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How to Propagate Alii Ficus Tree the Right Way

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Looking for a tropical-feeling indoor tree to brighten up your home? The genus Ficus (the figs) is a popular choice, but many species can be a little difficult to keep alive indoors. Luckily there’s an exception: Ficus ‘Alii’.

This long-leaved plant is known for being a lot more forgiving than most of its cousins (like the very popular fiddle leaf fig), making it the ideal choice if you don’t have a green thumb (yet).

Below, find out everything you need to know about Ficus ‘Alii’ and how to care for this popular houseplant.

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The houseplant we know as Ficus ‘Alii’ is a cultivar of a wild fig plant known scientifically as Ficus maclellandii. In their natural habitat, these trees can reach impressive heights and grow thick trunks. The ‘Alii’ variety, however, was cultivated specifically for indoor growing.

This houseplant is quite a looker. You can tell it apart from other species of Ficus by its more elongated leaves (up to 10 inches long on mature plants!), which hang down elegantly from the stems.

You’ll find Ficus ‘Alii’ for sale in two different shapes. One is a kind of cylindrical, bushy plant consisting of multiple stems bearing leaves from top to bottom. The other one is more “tree-shaped,” with one stem (or multiple braided together) and a tuft of leaves on top.

When searching for a Ficus ‘Alii’, you may come across a plant that looks very similar but bears a different name: Ficus ‘Amstel King’. This cultivar, which features larger leaves, was developed by a Dutch nursery using F. ‘Alii’ and was patented in 1993. Their care requirements are identical!

Wild Ficus maclellandii figs can be found in tropical areas in Southeast Asia and China, where they form part of the rainforest vegetation.

It’s not entirely clear how, who, and when, but it appears this plant was first cultivated on a commercial scale in the 1980s. This happened in Hawaii, an ideal place for houseplant cultivation thanks to its tropical climate. Here, growers added the name ‘Alii’, which refers to the traditional nobility of the Hawaiian islands.

(House)plant naming can be chaotic, and this is no exception. Today’s subject is often found for sale as Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’, which is interesting given that there aren’t actually any plant species in the genus Ficus called “binnendijkii”! The correct full name is Ficus maclellandii ‘Alii’.

The Alii Ficus tree also known as Ficus maclellandii is a gorgeous option for indoor and outdoor décor thanks to its elegant foliage and low maintenance needs. If you’re looking to expand your Alii Ficus tree collection or gift one to a friend, propagating them yourself is a cost-effective and satisfying option. In this article, we’ll walk through the process of propagating Alii Ficus trees successfully.

Why Propagate Alii Ficus Trees?

Propagating your own Alii Ficus trees has many benefits

  • Cost-effective – Purchasing mature Alii Ficus trees can be pricey often $50 or more per plant. Propagating your own from an existing plant is practically free.

  • Expand your collection – If you already have an Alii Ficus tree you love, propagating it means getting more without having to buy more plants.

  • Share with friends – The Alii Ficus is a gorgeous and popular indoor plant. Propagating your own allows you to share clippings with friends and family so they can enjoy this beauty too.

  • Satisfaction – Propagating your own plants is extremely rewarding. There’s just something special about nurturing a plant from clipping to maturity.

How to Propagate Alii Ficus Trees

Propagating Ficus trees is generally quite straightforward. Here are the key steps:

Select a Healthy Parent Plant

The first step is choosing a robust, healthy Alii Ficus as your parent plant. Select a mature specimen with no signs of disease or distress. It should have plenty of fresh, new growth that can be used for cuttings.

Take Stem Cuttings

Next, use clean, sharp pruners or scissors to take 4-6 inch stem cuttings from the parent plant. Look for healthy stems with several leaves. Make each cut just below a leaf node. The cuttings should have at least 2-3 sets of leaves.

Prepare the Cuttings

Carefully remove the bottom leaves from each cutting, leaving just the top 2-3 sets. This prevents excess transpiration from the leaves before roots form. Then dip the cut end in rooting hormone powder or gel to stimulate root growth.

Plant in Soil

Fill small pots with well-draining potting mix suitable for propagating cuttings. Poke holes in the soil and insert each cutting, burying at least 2 leaf nodes underground. Gently firm the soil around the stems.

Provide Warmth and Humidity

Place the pots somewhere warm and bright but not in direct sun. Then cover the cuttings with a plastic dome or bag to lock in humidity. Mist occasionally to keep the environment moist.

