaves occasionally to increase humidity.
  • Reduce watering frequency by half in winter when plant is dormant.

Getting the watering right is key to growing a happy, healthy amazon elephants ear houseplant. Check soil regularly, water thoroughly when dry, and adjust your schedule based on plant size, light, and season. With a little attention, you can enjoy your tropical elephant ear plant for years to come!

how much water does amazon elephants ear plant need

How often should I water my elephant ear plant?


How often do you water an Amazonian elephant ear?

Elephant ear indoor plants need to be watered anywhere from every few days to once a week. Elephant ears are native to tropical regions and are accustomed to large amounts of water. They grow best in soil that stays consistently moist, but not soggy.

How do I know if my elephant ears need water?

Elephant Ears like consistently damp soil, so the plant needs water if the soil is slightly moist. If the soil is dry, then the plant definitely needs water. Other signs your Elephant Ears need water include leaves wilting or drooping.

Do elephant ear bulbs need a lot of water?

Water frequently! Elephant ears need consistent moisture throughout the summer and should not be left to go dry. Droopy leaves will give early enough warning for the plant to recover if watered within a day. They can also benefit from an application of liquid fertilizer every two to three weeks.

Do elephant ears need lots of sunlight?

Most elephant ears will thrive in full sun (at least six hours of direct sunlight per day) or part sun (two to six hours of direct sunlight). You can veer towards planting in light shade with a couple of hours of direct sunlight if you live in a very hot or dry climate.

How much water do elephant ears need?

Elephant ears are water-thirsty plants. Outdoor plants require at least 1 inch of rainwater per week while indoor plants will require at least 2 – 3 inches of water per week. Elephant ears require more water during the growing season so they can develop high stalks and large leaves.

How often should elephant ear plants be watered?

The more water you give to the plant, without saturating it, the bigger it will grow. This means a daily watering routine is best. Indoor elephant ear plants must be watered once daily during the warm summer months as they will drink a lot of water during that period. The soil should be kept moist and not allowed to dry out.

How do you care for elephant ear plants?

To care for elephant ears, grow the plants in moist, well-draining soil that is slightly acidic. Elephant ear plants require plenty of humidity and need regular watering to grow fast. Apply a high nitrogen fertilizer regularly to encourage growth. Growing indoors, put the elephant ear plant in indirect sunlight.

Do elephant’s ear plants need a lot of water?

Most Elephant’s Ear plants thrive in moist soil and prefer humidity. But, remember not to overwater them because these plants don’t like soggy soil. It is best to water them in the morning so that the plants stay dry overnight.

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