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How to Get Rid of Snails on Abyssinian Banana Tree

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Musa is the most commonly grown banana plant in the UK. While grown for its dramatic, enormous leaves, you may be lucky to see fruits develop, although these are rarely edible in the UK – they need months of heat and sun to ripen. However, Musa looks fantastic in a bold border, with other strong foliage plants, such as the canna lily, or contrasting with finer leaved plants like bamboos.

Finding snails and slugs munching away on the leaves of your prized Abyssinian banana tree can be extremely frustrating. While banana trees are fast-growing with lush foliage, they are often prime targets for these pesky garden pests. If you’ve noticed shriveled leaves, slimy trails, or holes chewed into the foliage of your banana plant, it’s time to take action against the snails.

Identify the Culprits

The first step is confirming that snails or slugs are indeed the cause of the damage. Look for telltale signs:

  • Irregularly shaped holes in leaves
  • Slime trails on leaves and ground around plant
  • Damaged stems and stalks
  • Sightings of snails on plant, especially at night

Both slugs and snails are likely culprits as they chew through foliage. Take a close look around the base of the banana tree and under any ground debris for the pests themselves

Remove Hiding Spots

Eliminate potential hiding spots and conditions where snails thrive to make your yard less hospitable.

  • Remove leaf litter, mulch, and debris around the banana tree
  • Prune ground covers and dense vegetation
  • Clear boards, rocks, and other moist refuges
  • Repair cracks and holes in walls, sidewalks, etc.

Without places to hide and breed during the day, snail populations will dwindle.

Set Snail Baits and Traps

Baiting is an effective way to lure and drown snails that come out at night.

  • Use beer traps – Sink shallow containers of beer into soil around the banana tree. The smell attracts snails which then drown.
  • Create egg traps – Partially bury open-topped plastic containers near the plant to attract egg-laying snails.
  • Use bait pellets – Iron phosphate baits are safe for pets when used properly.

Check traps daily and replace bait as needed. This method provides ongoing control.

Apply Snail Deterrents

There are several natural repellents that can deter snails from crawling onto your banana tree:

  • Crushed eggshells – Rough texture deters snails; sprinkle around base of tree
  • Coffee grounds – Used grounds create an abrasive barrier
  • Diatomaceous earth – Microscopic particles in this dust cut into soft snail bodies
  • Lime – Spread agricultural lime around the soil perimeter

Reapply deterrents after rain or watering to maintain effectiveness.

Remove Snails Manually

For a hands-on approach, locate and remove snails by:

  • Searching in early morning or after rain
  • Looking under boards, pots, and other hiding spots
  • Wearing gloves to remove snails and place in soapy water or salt solution
  • Checking soil surface thoroughly – snails burrow into top layer during day

Be diligent, as any remaining snails will continue breeding. Dispose of collected snails away from your garden.

Evaluate and Adjust Care Practices

Creating an environment less ideal for snails can also help protect your Abyssinian banana.

  • Allow soil to dry out between waterings
  • Remove excess debris and mulch around tree
  • Eliminate overly damp shady areas
  • Improve drainage if soil remains soggy

Arid conditions deter snails – but don’t allow your banana tree to become overly dry and stressed.

Employ Multiple Tactics

For best results, utilize a combination of approaches. Evaluate your unique situation and implement 2-3 snail control methods that fit your needs. With persistence, you can rid your Abyssinian banana tree of these pesky pests and protect its lush tropical foliage.

how to get rid of snails on abyssinian banana tree

How to grow bananas in the UK

Grow banana plants in full sun to partial shade in fertile, moist but well-drained soil, in a sheltered spot. Mulch the roots and protect the stem with horticultural fleece or a thick layer of straw in autumn so it doesn’t succumb to winter frosts.

More on growing bananas:

Where to plant bananas

how to get rid of snails on abyssinian banana tree

Grow Musa in full sun to partial shade in fertile, moist but well-drained soil, in a sheltered spot. Or grow in a large container that you can move indoors during the winter months.

4 Tips To Grow The Most BEAUTIFUL Banana Plants EVER Down To ZONE 5!


How to get rid of snails without killing them?

Slugs and snails do not like coffee. Sprinkling coffee grounds around plant bases will act as a repellent, as does filling a spray with cold, strong coffee and spraying slugs. That said, coffee grinds are best added to the compost heap as their slow release nutrients will help to improve the soil in the heap.

How to get rid of small snails in potted plants?

Copper gives snails a tiny shock, so they will instinctively avoid it. You can apply copper tape around potted plants, around your garden edges, or wherever the snails are going. If you’re using wire, tie it around your pots or make copper garden stakes.

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