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Eliminating Annoying Gnats from Your Apache Beggarticks – A Complete Guide

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I have plants in every room of the house and plenty outdoors too. My collection ranges from thumb-size succulents to a dracaena taller than I am. I’m on and off my two balconies a lot to water and fuss over them. So the first few times I swatted a little fly getting up in my face, I assumed one had followed me back inside.

Plant-related events for July include the Plant-o-rama Plant Sale on July 17-18, featuring exotic and rare plants you can admire and buy to take home.

The calathea started to struggle right away. I fretted over it, brought in a humidifier, moved the plant closer to and then farther from the window. Then the ‘Marble Queen’ pothos hanging in the window started struggling. The philodendron ‘Brasil’ began to droop. I took them down to get a look at the soil and was met with a face full of fungus gnats.

A lot of us became plant parents in quarantine. My collection expanded from a handful of cute little cactuses picked up on a whim at Trader Joe’s to a sweeping collection of more than three dozen posed in corners and on countertops in every room of my house. But as parents of all kinds know, even the cutest little additions to the family come with potentially unpleasant corollaries. Advertisement

Fungus gnats are one of the most common plant pest problems, and one of the most frustrating (and potentially expensive) to resolve. Google searches for “fungus gnats” and related insect elimination queries have ticked up since the start of 2020, as the people projecting pandemic stress onto their plants have found themselves in the same position I’m in.

How many plants would it take to noticeably improve the air quality in your house? Way more than you think.

I have read just about every article on the internet about eradicating fungus gnat infestations. I have ordered 48-packs of yellow sticky traps from Amazon — three times. I have done toxic soaks and let poison pellets bloom in water overnight. I have top-dressed. I have bottom-watered. (For those of you who haven’t gone off the gnat-inspired deep end, top dressing is covering the soil with something that physically block bugs from accessing it. It’s also done for aesthetic reasons. And bottom-watering is when you let your plant soak up water through its drainage hole instead of pouring it over the top, which keeps that soil at the top from getting damp and attracting critters.) I have gone as long as possible without watering my plants before I start to feel dehydrated on their behalf. I have repotted. I have purchased strange devices, like the Katchy, a robotic insect vacuum that lures its victims with UV light and sucks them to their doom with a fan.

I’ve even done the unthinkable: I’ve had to toss some of my beloved plants. Some wilted and died as the gnat larvae chewed up their roots. Others were so profoundly infected that even multiple attempts at solving the problem failed, and I was forced to make a horticultural Sophie’s choice to save the rest. Advertisement

At The Times, we have an internal Slack channel for plant lovers where I have posted about my plight. Here’s what I have spent trying to combat the problem:

— Three 48-packs of sticky traps: $44 — Landscaping sand: $15 — Beneficial nematodes: $60 — Steel wool: $10 — Neem oil spray: $11 — Katchy: $40 — Bag of cedar shavings: $10 — Three Venus flytraps and specialty potting mix: $66 — Mosquito bits: $19 — Hydrogen peroxide: $5 — Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control granules: $22

Total: $302. More than 10 times what the original calathea cost me. All of these items promised to ward off, murder, smother or otherwise expunge my pest problem. Only a handful succeeded.

Even worse? The gnats came for the dwarf Meyer lemon tree and the burro’s tail on the balcony. They got into my big dracaena, my fiddle-leaf fig, my bird of paradise. They unleashed their foul spawn on my pride and joy: my two big monstera plants. I’m so paranoid that I’ve caught myself aggressively swatting specks of dust out of the air. At this point, I am legitimately concerned that I have somehow bred a mutant strain that is immune to every treatment out there. Advertisement

How do you know when you should you water your houseplants? Let the soil guide you.

Before we get into warfare, a brief overview of the enemy: They are related to mosquitos but don’t bite people. They look like fruit flies but lay their eggs on damp soil, not past-ripe produce. They don’t carry any diseases dangerous to humans. The adults aren’t really dangerous to plants either. They are slow, clumsy fliers — rather satisfyingly easy to swat. Their larvae are the root eaters. And even those won’t be able to do much damage to most of your plants unless you’re profoundly afflicted. They have a roughly three-week lifespan, which is why it sometimes feels like you’ve finally, truly gotten rid of them, only for the cycle to begin anew.

