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Size Matters: Choosing the Right Agave Plant for Your Landscape

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Why grow agave? Well, these low-maintenance plants can add beauty with their stunning foliage in both your indoor houseplant collection and your outdoor landscaping. Plus, most varieties will flower at least once in their lifetime. Growing both indoors and outdoors has its pros and cons.

For growing indoors, you’ll want to choose small, compact varieties that do well in containers. You won’t need to give any consideration to your growing zone or climate because indoors, you can create the perfect conditions. Indoors, they prefer a bright, sunny window and need to dry out completely between waterings.

For growing agave outdoors, mature size does not matter as much. Since you don’t have to contain the plants in a pot, you can choose varieties with a wide range of mature sizes. Some can reach up to 10 feet tall and wide when grown outdoors. For outdoor plants, you’ll need to consider your USDA growing zone and whether or not it will get too cold for these outdoor plants to survive.

As mentioned above, agave varieties that do well indoors consist of small and compact varieties. These varieties may be pint-sized, but they aren’t short on beauty. Each variety has its own unique foliage, and they’re perfectly suited for life on a windowsill.

Agaves do not require much in terms of care for a houseplant. Watering them too often or fertilizing them can cause them to die. If you often find yourself forgetting to water your houseplants, then agave might be the plant for you!

When growing indoors, you want to choose a container with a drainage hole, but ditch the saucer as you don’t want to create any standing water. Overly moist soil can be detrimental. And while these varieties are perfect for indoors, you can grow most of them outdoors, too!

‘Blue Glow’ Agave is a relatively new cultivar, which is a hybrid of Agave attenuata and Agave ocahui. And while it doesn’t resemble its parent plants, it does showcase stunning dark blue-green leaves with yellow and red margins. These margins seemingly glow when backlit by the sun, thus the name ‘Blue Glow’.

Full sun is best for this variety, but it can also handle dappled sunlight. Its mature size is two to three feet tall and wide, which makes it perfect for growing in containers indoors.

Agave parryi var. Truncata has wide, blue leaves with maroon spines that resemble an artichoke. Hence the common name, artichoke agave. This variety is native to Central Mexico, which makes it extremely drought-tolerant and low-maintenance.

It does best in full sun, which can be provided indoors by using reflected sunlight as well. You can create reflected light by using foil, strategically placed mirrors, or supplement with indoor grow lights. Its mature size is two feet tall and three feet wide.

Agave geminiflora, or twin-flowered agave, has long, slender leaves which set it apart from other agaves. The long, thin foliage resembles a pin cushion. Its appearance can add uniqueness to your indoor succulent collection.

It does best in full sun, which, as mentioned above, can be provided indoors by using reflected sunlight as well. Its mature size is three feet tall and four feet wide.

Agave schidigera has curly white fibers on each bright green leaf. The white markings on the leaves increase the contrast of the green foliage. This variety is native to central Mexico.

It requires full sun or filtered afternoon shade. Its mature size is one foot tall and one to two feet wide.

Agave Ferdinandi Regis bears a striking resemblance to ‘Queen Victoria’ Agave. So much so that it was once thought that it was a naturally occurring hybrid of Agave victoriae-reginae, but it has since been identified as its current variety.

It is also known commonly as King of The Agaves. This variety has dark green leaves, white margins, and sharp terminal tips. It grows in an open rosette, which looks beautiful in a container. It requires full sun and needs an especially sunny window when grown indoors. Its mature size is one to two feet tall and wide.

Agave victoriae-reginae ‘Compacta’ is a compact, container-friendly cultivar of Agave victoriae-reginae. You can see this variety at desert botanical gardens. It is one of the most beautiful agaves.

It has dark green leaves and vibrant white markings. Similar to the above-mentioned ‘King Ferdinand’, but with even more contrast. It requires full sun, preferably a very sunny window when grown indoors. Its mature size is less than one foot tall and one to two feet wide.

When selecting an agave variety to grow outdoors, you’ll need to consider your USDA growing zone. Here, we’ll include that information with each variety so that you can decide if it will grow outdoors in your area. The growing zone indicates the average low temperature in your area. This is important to know for multi-annual plants like agave since they will be spending the winter outside.

Agaves are native to the Southern United States, Central Mexico, the Caribbean, and parts of South America. For this reason, they grow best in Southwest and Mediterranean climates, but some are quite cold and hardy. To survive the winter, like most agaves, they will need well-drained soil. Standing water in colder months can cause damage and plant death.

When it comes to landscaping, size definitely matters – especially when selecting the perfect agave plant for your outdoor space. With over 200 species to choose from, agaves come in a wide range of sizes, colors, textures, and growth habits. Picking the right size agave plant that fits your landscape design and space availability is crucial for creating a visually balanced and cohesive look. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about agave sizes and how to choose the ideal plants based on the scale of your garden.

