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Growing an Alii Ficus Tree: What to Expect Timeline-Wise

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Ficus Alii is a beautiful perennial ornamental fig and can be a terrific addition to your houseplant collection. This plant is known for its deep green and bushy foliage. The long, narrow, and willowy leaves give it a classy look. The glossy gaze on the greenery makes it more eye-catching. With its growth, the Ficus Alii may divulge a very thick trunk with pronounced beautiful variegation, giving it a palm-like appearance.

This striking plant is called Banana Leaf Fig due to its lean verdures. Other names of the plant are Ficus Maclellandii and Ficus Binnendiijkii. The plant makes a bold statement in any bright room. The Ficus Alii is originally from Malaysia and India.

The elegant Alii Ficus is a favorite indoor tree admired for its graceful, tropical look and ability to thrive with minimal care. If you’re considering adding one of these beauties to your home, you’re probably wondering—how quickly does an Alii Ficus tree grow? In this guide, I’ll walk you through what to expect from these plants growth-wise so you can better plan for their needs.

An Overview of Alii Ficus Trees

Native to tropical Asia and the Malay Archipelago, the Alii Ficus (Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’) is a popular indoor variety prized for its unique, narrow foliage. The long, pointed leaves emerge in a range of colors from dark green to variegated shades. With proper care, Alii Ficus trees can reach heights of 10-15 feet at maturity.

One of the reasons they make such excellent houseplants is their relatively slow, manageable growth habit—but rate of growth can vary based on specific conditions. Let’s take a closer look at what impacts their growth and what timeline you can expect

Factors That Influence Your Alii Ficus Growth Rate

Many variables affect the speed at which your Alii Ficus tree will put out new leaves and gain height. Being aware of these factors allows you to modify them to achieve your desired growth rate

Light Exposure

  • Alii Ficus thrives in consistent bright, indirect sunlight. Low light slows growth.

  • Rotate the tree weekly for even light exposure and growth on all sides.

Watering and Humidity

  • Water when the top inch of soil is dry; don’t let it dry out completely.

  • Mist leaves or use a pebble tray to maintain 40-60% humidity.

  • Excess water deprives roots of oxygen, slowing growth.


  • Ideal temps are 60-75°F during the day and above 50°F at night.

  • Avoid drafts from windows, vents, or exterior doors.


  • Fertilize in spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

  • Re-pot in well-draining soil with added perlite every 2-3 years.


  • Trim back overlong shoots and remove yellow leaves to encourage bushiness.

  • Prune in early spring before the growing period.

What to Expect in Your Alii Ficus Growth Stages

Now that you know what impacts the growth rate, let’s look at the timeline you can expect as your Alii Ficus tree matures.

Years 1-2

  • Focus is on root establishment and building strength.

  • Moderate new leaf growth of 4-8 inches annually.

  • Repot in a slightly larger pot (2-4 inches bigger) if roots fill the pot.

Years 3-5

  • With strong roots in place, you’ll see increased leaf production and branching.

  • New growth of 6-12 inches per year.

  • Can repot annually in early spring, moving 2-4 inches up in pot size.

Years 6-10

  • Entering a rapid growth stage, your tree can grow up to 3 feet per year.

  • Repot as needed in early spring into progressively larger pots.

  • Prune to maintain desired height and shape.

10+ Years

  • Growth will slow down and stabilize as it reaches maturity.

  • Expect 4-10 inches of new growth yearly.

  • Repotting every 2-3 years in the same size pot.

Caring for Your Alii Ficus at All Growth Stages

As your Alii Ficus tree grows, adapts its care routine to match its changing needs:

  • Increase water and fertilizer to accommodate increased size and growth rate.

  • Prune actively to maintain shape and manage size.

  • Provide support with stakes or trellising if it becomes too tall and top heavy.

  • Consider moving it to a larger pot every couple years as the root mass expands.

  • Turn frequently and inspect for pests that may hide in dense growth.