Monitor and Care for Cuttings

Check soil moisture frequently and water just enough to keep lightly moist, not soggy. Watch for root development over the next few weeks. Avoid disturbing or tugging on the cuttings during this period.

Transplant Rooted Cuttings

Once the cuttings have well-established roots, transplant them into individual pots using fresh potting mix. Care for them as you would mature Alii Ficus trees. Keep them out of direct sun and allow soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Tips for Propagation Success

Follow these tips to ensure your Alii Ficus tree cuttings root successfully:

  • Sterilize tools before taking cuttings to avoid spreading disease. Use rubbing alcohol or a weak bleach solution.

  • Take more cuttings than needed in case some fail to root. 4-6 cuttings per parent plant is ideal.

  • Use a sharp, clean cut rather than tearing or crushing stems. This prevents extra damage.

  • Apply rooting hormone generously to stimulate quicker root growth. Use powder, gel, or liquid formulas.

  • Maintain warm temperature and high humidity while cuttings root. Consider using a seedling heat mat.

  • Allow at least 4-6 weeks for cuttings to develop healthy root systems before transplanting.

  • Handle new cuttings delicately. DON’T tug or disturb them unnecessarily until well-rooted.

  • Once rooted, acclimate cuttings slowly to lower humidity levels before fully transplanting.

Propagating your own Alii Ficus trees through stem cuttings is extremely rewarding. Follow the steps above carefully, and you’ll soon have gorgeous new Alii Ficus specimens to enjoy or share with fellow plant lovers. Be patient – rooting takes time. But with proper care, your cuttings will flourish into healthy, beautiful plants. Enjoy watching your propagated Alii Ficus trees grow and thrive!

how to propogate alii ficus tree the right way

Caring for Ficus ‘Alii’

This handsome Ficus isn’t demanding when it comes to light. I’ve kept mine in relatively dark corners for years and they’ve always done well enough. For the best growth, place your Ficus ‘Alii’ next to a window that doesn’t receive direct sun (like a north-facing one).

See more: Houseplants that don’t need a lot of light to thrive

Like many houseplants, your Ficus can be moved outdoors in summer. They love the extra light and grow like weeds outside, though it is important to place your plant in the shade to prevent leaf burn. Also, keep in mind that it will likely need more water than indoors.

As for temperature, I’ve mentioned that the wild version of this houseplant is naturally found in tropical regions in Asia. Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t like the cold. It’ll stop growing when temps drop below 50°F and can start dropping leaves if things get even chillier than that. Frost will kill it outright.

As with most tropical plants, room temperature is actually perfect for your Ficus ‘Alii’. If you feel comfortable in your home, then you can safely assume your plant does as well.

One of the things that has made this indoor tree so popular is that it’s not quite as fussy as some of its cousins in the same genus. Take the common Ficus benjamina: It looks great, but it’s a drama queen that will drop its leaves if you wait just a little too long to water it (or if you dare to move it, for example).

Though you should still keep an eye on your plant, Ficus ‘Alii’ is a lot more forgiving. The best way to figure out whether your plant is thirsty is to just stick a finger in the soil. If it feels dry, you can give your plant a drink. If it still feels damp, it’s best to check again tomorrow.

In practice, you’ll usually end up watering about twice a week during summer. You can reduce this to once a week during winter, as your plant will be growing more slowly in the cooler months. The exact watering frequency depends on factors like light and temperature.

You don’t need a complicated or expensive soil mixture for a Ficus ‘Alii’. A normal, high-quality houseplant soil works absolutely fine, although I do recommend also mixing in a handful of perlite or fine orchid bark for added drainage.

If you feel like the soil tends to dry too quickly, you can consider adding some peat moss or coco coir to the mixture. And if you’ve got some compost or worm castings on hand, that’ll definitely help, though it’s by no means a must.

There’s no need for a special planter either, although you should always use a pot with a drainage hole in the bottom. In a closed container, excess water will have nowhere to go, which can cause the roots of your Ficus to rot. A saucer helps prevent leaking water from staining your windowsill.

This plant doesn’t mind being a little cramped, so you’ll usually only have to repot it every two to three years. If you notice the potting soil beginning to dry very quickly or if the roots are starting to poke out of the planter’s drainage hole, that’s a sign you should go up a pot size next spring. Don’t forget to also give your plant some fresh soil.

