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how to get rid of fungus on aarons beard plant

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That bushy plant in your garden bearing yellow flowers summer through fall, the one known as St. John’s wort (Hypericum “Hidcote”) may be considered low maintenance, but it flowers more prolifically if you give it an annual haircut. Read on to learn how and when to cut back St. John’s wort.

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how to get rid of fungus on aarons beard plant

When to Cut Back St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort flowers on new growth. This means that all the blossoms you see in summer bud and bloom on the new wood the plant grows in spring. You must take this timing into account as you decide when to cut back St. John’s wort. You don’t want to reduce summer flowers by cutting off the new growth that will produce them.

In fact, early spring is the time to do St. John’s wort pruning. Cutting back St. John’s wort shrub just before the new growth begins is ideal.

St. John’s Wort Pruning

St. John’s wort is an undemanding shrub that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. If your shrub has fewer and fewer flowers every year, you may want to start pruning St. John’s wort.

These are delightful plants to have in your garden: bright and colorful and easy care. However, annual pruning is necessary to keep the St. John’s wort nicely shaped and full of summer flowers. It also helps keep the plant in check overall, as it can be prone to getting out of control in some places.

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How to get rid of plant fungus?

Improve air circulation and increase light penetration in and around plants through judicious pruning and proper spacing. Thinning plants or rearranging surroundings can help. Prune infected plant parts promptly and dispose of the debris — don’t compost it. Always cut back into healthy tissue, so no disease remains.

How to get rid of fungus in raised beds?

All you’ll need is a box of baking soda. Sprinkle it over the area affected by the fungus, water it, and you’re good to go. Baking soda is a natural fungicide and will take care of several varieties of fungus, making it your new best friend.

How to get rid of fungus in mulch?

If you get a lot of rain, consider spraying off this area with a water hose or using a leaf blower to dry it out faster. You may also want to rake up any leaves or other debris that has been collected in this area as well. Using vinegar. Using vinegar is a good way to kill mold on mulch.

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