Agaves are broadly categorized into three size classes – small, medium and large. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Small: Under 1-2 feet tall and wide
  • Medium: 2-4 feet tall and wide
  • Large: Over 4 feet tall and wide

Small agaves work perfectly for containers and rock gardens. Medium agaves make great border plants and focal points. Large statement agaves should be used sparingly as dramatic accents.

When selecting your agave, the mature size should be carefully considered based on your available space. A small garden may be overwhelmed by a giant 8-foot wide agave! Similarly, a single tiny agave might get lost in a vast, open yard.

Now, let’s explore some of the most popular agave varieties in each size category and how they can be incorporated into your landscape design.

Best Small Agave Varieties

If you have a compact garden space, small agaves are ideal choices Here are some top picks

  • Agave victoriae-reginae A cute little agave with dark green leaves and white markings. It grows just 4-6 inches wide and tall Plant it in groups for maximum impact

  • Agave pygmaea: True to its name, this is a dwarf agave reaching about 1 foot in diameter. It has gray-green foliage and is perfect for rockeries.

  • Agave ‘Blue Glow’: Featuring steel blue leaves with flashy red margins, this hybrid agave grows 1 foot wide and tall. Use it in pots on patios.

  • Agave parviflora: A wider rosette-shaped agave with deep green leaves and red-brown spines. It can reach 18 inches wide. Accent it with gravel mulch.

Stunning Medium-Sized Agave Varieties

For border or focal point plantings, medium-sized agaves in the 2-4 foot range make excellent choices. Some top options include:

  • Agave americana: The classic century plant has blue-green leaves and can reach 6 feet wide eventually. Give it space to grow.

  • Agave ‘Sharkskin’: This aptly named agave has dense, rigid gray-green foliage with fierce looking teeth along the margins. It spreads 3 feet wide.

  • Agave havardiana: A very cold hardy type with artichoke-like blue leaves. It forms a 2 foot wide clump and works nicely in xeriscapes.

  • Agave parryi truncata: A southwest native with rounded blue-gray leaves and beautiful spiraling buds. It can reach 3 feet wide when mature.

Majestic Large Agave Varieties

If you have a vast landscape and want to make a dramatic statement, large agaves deliver visual impact. Some specimens to consider include:

  • Agave salmiana: A massive agave with huge powdery blue leaves growing up to 8-10 feet wide. Use as a stand-alone accent plant.

  • Agave vilmoriniana: A bold evergreen perennial with wavy blue leaves edged in red. Can reach 6 feet tall and wide.

  • Agave palmeri: A robust, cold hardy type with deep green leaves. Forms large symmetrical rosettes up to 5 feet across.

  • Agave ‘Mateo’: A fast-growing hybrid bearing dark green leaves with intriguing cross-banding. Can mature at 5 feet wide.

Key Factors in Selecting the Right Size Agave

When choosing an agave, consider these key criteria in relation to size:

  • Mature plant dimensions: Pick a size that suits your space when fully grown.

  • Growth rate: Some agaves like A. americana grow slowly over many years. Others like A. ‘Mateo’ reach full size quickly.

  • Soil and sun: Ensure you can provide suitable growing conditions. Agaves need well-draining soil and full sun.

  • Climate: Cold-hardy varieties like A. parryi work best for cooler regions. Heat-lovers like A. americana thrive in warmer zones.

  • Purpose: Small agaves make great accents in containers. Larger specimens work better as stand-alone landscape features.

Design Tips for Incorporating Different Sized Agaves

Here are some useful landscaping tips when working with agaves of various sizes:

  • Use small agaves in groupings for maximum visual impact. Plant them in mixed borders or clusters.

  • Frame medium agaves with ornamental grasses or flowering perennials. They make striking focal points.

  • Allow enough space around large specimens to showcase their form. Limit to carefully chosen accent areas.

  • For continuity, repeat the same agave variety in different sizes throughout your landscape.

  • Combine a tall, upright agave with a low, rosette type for textural contrast.

  • Plant differently sized agaves in slope formations or staggered heights for added interest.

With proper selection and placement, agaves of all sizes can begorgeously incorporated into gardens, front yards, poolsides and more. Just be sure to choose varieties scaled to your space when mature. For small gardens, petite compact agaves under a foot wide work beautifully. Larger landscapes can handle bold, full-sized specimens making eye-catching statements. With the right agave picks suited to your site, you can enjoy these sculptural succulents for years of low maintenance beauty.

size matters choosing the right agave plant for your landscape

Golden Flowered Century Plant

size matters choosing the right agave plant for your landscape

Agave chrysantha is also known as the golden flowered century plant. This evergreen agave variety forms a perfect rosette made up of grey-green leaves. The sword-shaped leaves grow in a mound, giving it a nice round contour. The leaves are lined with spines along the edges and have a sharp terminal spine.

It requires full sun and well-drained soil. It is both drought and deer-resistant. Its mature size is two to three feet tall and four to five feet wide.

size matters choosing the right agave plant for your landscape

Agave havardiana is also known as ‘Harvard’ agave. It has beautiful silver-gray foliage with fleshy and broad, cupped leaves. The leaves are heavily lined with dark brown teeth and topped with a very sharp black terminal spine.

