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How to Get Rid of Nematodes on Alii Ficus Trees

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Looking for a tropical-feeling indoor tree to brighten up your home? The genus Ficus (the figs) is a popular choice, but many species can be a little difficult to keep alive indoors. Luckily there’s an exception: Ficus ‘Alii’.

This long-leaved plant is known for being a lot more forgiving than most of its cousins (like the very popular fiddle leaf fig), making it the ideal choice if you don’t have a green thumb (yet).

Below, find out everything you need to know about Ficus ‘Alii’ and how to care for this popular houseplant.

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The houseplant we know as Ficus ‘Alii’ is a cultivar of a wild fig plant known scientifically as Ficus maclellandii. In their natural habitat, these trees can reach impressive heights and grow thick trunks. The ‘Alii’ variety, however, was cultivated specifically for indoor growing.

This houseplant is quite a looker. You can tell it apart from other species of Ficus by its more elongated leaves (up to 10 inches long on mature plants!), which hang down elegantly from the stems.

You’ll find Ficus ‘Alii’ for sale in two different shapes. One is a kind of cylindrical, bushy plant consisting of multiple stems bearing leaves from top to bottom. The other one is more “tree-shaped,” with one stem (or multiple braided together) and a tuft of leaves on top.

When searching for a Ficus ‘Alii’, you may come across a plant that looks very similar but bears a different name: Ficus ‘Amstel King’. This cultivar, which features larger leaves, was developed by a Dutch nursery using F. ‘Alii’ and was patented in 1993. Their care requirements are identical!

Wild Ficus maclellandii figs can be found in tropical areas in Southeast Asia and China, where they form part of the rainforest vegetation.

It’s not entirely clear how, who, and when, but it appears this plant was first cultivated on a commercial scale in the 1980s. This happened in Hawaii, an ideal place for houseplant cultivation thanks to its tropical climate. Here, growers added the name ‘Alii’, which refers to the traditional nobility of the Hawaiian islands.

(House)plant naming can be chaotic, and this is no exception. Today’s subject is often found for sale as Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’, which is interesting given that there aren’t actually any plant species in the genus Ficus called “binnendijkii”! The correct full name is Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii’.

If you’ve noticed distorted growth yellowing leaves or root galls on your beautiful Alii ficus tree, you likely have an infestation of microscopic nematodes wreaking havoc on the roots. These parasitic roundworms pierce root tissues and feed on sap, stunting the tree’s growth. Left unchecked, they can even kill the tree.

Getting rid of nematodes on Alii ficus requires persistence and using a combination of methods. With prompt action, you can knock down populations and restore the health and vigor of your tree.

Identifying Nematode Damage

Watch for these common signs of nematodes on Alii ficus

  • Wilting, yellowing leaves
  • Poor growth and stunted branches
  • Swollen, knotted roots
  • Overall decline of the tree

Peel back some of the root ball soil and check for galls or lumps on the roots to confirm infestation. Act quickly at the first signs before nematodes multiply and intensify the damage.

Stopping Nematode Spread

Prevent nematodes from spreading to other plants by:

  • Sterilizing garden tools after working around infested trees
  • Avoiding water runoff from the infested area
  • Not composting fallen leaves or pruned branches from infested trees
  • Isolating and removing heavily infested trees

Proper sanitation is key to containing nematodes.

Encouraging Beneficial Nematodes

Beneficial nematodes are microscopic worms that prey on harmful plant-parasitic nematodes. Introduce them to the soil around infested Alii ficus trees to let them go to work destroying the pests. Some effective varieties include:

  • Steinernema feltiae
  • Heterorhabditis bacteriophora
  • Heterorhabditis megidis

Follow product instructions for application rates and methods. Reapply beneficial nematodes every 2-3 weeks until pest nematode activity subsides.

Using Neem Oil

The neem tree contains powerful compounds that act as nematicides. Neem oil insecticide kills nematodes and also disrupts their life cycle. Dilute pure neem oil concentrate as directed on the label and drench the soil around Alii ficus trees. For best results, apply neem oil every 2-4 weeks over several months. The effects are gradual but longer lasting.

Trying Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a non-toxic powder containing microscopic razor-sharp edges that slice through nematodes. Lightly dust DE onto the soil around the base of infested Alii ficus about 2-3 inches deep. Reapply after heavy watering. DE works best when soil is dry. Wear a dust mask when handling DE.

Solarizing the Soil

Soil solarization involves heating up the soil to temperatures lethal for nematodes. To solarize, wet the soil around the Alii ficus then cover it tightly with clear plastic sheeting for 4-6 weeks during hot weather. The heat and lack of oxygen will kill many nematodes, reducing their numbers. However, solarization works best for small areas.