So mostly, they’re annoying. As they search for a wet patch of dirt, you’ll often find them buzzing around your face, evaluating your moist holes for real estate potential. Or they’re in your water glass or crawling around your bathroom sink. They’re obnoxiously fertile, and the problem can escalate from nuisance to all-encompassing swarm in shockingly little time.

Southern California is facing triple-digit temps well into next week. Here are tips for keeping your plants alive when the weather is blistering.

Eradicate your fungus gnat infestation for good with the following method: Put up a bunch of sticky traps, top-dress the soil with sand and do nematode soaks every 10 to 14 days until the problem is resolved. Also, stop overwatering your plants and eliminate any unnecessary sources of moisture. That’s it.

The thing about fungus gnats is that you have to stop them at every stage of the life cycle to eradicate them. If you kill only the adults flying around by trapping them, some will get the chance to lay another round of eggs in the soil, and the cycle begins anew.

The yellow sticky traps “work” in that they capture a disgusting amount of twitching flying insects. But they capture only adult fungus gnats and not necessarily before the bugs have had a chance to lay eggs. If you catch the problem early, a strong line of sticky trap defenses might be enough to stop it in its tracks, but I was too far gone for this to be sufficient.

“Top-dressing” is when you cover the soil with another medium to make it inaccessible to insects. I initially tried steel wool after seeing a post about it on Reddit. That was not successful; they still had plenty of room to fly around. I tried again with a robust bag of landscaping sand from a big-box hardware store. The sand gives enough coverage to prevent the adults from laying more eggs and traps the larvae in the soil, stopping them from wriggling to freedom. You can still water your plants at the top if you want to. It will just go through the sand. You need only about a quarter inch to a half inch of sand on top of the soil to do the trick. Get it around the base of the plant and all the way to the edges of the pot: Fungus gnats are wily and will gladly take advantage of any opening you give them. Advertisement

Adult fungus gnats are annoying but largely harmless. The larvae are the ones sucking the life out of your precious plants by chomping on the roots. Enter nematodes, or microscopic roundworms. It might sound counterintuitive to fight your insect problem by bringing in more of them, but these are the beneficial kind. Nematodes will seek and destroy the larvae, which prevents the next generation of adults from forming. (Don’t Google how that process works unless you’re prepared to sleep poorly tonight. OK, fine, if you must.) Because you probably have gnats at various stages in the life cycle, you have to do the nematode soaks a few times to get them all.

You don’t need land to grow food. We talked to six L.A.-based experts who explain how you can easily grow veggies, fruits and herbs in pots on your balcony or any other small space.

I bought some nematode “pot poppers” online; I put the little sachets into my pots and they didn’t seem to do much. After strenuous urging from Jones, the beekeeper, I tried again. I got the kind that looks like a bag of finely grated Parmesan, which you put in water and then pour over your plants. It made a noticeable dent in the gnat population after just one application.

Every person I spoke to for this article told me I was overwatering my plants. I swear I am not overwatering my plants. I don’t water on an app’s schedule like a nervous first-time plant mom. I stick my finger in the soil and check further down with a moisture meter.

But when I got the bug-trafficking calathea, the soil was very damp. Brown, the entomologist, said it almost definitely came from an infested greenhouse. Greenhouses are humid and full of plants that get watered frequently, he said, and thus are a somewhat intractable scene of fungus gnat issues. Similarly, anywhere in your house that has moisture is keeping the gnats interested.

Jones asked me a question that made my blood run cold: Did I have water sitting in my plants’ drainage trays? Guilty. Sure, I was letting the topsoil thoroughly dry out, but I was practically offering a buffet at the drainage holes.

So, to recap: Put a few cheerful little literal death traps around your plants in the form of sticky traps. Cover up the soil with sand. Keep a bag of microscopic roundworms in your fridge. Wipe down your drainage trays and do whatever you can to minimize moisture. Advertisement

As an avid apache beggarticks grower, I know how irritating tiny gnats can be as they buzz around the plants and even your face! While mostly just a nuisance, these small flies can damage plants by laying eggs in the soil. Getting rid of gnats flying around apache beggarticks requires diligence, but I’ll share proven organic methods that really work

Identifying Gnats on Apache Beggarticks

The first step is confirming it is in fact gnats bothering your apache beggarticks. Here are some key identifying traits:

  • Tiny size – adults are only 1/16 to 1/8 inches long with slender delicate bodies.