This variety is extremely cold hardy and can be ground outdoors in USDA growing zones 5-10. It can withstand temperatures as low as -20 degrees Fahrenheit (-29 degrees Celsius)! Although it can handle the cold, it requires a full-sun location, especially in the winter months. Keep that in mind when choosing your planting site, as the sun will be lower in the sky during the winter. It has a mature size of two to three feet tall and three to four feet wide.

size matters choosing the right agave plant for your landscape

Agave montana, or mountain agave, is another variety that resembles a large artichoke. It has fleshy, broad, upright, apple-green leaves with large cinnamon-red teeth along the margins and a short terminal spine. This solitary agave does not produce offshoots or pups as many other agaves do.

Mountain agave can be grown in USDA growing zones 7-10 and withstand temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12 degrees Celsius). It can survive in full sun to partial shade conditions. Its mature size is three to four feet tall and four to five feet wide.

Narrow Leaf Century Plant

size matters choosing the right agave plant for your landscape

Agave striata is also known as the narrow-leaf century plant. And for good reason! This variety has long, slender foliage that is gray-green with a brown terminal spine. The leaves can be upright or curve upwards slightly.

The foliage can also show slight purple tones during cold weather. This variety produces abundant pups and offshoots, so you’ll be able to propagate many plants if you happen to fall in love with it in your landscape.

This variety can be grown in USDA growing zones 7-11 and withstand temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12 degrees Celsius). It requires a full sun location to ensure a healthy and long-lived plant. Its mature size is one to two feet tall and two to three feet wide.

size matters choosing the right agave plant for your landscape

Agave ovatifolia is also commonly known as whale’s tongue agave. The leaves are broad, cup-shaped, and range in color from gray to powdery blue, just like a whale’s tongue! The leaves are lined with teeth along the margins and a tall terminal spine.

Whale tongue agave can be grown in USDA growing zones 7-11 and withstand temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-21 degrees Celsius). It requires full sun to thrive. Its mature size is three to four feet tall and four to six feet wide.

size matters choosing the right agave plant for your landscape

Agave parrasana, or cabbage head agave, resembles a head of cabbage, as its name would suggest. This award-winning agave is slow-growing and forms a densely packed rosette of overlapping blue-gray leaves. It is a winner of the Award of Garden Merit given by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Cabbage head agave can be grown in USDA growing zones 7-11 and withstand temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-21 degrees Celsius). It requires full sun and prefers slightly acidic, sandy soil. Its mature size is one to two feet tall and wide. However, this small plant can produce a flower stalk up to 20 feet tall!

Watch This Before You Buy Agave Plants! PS: I have a Favorite 🙂


Which agave plants stay small?

Agave parviflora, Agave polianthiflora, and Agave toumeyana var. bella are very similar in overall appearance and size. They’re well below a foot in diameter and are suitable for even the smallest gardens. Agave parviflora is native to southern Arizona and northern Sonora, Mexico.

Where is the best place to plant agave?

The best region for growing the most types is the Mediterranean climate areas of California. However, many species will thrive in the desert Southwest. In cold or wet areas elsewhere, some species can be grown if kept dry and well above zero in the winter.

How do you landscape with agave?

For a dramatic garden display, consider pairing Agave with other desert-loving plants. Echeverias and Sedums offer colorful, ground-level contrast, while taller cacti like Saguaro create vertical interest. Ornamental grasses such as Blue Fescue complement Agave’s rosette form.

Do agave plants like sun or shade?

Place in Full or Partial Sun Exposure Agave plants thrive with full sun exposure or partial shade. If you grow your Agave indoors, be sure to place the succulent in a bright, sunny spot. The best windows for Agaves are west- or south-facing. Agaves usually need 6 hours of light.

Which agave plant is best for a front yard?

Agave americana – This is one of the largest agave species, with striking blue-green leaves that reach up to 6 feet long. It adds a dramatic focal point to any front yard and is easy to care for. Agave parryi – This is a smaller agave species, with round blue-grey leaves that radiate out from the center of the plant.

What do agave leaves look like?

The leathery agave leaves grow in a distinctive spiraling pattern. The leaves may be just a few inches long or as long as eight feet. Color and patterns are also varied with solid, striped, and variegated plants in shades of light green and grayish-blue with markings in white, cream, and yellow.

How tall do agave flowers get?

They are held aloft by tall, sturdy stems that may attain heights of 30′ feet. Some types of agave send out a single shoot, while others send out branching stems. The six-petaled yellow flowers are a hit with birds, bees, and butterflies as they produce vast amounts of very sweet nectar.

How does agave grow?

Remember that agave is native to very harsh, dry, forbidding settings where there is very little water and nourishment to be had. Still, plants are driven by genetics to blossom, produce seedlings, and reproduce. This process takes a great deal of time and energy, and by the time the stalk emerges, much of that energy has already been spent.

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