Initiating Flood Control

Flood nematode-infested soil with water to essentially drown them and force them to the surface. Remove plastic or other material around the base of the Alii ficus tree and heavily water the soil. After 2-3 days, scrape off the top 1-2 inches of soil which should contain dead nematodes. Discard this soil away from planting areas.

Applying Organic Amendments

Adding organic compost, manure, chitin, or peat moss creates a soil environment with beneficial microbes that suppress nematodes. Organic amendments improve soil texture and nutrition to support healthier Alii ficus trees better able to withstand pest pressures.

Using Marigolds as a Cover Crop

The vibrant marigold flower releases natural nematicidal compounds from its roots that are toxic to nematodes. Plant a cover crop of French or African marigolds around infested Alii ficus trees. Turn over the soil and incorporate the plants after 2-3 months. Allow the soil to rest before replanting.

Switching to Resistant Plants

Some plants are more resistant to the nematodes that attack Alii ficus. After eliminating the infestation, try planting nematode-resistant plants like ferns, palms, or succulents around the affected trees. Avoid planting tomatoes, eggplants, or peppers which can harbor problematic nematodes.

Knowing When to Call a Professional

For severe or recurring nematode infestations, contacting a professional pest control operator may be warranted. They have access to powerful fumigants and can provide advice on nematode prevention. Always try safer methods first before resorting to toxic chemicals.

Preventing Future Nematode Issues

  • Avoid overwatering and improve drainage
  • Disinfect tools and prune away infected branches
  • Rotate Alii ficus trees with nematode-resistant plants
  • Apply beneficial nematodes or nematode-killing plants preventively
  • Inspect regularly for early signs of infection

Staying vigilant and addressing nematodes promptly is key to protecting your Alii ficus trees from irreparable damage. Combining organic solutions with prevention will provide the best defense against nematodes. With persistence, your trees will soon be thriving nemastode-free once again!

how to get rid of nematodes on alii ficus tree

Caring for Ficus ‘Alii’

This handsome Ficus isn’t demanding when it comes to light. I’ve kept mine in relatively dark corners for years and they’ve always done well enough. For the best growth, place your Ficus ‘Alii’ next to a window that doesn’t receive direct sun (like a north-facing one).

See more: Houseplants that don’t need a lot of light to thrive

Like many houseplants, your Ficus can be moved outdoors in summer. They love the extra light and grow like weeds outside, though it is important to place your plant in the shade to prevent leaf burn. Also, keep in mind that it will likely need more water than indoors.

As for temperature, I’ve mentioned that the wild version of this houseplant is naturally found in tropical regions in Asia. Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t like the cold. It’ll stop growing when temps drop below 50°F and can start dropping leaves if things get even chillier than that. Frost will kill it outright.

As with most tropical plants, room temperature is actually perfect for your Ficus ‘Alii’. If you feel comfortable in your home, then you can safely assume your plant does as well.

One of the things that has made this indoor tree so popular is that it’s not quite as fussy as some of its cousins in the same genus. Take the common Ficus benjamina: It looks great, but it’s a drama queen that will drop its leaves if you wait just a little too long to water it (or if you dare to move it, for example).

Though you should still keep an eye on your plant, Ficus ‘Alii’ is a lot more forgiving. The best way to figure out whether your plant is thirsty is to just stick a finger in the soil. If it feels dry, you can give your plant a drink. If it still feels damp, it’s best to check again tomorrow.

In practice, you’ll usually end up watering about twice a week during summer. You can reduce this to once a week during winter, as your plant will be growing more slowly in the cooler months. The exact watering frequency depends on factors like light and temperature.

You don’t need a complicated or expensive soil mixture for a Ficus ‘Alii’. A normal, high-quality houseplant soil works absolutely fine, although I do recommend also mixing in a handful of perlite or fine orchid bark for added drainage.

If you feel like the soil tends to dry too quickly, you can consider adding some peat moss or coco coir to the mixture. And if you’ve got some compost or worm castings on hand, that’ll definitely help, though it’s by no means a must.

There’s no need for a special planter either, although you should always use a pot with a drainage hole in the bottom. In a closed container, excess water will have nowhere to go, which can cause the roots of your Ficus to rot. A saucer helps prevent leaking water from staining your windowsill.

This plant doesn’t mind being a little cramped, so you’ll usually only have to repot it every two to three years. If you notice the potting soil beginning to dry very quickly or if the roots are starting to poke out of the planter’s drainage hole, that’s a sign you should go up a pot size next spring. Don’t forget to also give your plant some fresh soil.

