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How to Get Rid of Thrips in Amazon Elephants Ear Plant

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The Amazon Elephants Ear plant also known as Alocasia, is a popular houseplant revered for its oversized vibrant leaves. However, these tropical beauties can fall victim to tiny sap-sucking insects called thrips. Left unchecked, thrips can seriously damage elephant ear plants by leaving behind ugly scars, causing foliage to curl and twist, spreading viruses, and inhibiting growth.

If you suspect an infestation, take action right away to get rid of thrips and protect your precious elephant ears. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover proven methods for eliminating thrips from Amazon Elephants Ear plants using natural, chemical, and integrated pest management techniques.

Identifying Thrips on Amazon Elephants Ear Plants

Thrips are tiny winged pests under 1/25th of an inch long. Two common species that attack indoor plants are western flower thrips and eastern flower thrips. They have long, tubular bodies that range from yellow to dark brown or black.

Signs of thrips on elephant ear plants include

  • Silvering, streaking, or patches on leaves
  • Curling, distorting, or twisting of leaves
  • Presence of small black dots (thrips feces) on foliage
  • White molted thrips skins on leaves
  • Stunted plant growth

Inspect the undersides of leaves as well as new emerging leaves for early detection. Thrips like to hide in crevices and developing plant parts. Dark specks on light-colored leaves make them easy to spot.

Getting Rid of Thrips on Elephant Ears Naturally

For mild infestations, try these natural and organic methods first:

  • Insecticidal soap: Insecticidal soaps containing potassium salt of fatty acids disrupt thrips cellular membranes on contact. Spray leaves, especially undersides, every 5-7 days.

  • Neem oil: Derived from the neem tree, this oil coats insects, deterring feeding and disrupting reproduction. Combine with a spreader-sticker and apply weekly.

  • Diatomaceous earth: This powdery fossilized sediment cuts into thrips bodies, leading to dehydration. Dust on leaves and soil. Reapply after watering.

  • Sticky traps: Yellow or blue sticky traps lure adult thrips in for monitoring and trapping. Use around severely infected plants.

  • Predatory insects: Beneficials like minute pirate bugs, green lacewings, and predatory mites feed on thrips. Release near infested plants.

  • Garlic spray: The sulfur compounds in garlic deter thrips. Blend garlic cloves with water, strain, and spray onto foliage. Reapply every 5-7 days.

Using Chemical Treatments on Elephant Ears

For heavy thrips infestations, chemical insecticides are faster and more effective options:

  • Spinosad: This insecticide derived from bacteria kills thrips via contact and ingestion. Spray leaves thoroughly and repeat weekly.

  • Insect growth regulators: These IGRs prevent thrips from reaching adulthood and reproducing. Apply at first sighting and repeat.

  • Pyrethroids: Fast-acting pyrethroid insecticides like bifenthrin provide quick knockdown of adult thrips. Use with caution, as repeated use can lead to resistance.

When using any chemical pesticide on elephant ears, carefully follow all label instructions for handling, dosage, timing, and plant safety precautions. Isolate treated plants away from pets and food plants.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Thrips

Combining multiple tactics provides the best control:

  • Monitor plants weekly for signs of thrips or damage. Catch infestations early.

  • Remove and destroy heavily infested foliage to eliminate thrips larvae.

  • Use insecticidal soap or neem oil treatments preventatively on new growth.

  • Apply sticky traps around plant perimeter to catch adults.

  • Release predatory mites or insects to provide biological control.

  • Apply targeted chemical treatments only if necessary on severe infestations.

Preventing Thrips on Elephant Ears

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to thrips on elephant ear houseplants:

  • Quarantine new plants before introducing to existing collection

  • Provide proper lighting, water, and fertilizer to keep plants healthy

  • Prune plants to improve air circulation and reduce hiding spots

  • Clean up fallen leaves and debris around plants promptly

  • Avoid overcrowding plants which encourages pests to spread

  • Mist elephant ear leaves regularly to deter thrips

With vigilance and integrated pest control measures, you can keep destructive thrips at bay and enjoy the incredible foliage elephant ear plants provide. Act quickly at the first signs of damage to get populations under control before thrips can proliferate. Combining natural options, targeted insecticides, and cultivation best practices allows you to combat thrips successfully while keeping your elephant ears, home, and family safe.

how to get rid of thrips in amazon elephants ear plant

Get Rid Of Thrips FAST! How To Treat + Prevent Thrips On Plants ❌


How to save Monstera from thrips?

Weird tip: For sturdy, smooth-leafed plants like Fiddle Leaf Figs, Philodendrons and Monstera, you can use a lint roller first over the surface of the leaves like a sticky trap to remove thrips from the leaf surface fast. It’s surprisingly effective (and satisfying!).

What kills thrips instantly?

Greenhouse thrips is readily controlled with thorough application of contact sprays such as horticultural oil, natural pyrethrins (plus piperonyl butoxide), or insecticidal soaps to the underside of infested leaves. Repeat applications may be necessary.

What do you spray on elephant ear plants?

Liquid glyphosate formulations have been effective on elephant ear above the water line, but ineffective on plants in the water. They are broad spectrum, systemic herbicides. Systemic herbicides are absorbed and move within the plant to the site of action.

How do you kill elephant ear?

The proper herbicide for elephant ear will be an all-purpose type. Spray all the aerial parts of the plant thoroughly with the herbicide, then give it time to start working. The foliage and stems will die back as the herbicide works its way down into the tuber. Once the foliage has died back, start digging up the tubers.

Do elephant ear plants need to be watered?

When you water your elephant ear plant, make sure not to overwater the soil – as excess moisture on the soil’s surface can attract pests. Also, water the soil directly, not the plant leaves. Excess moisture on the leaves can also attract pests, so don’t get carried away.

How do insects kill elephant ear plants?

These work through several mechanisms, although commonly by penetrating the insect’s cuticles, drying them out, and leading to dehydration and death. Beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, can help manage pest infestations on elephant ear plants.

How do you get rid of elephant ear plants?

Mow down the elephant ear plants with a string trimmer. Repeated mowing once a week will keep the plants from sending up new shoots. Without energy-creating foliage, the plants’ roots will starve over the course of several weeks and die. Spray the elephant ear plants with a glyphosate-based herbicide.

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