  • Jerky, erratic flying pattern as they swarm plants

  • Cloudy wings that don’t fold flat over their back when at rest.

  • Leggy larvae in soil that resemble tiny worms.

If you see clouds of miniscule insects fitting this description over your apache beggarticks, you can be certain they are gnats.

Why Gnats Are Attracted to Apache Beggarticks

Apache beggarticks flowers produce nectar that attracts small pollinators like gnats seeking an easy meal. Wet soil from overwatering also draws in gnats who lay eggs in moist organic matter.

While mostly just a nuisance, gnats can damage plants by:

  • Carrying and spreading fungal diseases between plants.

  • Tunneling into roots and stems if larvae populations explode.

  • Transferring bacteria and pathogens from decaying matter to plants.

Keeping your apache beggarticks free of swarming gnats protects its health and your sanity!

Organic Ways to Control Gnats on Apache Beggarticks

No need to reach for harsh chemical pesticides to get rid of gnats. Here are several effective organic solutions:

Use Sticky Traps

Yellow sticky cards or tape traps hung near plants capture adult gnats. For best results, use several traps and change them out weekly as they fill up.

Apply Dry Diatomaceous Earth

This powder made from crushed sea fossils cuts and dehydrates gnats on contact. Lightly dust the top inch of soil and reapply after watering.

Set Out Shallow Dishes of Wine

Fermenting wine attracts gnats who get trapped in the acidic liquid. Just an inch or two of cheap red wine does the trick nicely!

Install a Fan Nearby

The air circulation and breeze from a fan blows gnats away and makes it harder for them to land on plants.

Spray Neem Oil Extract

Neem oil disrupts the reproduction and egg laying of gnats. Just mix as directed and lightly mist plants focusing on the undersides of leaves.

Apply Mosquito Dunks

These floating discs containing BT bacteria kill gnat larvae in water and wet soil preventing a population explosion.

Tips for Managing Soil Conditions

Gnats thrive in damp, decaying organic matter. Keeping your apache beggarticks soil drier discourages gnats in these key ways:

  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.

  • Remove excess mulch that can hold moisture.

  • Fix leaks and drips that create wet areas.

  • Improve drainage by adding perlite, sand or small gravel.

Following these soil management tips goes a long way towards making your pots and garden beds less hospitable to gnats.

How to Make Gnat Traps Even More Effective

To maximize the effectiveness of yellow sticky traps:

  • Use bright yellow colors that attract gnats more than pale yellow.

  • Smear traps with a small amount of honey to make them even more irresistible.

  • Hang traps at slightly different heights – gnats fly at varying levels.

  • Place several traps 2-3 feet apart to cover a wider area.

  • Move traps around occasionally so new gnats encounter them.

These simple enhancements can really boost the gnat-catching power of sticky traps!

Protect Apache Beggarticks from Future Gnat Outbreaks

Once you get annoying gnats under control, implement these preventive measures going forward:

  • Allow soil to dry out between waterings and improve drainage.

  • Eliminate standing water and leaks prone to larvae development.

  • Introduce beneficial nematodes that parasitize gnat larvae in soil.

  • Use compost tea to inoculate soil with beneficial microbes.

  • Apply diatomaceous earth around the base of plants preventively.

  • Be diligent in immediately replacing sticky traps.

Staying vigilant and proactively managing conditions that attract gnats will help prevent future infestations.

How I Finally Got Rid of Gnats Swarming My Apache Beggarticks

Recently I struggled with a major gnat situation that was driving me crazy. Here’s how I eventually succeeded in kicking them out for good:

First, I set out shallow wine traps which quickly attracted and drowned many adult gnats. But the wine only put a dent in the sheer numbers flying about.

Next, I applied diatomaceous earth around the bases of my apache beggarticks, and allowed the soil to dry out more between waterings. This helped curb reproduction, but the flying adults persisted.

