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How to Get Rid of Caterpillars on Adams Needle Plant

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Adams needle (Yucca filamentosa) is a slow-growing broadleaf evergreen succulent often used in Southwest-themed landscapes. A yucca plant in the asparagus family, Adams needle is a virtually stemless shrub with blade-like leaves that form a basal rosette. The foliage clumps are usually 2 to 3 feet tall, with curled threads lining the edges of the leaves, giving it its species name—filamentosa—for its threads or “filaments.”

Mature plants about four or five years old will send up large flower stalks from the center of the foliage in late spring or summer. These stalks can be as tall as 8 feet and are topped with numerous bell-shaped, creamy white flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Adams needle can be planted almost any time, though it is most commonly available at nurseries in the spring. Humans can eat the fruits and flowers of this plant; however, it is toxic to cats, dogs, and horses.

As a proud gardener, nothing is more frustrating than finding those pesky caterpillars munching away on your beloved Adams Needle plant But don’t pull your hair out just yet! With some persistence and the right techniques, you can eliminate those crawling menaces and restore the good health of your Yucca.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore highly effective organic and chemical control methods to get rid of caterpillars on Adams Needle plant for good.

Identify the Intruders

Not all caterpillars are created equal. Before taking action, inspect your plant closely and identify the type of caterpillars attacking it.

Common caterpillar pests of Adams Needle include:

  • Yucca Moth Caterpillar Green, inch-long caterpillars that bore into flowers and fruits

  • Yucca Giant-Skipper: Large green caterpillars with brown heads that feed voraciously on leaves.

  • Fruit-Piercing Moth: Greenish caterpillars with white stripes that drill into developing fruits.

Knowing your enemy will allow you to tailor control methods to target their weaknesses.

Remove Caterpillars by Hand

This tried-and-true organic method simply involves manually picking off caterpillars from your Adams Needle plant. It works great for light infestations.

Inspect your plant closely, especially the undersides of leaves and fruits. Knock caterpillars into a bucket of soapy water to dispatch them quickly. Be diligent – their camouflage makes them sneaky.

Stop them with Bacillus Thuringiensis

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a natural bacteria that kills caterpillars when ingested, but is safe for humans and wildlife.

Mix Bt with water per instructions and thoroughly coat all parts of the plant. For best results, apply in the evening when caterpillar activity peaks. Reapply after rain.

Combining Bt with sticky traps will stop caterpillars in their tracks.

Repel with Neem Oil

Neem oil is extracted from the neem tree and used as an effective organic insecticide. It disrupts caterpillars’ hormones and repels them from treated plants.

Mix neem oil with water according to package directions. Spray liberally on your Adams Needle, especially new growth which is most vulnerable. Reapply weekly.

Unleash Nature’s Predators

Encourage natural caterpillar predators like birds, ladybugs, praying mantis and parasitic wasps by providing suitable habitats in your garden. They will happily feast on caterpillars!

Avoid harming these helpful predators when using other control methods.

Eliminate Host Plants

Caterpillars have favorite host plants. Eliminating these from the area around your Adams Needle will discourage egg-laying moths.

For Yucca Moth caterpillars, remove privets, hollies and trumpet vines. Yucca Giant-Skippers prefer soybeans and legumes.

Apply Insecticides

For heavy infestations, insecticides may be necessary. Always follow label directions carefully.

  • Bifenthrin targets caterpillars’ nervous systems. Spray appropriately diluted bifenthrin on your Yucca.

  • Carbaryl (Sevin) also disrupts caterpillar nervous systems. It comes in both liquid and bait forms.

  • Spinosad is a natural bacterium that’s especially effective against borers in stems and fruits.

Rotate insecticides to prevent resistance. Avoid using them during bloom time to protect pollinators.

Stop Them Before They Start

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to caterpillars. Here are some tips:

  • Remove and destroy egg masses on plants. Moths often lay eggs on older leaves.

  • Apply sticky barriers like Tanglefoot around the base of your Yucca to prevent caterpillars from climbing up.

  • Use pheromone traps to capture adult moths and disrupt mating.

  • Cover plants with floating row covers to physically exclude moths.

  • Clean up fallen fruits/debris that serve as hiding spots for caterpillars.

  • Maintain healthy plants that can better withstand caterpillar damage.

Stay vigilant, take swift action against invaders, and your beloved Adams Needle will be protected. Combining organic solutions, targeted insecticides and prevention will help you rid your garden of these crawling pests for good.

how to get rid of caterpillars on adams needle plant

Common Problems With Adam’s Needle

Yucca is an easy plant to grow and maintain. Its pest problems are minor, and its cold-hardy and drought-tolerant.


Adams needle has good drought tolerance once established and is often used in xeriscape landscaping. In its first year, water it lightly every week—depending on the size of the plant, light watering can mean a few ounces to a cup—but after its first growing season, it should not need supplemental watering at all. Container-grown plants will continue to need a small amount of weekly water if there is not sufficient rainfall.

Get Rid of Pest Caterpillars In The Garden Once And For All!


How do I get rid of caterpillars without killing my plants?

Whip up a garlic solution by mixing 1 tablespoon of molasses, 1 teaspoon of dish soap, and a liter of warm water. Give your plants a regular spray-down with this concoction, and watch those caterpillars turn tail and run.

Does vinegar kill caterpillars on plants?

Vinegar spray: A vinegar and water solution will kill and repel most garden pests, including caterpillars. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with 1 gallon of water, and spray wherever you’ve seen caterpillars.

Does neem oil get rid of caterpillars?

Neem oil is derived from the seeds of the neem tree, a native of southern Asia. It is effective for treating several common pest insects including caterpillars, aphids, true bugs, and some beetles.

How to repel a caterpillar?

Caterpillars have a strong sense of smell, and they hate strong scents like peppermint, vinegar, lavender, hot pepper, and garlic. These can be used to mask the smell of potential food sources and shelter.

How do I get rid of caterpillars in my garden?

Funnel the solution into a spray bottle and spritz caterpillars liberally. Don’t use this on orchids, squashes, or hairy-leafed plants. Vinegar spray: A vinegar and water solution will kill and repel most garden pests, including caterpillars. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with 1 gallon of water, and spray wherever you’ve seen caterpillars.

Does soapy water kill caterpillars?

An inexpensive remedy to stop little green caterpillars from eating your plants is soap and water. Completely dissolve a small amount of organic liquid soap in warm water. Next, pour the solution into a spray bottle. Finally, spray your vegetables, nasturtiums, roses, or whichever plants they are eating.

What plants repel caterpillars?

Certain plants will naturally repel caterpillars and other pests . Peppermint, lavender, mugwort, and sage are some of the most potent plants that repel garden caterpillars. Therefore, incorporate these plants into or around your vegetable garden or flower bed to help deter caterpillars.

Does neem oil kill caterpillars?

Neem oil is a great natural pesticide for controlling caterpillars in the garden. Additionally, it will help keep tomato worms, cabbage worms, and other plant-eating pests under control. Dilute 2 ounces of neem oil in one gallon of water. Next, shake well and apply to the affected plants. It will kill leaf-eating caterpillars within hours. 4.

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