  • Maintain proper growing conditions and transplant into fresh soil to facilitate healthy new growth.

While they grow slower than other varieties like the Ficus Lyrata, the Alii Ficus growth rate is still significant, especially in the first 10 years. Expect to put some work into pruning and repotting as your tree matures. But the payoff is enjoying the graceful, tropical look of a thriving Alii Ficus in your home for years to come.

Troubleshooting When Your Alii Ficus Stops Growing

If your Alii Ficus suddenly seems to stop growing, don’t panic. There are a few possible reasons for stunted growth to troubleshoot:

  • Root bound – Repot in the next size up container.

  • Low humidity – Increase humidity level to 40-60%.

  • Insufficient light – Provide several hours of indirect sunlight daily.

  • Temperature stress – Move to an area with temps of 60-75°F.

  • Underwatering – Check soil and water when top 1″ is dry.

  • Overwatering – Allow soil to dry out completely between waterings.

  • Pests – Inspect leaves and stems for signs of pests. Apply insecticidal soap spray if found.

With some adjustments to care, your Alii Ficus should begin putting out new growth again. Stay patient, stick to the guidelines, and you’ll be rewarded with a healthy, thriving tree.

Enjoying the Gradual Growth of Your Alii Ficus

One of the best parts of growing an Alii Ficus tree indoors is watching the gradual but remarkable transformation over years and decades. While they do grow more slowly than other varieties, their rate of growth is manageable for most indoor environments. With the proper care outlined here, you can expect your Alii Ficus bonsai tree to live up to its full potential in enhancing your living space with lush, tropical vibes.

how quickly does alii ficus tree grow

Light Requirements for Banana Leaf Fig

This Ficus plant prefers bright and indirect sunlight. Although it can do well in medium to low light, but the growth slows down, which you won’t like as a plant parent. Though the plant loves bright light, keep it away from direct sun, or it will burn its foliage. The best location for this fig is the east-facing window, where it can receive appropriate light for its growth. As the plant grows in the direction of the light, the weekly rotation will maintain its shape.

This hardy plant can thrive well in normal household conditions. However, it prefers above-average humidity levels between 60% to 80%. If an environment is too dry, try increasing the humidity by misting the plant regularly, or installing a humidifier will also work. If the plant isn’t provided with the required humidity, it can result in slow growth, brown leaf tips, and leaf loss.

Coming to the temperature, the plant is relatively tolerant to temperature fluctuations. The ideal temperature range for its growth is 60⁰ F to 80⁰ F, but the temperature shouldn’t drop below 45F. Never place the plant near a heater or AC; sudden and frequent variations in temperature can also affect the plant’s growth.

Periodic pruning and maintenance are required for the Ficus Alii plant as it can grow tall. Additionally, prune dead, damaged, and discolored leaves regularly to maintain the plant’s appearance and shape. The ideal time for trimming is the early spring season. Always use sharp and sterilized shears and scissors for the plant’s clipping.

Regular cleaning of leaves using a shine and cleaner spray prevents pest attacks and maintains the foliage radiant.

Soil requirements for Ficus Alii

The Ficus Alii isn’t too picky about the potting mix; however, ensuring a well-draining, nutrient-rich, aerated soil will do wonders. The soil shall not get waterlogged, and the container shall have adequate drainage holes. This plant is happy in the potting soil that maintains a PH between 6.0 to 6.5.

Our optimally formulated soil mix is ideal for Ficus plants and will provide all the necessary soil features to boost your Ficus Alii health.

The Banana Fig needs regular feeding for its healthy growth; therefore, it is recommended to fertilize the plant once a month. Use our balanced all-purpose liquid fertilizer in the growing season, summer and spring. This plant doesn’t like being fertilized in the colder winter and fall months. Ficus Alii is sensitive to boron; consequently, avoid a fertilizer with chemical boron.

Ficus Alii plant care tips

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