Finally, I hung up several bright yellow sticky traps at various heights in a 3 foot radius around my plants. I coated the traps with a bit of honey to maximize their pulling power.

Within about 2 weeks, the traps had drastically reduced the swarms to just a stray gnat here and there. Replacing traps weekly kept their numbers down. Wish I’d done it sooner!

I’m keeping up preventive measures so I never have to battle those annoying gnats on my precious apache beggarticks again. It took persistence, but I’m gnat-free at last!

Parting Thoughts on Gnat Control

Apache beggarticks are gorgeous plants, so don’t let pesky gnats detract from their beauty! With a combination of organic methods like traps, maintaining drier soil, and preventive management, you can safely knock back gnat populations.

Be patient yet diligent, and you can reclaim your yard or patio for relaxing and enjoyment instead of swatting at gnats. I hope these tips arm you with the know-how to banishing gnats from your precious apache beggarticks once and for all. Here’s to many gnat-free years of beautiful blooms!

how to get rid of gnats in apache beggarticks flower

Here’s what doesn’t work

I tried a lot of things I read online. Here are some suggestions I tried that yielded unsatisfactory results.

Neem oil spray can be effective against a variety of plant-destroying insects. But unless you really, really soak the top 3 inches of the soil, it won’t kill all the fungus gnat larvae. At best, it seems to weigh down the flying adults enough that they’re easier to swat.

So you’re ready to go plant shopping in person. Here are some tips on being the kind of customer that everyone wants to see coming through the doors.

The Venus flytraps were simply not up to the task. At one point there was a fungus gnat corpse in every single one of their sticky little mouths. They’re so overworked and exhausted that they can’t even close their tiny teeth anymore. The dead bugs have to wait their turn to be consumed. At the height of the issue, I estimate that I would have needed a carnivorous plant on par with Audrey II from “Little Shop of Horrors” to adequately address this. I did get to watch the flytraps bloom, though.

Jones, the beekeeper, recommended I try cinnamon or cedar shavings on the soil. She said the gnats don’t like those scents, so they act as a deterrent. It did not seem that many were deterred.

The Katchy is a device with a little light that attracts gnats and mosquitoes and a window vortex that sucks them down onto a big sticker. It has captured a satisfying number of victims but does not fully address the problem.

Mosquito bits are little pellets that contain a bacteria that’s toxic to fungus gnat and mosquito larvae. You scatter them on top of your soil or let them sit in your full watering can for a few hours or overnight to marinate. I tried both with limited results. Advertisement

“Bottom-watering” is when you put your parched plant in a bucket of water and let it soak up what it needs through the drainage hole. (It’s very fun. “Like a magic trick,” said Adams.) This keeps the top of your soil dry and therefore gnat-egg-proof. But if the water leaks back out into the tray, or if the hole is accessible to the gnats, you could just end up with the problem at the bottom of your plant instead of the top.

You can also repot your plants in fresh, sterile soil. But unless you repot all of your plants at once, and very thoroughly clean the inside of the containers and get every speck of dirt off the fragile roots, your efforts may be futile.

How to Keep Gnats Away from Plants | creative explained


How do you get rid of flower gnats?

Use a small saucer to mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of dishwashing soap and a little sugar. Put the saucer near the gnats. Use more than one saucer, if needed. The gnats will be drawn to the sweet solution, fall in and get trapped.

Why are my flowers attracting gnats?

Fungus gnats love water, so it’s important to monitor your watering. “Often times overwatering provides a perfect environment for pests and diseases,” says Royer. “Many houseplants prefer to have a break between watering.” If you notice fungus gnats buzzing around your plants, consider adjusting your watering schedule.

What causes gnats in flower pots?

Wet Soil. If you find yourself watering your potted plant frequently and the soil is always wet, that might be the reason you now have fungus gnats flying around. Keeping the soil moist at all times creates the perfect environment for these bugs to survive and reproduce — something we definitely don’t want to happen!

What kills fungus gnats instantly?

A peroxide solution apparently kills larvae and eggs on contact, effectively killing off all infant gnats and disrupting the lifecycle. You should be able to buy hydrogen peroxide from any high street pharmacy or online. Mix 1 part 9% hydrogen peroxide with 6 parts water.

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