Recommended products for Ficus ‘Alii’ plant care:

This Ficus isn’t known for being a particularly quick grower, but it’ll still appreciate some extra nutrients during the spring and summer growing season. Consider applying a liquid houseplant fertilizer once or twice a month during watering.

There’s no need to use fertilizer during winter, as it can actually damage your plant when it’s not actively growing.

Recommended fertilizers for Ficus ‘Alii’:

You won’t have to do much in the way of pruning a Ficus ‘Alii’. Recently acquired plants can drop some of their leaves in response to the shock of being moved. You may remove any brown or crispy ones that haven’t fallen off by themselves.

If your Ficus does end up growing a bit unruly, you can take stem cuttings rather than just pruning it and throwing away the excess. This way, you get more plants to keep or sell.

Like most other types of indoor trees, Ficus ‘Alii’ isn’t really a great candidate for division. If yours outgrows its planter, it’s usually best to just repot it instead.

how to get rid of nematodes on alii ficus tree

Want an extra Ficus ‘Alii’ for your own houseplant collection or to give away? If you’ve already got one, you can easily create more for free. Although this plant isn’t as easy or quick to propagate using the stem cutting method as some other types of Ficus, it doesn’t mean you can’t multiply yours.

Here’s how you propagate a Ficus ‘Alii’:

  • Select a piece of stem at least 5 inches in length, preferably with a few leaves. Most specimens of ‘Alii’ have multiple tops, so you can behead one of these to acquire your cutting.
  • Use a clean pair of pruning scissors to separate the stem from the mother plant. Remove any excess leaves from the bottom part.
  • To propagate in water, place the piece of stem in a glass, making sure not to submerge any leaves. Set the cutting in a warm, bright location and wait.
  • To propagate directly in soil, first dip the cutting in some rooting powder. Then, pop it in a planter with some suitable soil and set it in a warm and light spot.
  • Be patient! Propagating houseplants can take a good bit of time, especially during the winter months.

If you’re propagating in water, the first roots should appear on your cutting within a few weeks. You can move your brand new Ficus to soil once these roots are a couple inches long.

If you opted for propagating in soil, it’s a little more difficult to see whether your propagation attempt was a success. You’ll know you’re in the clear when the cutting starts to produce its first new leaves.

Ficus Alii plant care tips


What kills nematodes instantly?

Soil solarization is a simple, safe, and effective method of nematode control.

What to plant to get rid of nematodes?

Brassicas such as Brassica rapa (field mustard) and Brassica juncea (mustard greens) have bio-fumigation properties and are effective at root knot nematode control when grown as a cover crop, however there are some other plants, like Tagetes patula (French marigolds), Tagetes erecta (Mexican Marigold) and oats, which …

Does vinegar kill nematodes?

Wood vinegar is known to be very effective against nematodes, by killing them directly as well as encouraging microbes that feed on them. In Costa Rica its application has given good results in vegetable crops. It can be easily prepared on farm by collecting the distillate from burning soft wood species.

What insecticide kills nematodes?

Chemical control of nematodes
Chemical name
Trade name
Granular or emulsifiable liquid
Granular or emulsifiable liquid
Granular or emulsifiable liquid

Are root-knot nematodes bad for ficus trees?

Root-knot nematodes are one of the most common problems that indoor gardeners face. These tiny creatures can cause big problems for your Ficus trees and other plants, leading to wilting, yellowing, and eventually death. But it is possible to fight back against these pests and protect your plants.

What is a Ficus alii?

The ficus alii, or ficus binnendijkii, is a very unique variety of fig tree that you probably better recognize as the ‘banana leaf ficus.’ This type of fig tree is a very popular indoor decorative tree that also has the ability to throw out quite a lot of clean, fresh oxygen.

How do you propagate a Ficus alii?

Here’s how you propagate a Ficus ‘Alii’: Select a piece of stem at least 5 inches in length, preferably with a few leaves. Most specimens of ‘Alii’ have multiple tops, so you can behead one of these to acquire your cutting. Use a clean pair of pruning scissors to separate the stem from the mother plant.

What is a Ficus binnendijkii ‘alii’?

Ficus Binnendijkii ‘Alii’ (Long Leafed Weeping Fig) boasts glossy long leaves with a canopy reminiscent of a willow tree. A newer culitvar, the Ficus Alii can be a bit finicky like its cousin Ficus Benjamina, you may need to adjust their care from time to time.

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