Recommended products for Ficus ‘Alii’ plant care:

This Ficus isn’t known for being a particularly quick grower, but it’ll still appreciate some extra nutrients during the spring and summer growing season. Consider applying a liquid houseplant fertilizer once or twice a month during watering.

There’s no need to use fertilizer during winter, as it can actually damage your plant when it’s not actively growing.

Recommended fertilizers for Ficus ‘Alii’:

You won’t have to do much in the way of pruning a Ficus ‘Alii’. Recently acquired plants can drop some of their leaves in response to the shock of being moved. You may remove any brown or crispy ones that haven’t fallen off by themselves.

If your Ficus does end up growing a bit unruly, you can take stem cuttings rather than just pruning it and throwing away the excess. This way, you get more plants to keep or sell.

Like most other types of indoor trees, Ficus ‘Alii’ isn’t really a great candidate for division. If yours outgrows its planter, it’s usually best to just repot it instead.

how to propogate alii ficus tree the right way

Want an extra Ficus ‘Alii’ for your own houseplant collection or to give away? If you’ve already got one, you can easily create more for free. Although this plant isn’t as easy or quick to propagate using the stem cutting method as some other types of Ficus, it doesn’t mean you can’t multiply yours.

Here’s how you propagate a Ficus ‘Alii’:

  • Select a piece of stem at least 5 inches in length, preferably with a few leaves. Most specimens of ‘Alii’ have multiple tops, so you can behead one of these to acquire your cutting.
  • Use a clean pair of pruning scissors to separate the stem from the mother plant. Remove any excess leaves from the bottom part.
  • To propagate in water, place the piece of stem in a glass, making sure not to submerge any leaves. Set the cutting in a warm, bright location and wait.
  • To propagate directly in soil, first dip the cutting in some rooting powder. Then, pop it in a planter with some suitable soil and set it in a warm and light spot.
  • Be patient! Propagating houseplants can take a good bit of time, especially during the winter months.

If you’re propagating in water, the first roots should appear on your cutting within a few weeks. You can move your brand new Ficus to soil once these roots are a couple inches long.

If you opted for propagating in soil, it’s a little more difficult to see whether your propagation attempt was a success. You’ll know you’re in the clear when the cutting starts to produce its first new leaves.

How to propagate ficus Alii by stems ?


How to propagate a Ficus tree from cuttings?

Take your cutting, and apply some rooting hormone to the end. Poke a small hole into the potting medium and push the cutting in until the lowest node sits on the surface. You may need to support the cutting with a small stake. Pat the soil down to secure the cutting in place.

Will Ficus cuttings root in water?

Best Rooting Media To Propagate Ficus Water can be used as a rooting medium, but the roots often do not establish as well when transplanted into a soil mixture.

How do I make my Ficus Alii bushy?

When leggy growth or sparse branches plague your Ficus Alii, it’s time to intervene. Identify these underperformers by their stretched, bare appearance, often a cry for more light. Snip them back to a node with confidence; these plants are pros at pushing out new growth from these points.

How to bring Ficus Alii back to life?

The best way to save a Ficus from root rot is to repot it in new soil quickly. Remove the plant from the pot and trim any diseased roots if possible. You should then quickly repot into new well-draining soil. Water the new soil well and leave the plant to recover.

How do you propagate a Ficus alii?

Here’s how you propagate a Ficus ‘Alii’: Select a piece of stem at least 5 inches in length, preferably with a few leaves. Most specimens of ‘Alii’ have multiple tops, so you can behead one of these to acquire your cutting. Use a clean pair of pruning scissors to separate the stem from the mother plant.

How do you root a Ficus alii?

Take non-woody stem or stem-tip cuttings about 6 in. long from a healthy Ficus Alii. Strip off the lower leaves from the cutting and retain 2-3 leaves on top. Allow the sap to dry and then dip the lower cut end cutting in a rooting hormone to hasten rooting.

How do you propagate a ficus tree?

Cuttings are the easiest way to propagate Ficus trees. Now that your area is prepped and your tools are clean, it’s time to take your cuttings. You will want to take more than one cutting from your plant. No matter how careful or experienced you are, not all cuttings survive to become new plants.

Can Ficus alii be divided?

If your Ficus does end up growing a bit unruly, you can take stem cuttings rather than just pruning it and throwing away the excess. This way, you get more plants to keep or sell. Like most other types of indoor trees, Ficus ‘Alii’ isn’t really a great candidate for division.

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